The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1989 Dividing Life And Death

Chapter 1989 Separation of life and death


Li Yuanba raised his head and looked over, but he was also stunned.

The whole person looks dumbfounded o

Silly silly to the extreme expression o

He thought about meeting Long Fei, but he never thought it would be like this.

Immediately excited

Can't say a word

Long Fei's heart was excited. He knew that Li Yuanba appeared, which meant that the other seven Vajra would also appear after their practice in The Underworld.

Eight Vajrao

From Tianwu Continent to Ancient God Battle o

Follow along, they are Long Fei's best brothers

Eight Vajrao

Long Fei's blood boils

Neither of them spoke first, but looked at each other o

"Why haven't you shot yet?"

"Didn't you see that Number 1414 was already shivering?"

"He's completely stunned"

"Hahaha...he must be scared o"

"The stupid big guy is extremely powerful, who can be his opponent? No. 1414 will definitely lose o"

There are all kinds of discussions around

In the private room of the Tianhui Business Alliance, the helmsman of Tianhui is a little anxious. He has bet 100 million in this battle. If he loses, then he will... die without a place to be buried.

Tianhui helmsman said in a deep voice, "Why haven't we started the fight yet?"

An elder said: "My lord, the masters are due to fight. Before they make a move, the mind will fight first. The two of them really fight with the mind. Just watch it, the stupid big one will definitely win o"

"The experts in the Hall of Gods said that he would win, so he would definitely win o"

at this time o

Long Fei took a step forward


"Moved, he moved!"

"It's going to be a fight o"

Li Yuanba also took a step forward.

The two stepped forward at the same time

The girl in purple was secretly nervous, looking at the enchantment cage, she secretly said in her heart: "Eighth-order defensive enchantment, can the defense of this defensive enchantment penetrate..."

She is worried that Long Fei will lose o

so o

She has to make all the preparations. She must save Long Fei's life. After these two days of contact, she is more and more convinced that Long Fei will definitely be able to refine the Nine-step Returning Yang Pill.

must be able to save her father o

Long Fei can't die!

Nether old slave said softly: "Miss, the eighth-order defense formation can't penetrate even the mid-level god powerhouse, our strength is probably..."

The girl in purple said, "Uncle, you must find a way for me."

Nether Old Slave frowned, and said nothing.


"We're going to fight, we're going to fight!"

"Hahaha... Silly big guy, crush him o"

"Kill him!"


The crowd started cheering

There is also a proud look on the face of Tianhui helm master, as long as the stupid big guy wins the game, he can make back everything he lost before.

Thinking of this... he couldn't help but be happy, and couldn't help shouting, "Silly big man, kill him o"

Just when everyone is excited

Long Fei and Li Yuanba were facing each other, and suddenly, they hugged each other!

The audience was stunned

All are dumbfounded

There was no sound in an instant, countless pairs of eyes stared at the two of them, and everyone was speechless.

what's the situation?

What the hell?

Why did they suddenly hug each other?

A pair of gays?

My brain is not enough, I can't react o

Just when they were speechless, Li Yuanba's voice made them want to die.


Li Yuanba's eyes flickered, and crystal clear tears were about to burst out. The excitement, the excitement that he hadn't seen for a long time, was beyond words.

All put in the word 'boss'

Long Fei smiled, "Finally waiting for you guys!"

confused o

Totally confused o

Tianhui rudder's body trembled, his brain lacked oxygen, and the whole person seemed to be in a coma, staggering, staggering, and fell on the chair.



"The idiot is Long Fei's younger brother, how could this happen, how could this happen?"

"What do you guys eat? Didn't even find out about this relationship?" The helm master of Tianhui was trembling and roared heavily.

One hundred million god stones

In addition to what he lost in the past, he... even if he has been a cow for ten lifetimes, he still can't lose it.

It's only a matter of time before such a huge sum of money is discovered, and the helm will definitely break him into pieces.

Silence in the private room

No one dares to speak, no one knows it will be like this o

Who would have thought?

The whole place is also boiling

"Are the two brothers?"

"how so?"

"He's the big stupid boss?"

"Damn, what's the situation?"

"What is the relationship is none of our business, what we want to see is the showdown, what we want to see is winning or losing, fight, fight o"

"That's right, daddy's betting isn't just to see the two of you reminiscing about old times, fight me o"

"What do the people of the Tianhui Business Alliance eat, so why don't you let them fight?"


they are gamblers o

They don't care about the relationship between Long Fei and Li Yuanba at all, what they see is winning or losing.


"No matter what their relationship is, winning or losing must happen." Tianhui helmsman stood up suddenly, and immediately shouted, "Let them fight, the audience pays money to come in not to watch them chat and reminisce, but to see the fight, the winner and the loser. o”

Not waiting for the order to be given o

Li Yuanba glanced at him and said, "I lost o"

admit defeat directly

What is a 100-game winning streak?

What is undefeated?

Find Long Fei, this is his wish

As for everything else, that's bullshit

As soon as Li Yuanba's voice fell, countless big and silly fans began to yell, "Fuck you, o"

"Why don't you die?"

"get out!"

"Admit defeat, do you still have a face?"


They are all angry, they have high hopes for the stupid big man, but they directly admit defeat, which makes them extremely unhappy. The important thing is that they lost money.

frustrate the interests of many

A lot of people are calling o

But... Li Yuanba didn't seem to hear it, he looked at Long Fei and smiled foolishly.

Long Fei also smiled excitedly.

The head of the eight Vajra, the divine power Vajra Li Yuanba returns to the position again o

This time...

Long Fei saw unusual power from him

"Boss, I really miss you o" Li Yuanba is not good at expressing o

Long Fei said: "I miss you too"

Li Yuanba said: "I will never let any god of fate bully you this time, and the eight of us will never be as helpless as the time of the Tongshentian Tower."

The current Li Yuanba is completely different from the previous Li Yuanba.

Long Fei can see it

at this time o

The Tianhui helmsman jumped out of the box, stared at Long Fei and Li Yuanba and shouted, "If you two don't have a life and death, don't even think about it!!"


The enchantment cage is reinforced, and a sudden shock o

The door is closed!

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