The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1980 Profound Truth, Thousands Of People Beheaded!

Chapter 1980 Profound meaning, killing thousands of people!

The temple list is awesome?

Can be forced?

To be honest, Long Fei couldn't see anyone pretending to be coercive in front of him.

The moment he entered the enchantment cage, Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Ultimate Explosive Divine Fist!"


"Target locked!"

The man still looked at Long Fei with a pretentious look on his face, and said, "You still have a chance, as long as you hand over the Tianjing Steel, I will still spare your life."

He said it as if Long Fei's life was in his hands.

Long Fei did not speak

Double fist sunk


The power on the fist bursts out directly o

The Thousand-faced Buddha smiled coldly and said, "It's beyond your own power."

turn o

The figure breaks through the air

The fingers turned into swords and stabbed at the blasting fist released by Long Fei, and shouted softly: "Break!"


gusty wind

The speed of the Thousand Faced Buddha is extremely fast, and when his figure moves, it seems like a thousand people are moving, a thousand skins, a thousand faces, and at the same time...

He still has the power of a thousand people

He absorbed all the power of the thousand people he killed.

That's what makes him scary


When Long Fei saw the power of the Thousand-faced Buddha rushing towards the Exploding God Fist, he smiled contemptuously, "Fuck, who can't handle themselves?"

After speaking, turn around without looking at the Thousand Faced Buddha.

very pretentious

"What does he want to do?"

"What are you doing again?"

"What's the situation?"

"Did he admit defeat?"

"With his back to the Thousand-faced Buddha, who gave him the courage?"


Turning your back to the enemy is a taboo during battle.

The girl in purple knitted her brows and said solemnly, "Thousand-faced ghost, you dare to touch him!"

Thousand Faced Buddha smiled and said: "He died, I have another human skin mask, hahaha..."


The moment his fingers smashed, his fingers touched the power of the blasting fist, and at this moment... "Boom!"

a loud noise o

finger burst o


Arm burst!


Half body burst o


The remaining half of the body burst o


The final stunned head burst o

What is the blasting fist?

Just one word, burst!

The whole body exploded, not even a bone scum was left in the enchantment cage, only a piece of powder.

Long Fei grinned and said with a sneer, "Thousand-faced Buddha? The Hall of Gods? Who can't be self-sufficient now?"

The audience was stunned

Even the girl in purple was stunned, and she was shocked to see Long Fei in the barrier.



Although the Thousand-faced Buddha is still not at the level of the powerhouses of the Temple of God, his Cultivation Base, the girl in purple, is very clear that the lower gods are at their peak. Realmo

very strong presence

The reason why she held Long Fei and did not let him go up was because she was worried that Long Fei would die.


one move!

One-shot kill!

Thousand-faced Buddha himself didn't even know how he died, and in the end, his eyes were stunned, like an idiot.

"Too fierce!"

"Damn is a darling, am I right?"

"One punch kills o"

"Number 1414, Number 1414!"

For a time, the whole underground boxing ring boiled up. No one dared to ridicule and despise Long Fei. Instead, there were bursts of cheers, even if the bet lost.

because o

All plane worlds are the same, fear the strong!

Long Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if enjoying the cheering feeling, but he was listening to the sound of the system quietly.

What does a 19-game winning streak reward?


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Thousand-Faced Buddha' to gain 1,200,000 experience points, 120,000 divine power points, and 1 perverted energy value o"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for winning the 19th game in a row and getting the reward 'Thousand People Kill'!"

"Is it cultivation?"


"Thousand people cut?"

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "This name should be called Qianren Zhan because the newcomer picks up a girl and slaps a thousand people, right? Why... there is such a Cultivation Technique?"

Open the system to check o

Cultivation Technique: The Profound Truth of Killing Thousands of Swordsmen

Grade: Supernatural

Consumption: 10 million divine power

Description: Fist injury skills, kill a thousand people!

Description 2: This skill can only be released with a god-level mad knife, and ordinary knives cannot withstand the power.


"With one cut, a thousand people died?"

"Damn, so awesome?"

Long Fei was a little stunned when he looked at the system description. If this set of profound meaning Saber Technique is the same as the system description, it would be too powerful.


It seems like a powerful mad sword is needed to release it o

Long Fei has a knife

Also god level

However, Long Fei felt that he couldn't bear the power of 'Thousands Slash', and the figure of something immediately appeared in his mind, "Tianjing Steel!"

If you cooperate with the "Dark Soul Refining Hammer", you can make a large sword from Tianjing Steel, and then the Thousand People Slash can be released.

The best attributes created by Tianjing Steel and the Dark Soul Refining Hammer, plus the power of a thousand kills...


When Long Fei thought about it, his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm.

"It's awesome!"

The enchantment cage was opened, Long Fei walked out of the enchantment, swept his eyes, and said loudly again: "I'll ask, who else??"

arrogant o

Quiet in the audience

No one rings the challenge bell again

last o

All the people around were cheering, "Number 1414, Number 1414!"

Among the private rooms of Tianhui Business Alliance

Tianhui rudder master frowned, "Did anyone see what the punch was just now?"

Many elders shook their heads

An elder said: "The helmsman, this person is extremely difficult. We should re-evaluate whether we should report to the helm."

"We are a business alliance, we are in business, we can't be easy sinners, right?"

It is Eldero of Lingmiaotang who speaks

He attaches great importance to Long Fei, because Long Fei's technique of refining Medicine Pill and the Bone Continuing Pill he refined.

Another elder immediately said: "Being a friend with him is the enemy of the main temple. You said just now that we are only doing business, did you go to the main temple to offend?"

"The helm has already ordered, what else do you need to report?"

An Elder said: "The helmsman, it seems that the fierce man with 101 wins is really going to come out. He has fought 100 and 10 games with one punch, and he will definitely be able to crush Long Fei. o”

"Have to let him go"

"I've seen that big guy, I've never seen a pervert like him o"

"The helmsman, as long as you speak, I will let him fight Long Fei"


The helm ordered, they're going to execute o

The helmsman of Tianhui said slightly: "Don't worry, Long Fei killed the person in the temple list, that adult will definitely take action, maybe we don't need to take action o"

"Again o"

"Tomorrow night's auction is what we should be worried about"

"Don't worry too much about solving Long Fei, he will participate in the martial arts competition, and there will be opportunities at that time." Tianhui helmsman said lightly.

The command of the helm is important o

but o

Auctions are more important o

After the auction, there will be a martial arts competition, and then there will be a way to deal with Long Fei.

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