The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1990 Who Else Threatens My Boss?

Chapter 1990 Who else threatens my boss?

Li Yuanba admits defeat

The main loser of Tianhuo Rudder is a mess, and he will have no way out.

This competition can't end there o

Absolutely not!

There must be a separation of life and death

Even if Long Fei wins in the end, he will kill his own brother, which is cool!

Tianhui rudder master's voice fell once

The whole place is boiling

"That's right, the battle of the cage is not divided between life and death, how can you win or lose?"

"Must be divided between life and death o"

"Daddy doesn't care how many years you are brothers you haven't seen. In a word, if you enter the cage, you will fight Daddy, and you will be divided into life and death."

"Separate life and death!"

"Separate life and death!"

"Separate life and death!"


For a time, all the audience in the fighting arena screamed loudly.

The slackened nerves of the purple-clothed girl suddenly tightened again. She thought that this game would not be able to fight, so she did not lose, and the teenager in the hall of gods had no reason to stop her.

But now...

The girl in purple moved slightly and landed next to the helm of Tianhui, and said coldly: "The big fool has already conceded defeat, this competition is over."


"It's the end when you say it's over?"

"This is Tianhui Boxing Stadium, I am the helmsman, I have the final say, I said it is not over yet" Tianhui helmsman can't take care of that much at this time.

In the past, he would never dare to speak to the Shaogu master of the Valley of the Night Kings like this.

But now it's about his life, he doesn't care about the Valley of the Night King.

In the private room, the elders of the Tianhui Business Alliance showed puzzled expressions, and they all did not understand why the rudder master did this.

"If Long Fei wins this competition, we will win nearly 160 million Divine Stones in one game. This is an incomparably huge number."

"Even if I didn't kill Long Fei, it would be a great achievement."

"Besides, there will be a martial arts competition tomorrow. Is there any other way to get rid of Long Fei? Why do you need to be in such a hurry?"

"just soo"

They don't even know how much o the helm of Tianhui has bet.


The girl in purple clenched her eyebrows, staring at Tianhui Rudder Master.

The rudder master of Tianhui felt a chill in his heart, and his body trembled involuntarily, but he still mustered all his strength and said, "Listen to the voices around you, everyone wants them to live and die."

this time o

The boy from the Temple of the Gods appeared suddenly, smiled lightly, and said, "I also want to see them live and die separately."

Tianhui helmsman was overjoyed, and immediately said: "You see, the enchantment cage must be separated from life and death. He didn't admit defeat. If he admits defeat, then he will commit suicide."

"Let him kill himself"

The rudder master of Tianhui said fiercely o

The girl in purple clenched her brows, she could crush Tianhui helmsman, but she couldn't crush the young man in the Temple of Gods.

Tianhui helmsman looked at the enchantment cage and shouted, "Long Fei, if you don't fight, then both of you will die in it."

Li Yuanba stared at the person who threatened Long Fei, and he stared at Tianhui helmsman outside the barrier, "You dare to threaten my boss?"

The momentum is like a beast rushing out of The Underworld

Angry Vajrao


Tianhui's helmsman was almost frightened by this look.


Tianhui rudder master's Adam's apple rolled, swallowed a few saliva in a row, and said: "I'm still threatening, what can you do? If you don't fight again, I will activate the devouring power, and then everything in the enchantment cage will be destroyed. It will turn into nothingness, and now I ask you, to fight or not to fight?"

"Damn it!"

Li Yuanba is also a violent temper, staring at the enchantment cage with both eyes, and shouting, "Does the enchantment dare to stop me?"

"Is it still dangerous to my boss?"

"You're really tired of living!"

Eight Vajra, fully protect Long Fei o

Li Yuanba's life was saved by Long Fei

His name was given by Long Fei

He can have the current achievements Cultivation Base is also given by Long Fei

Who dares to move Longfei?

Whoever dares to threaten Long Fei, he will kill the eighteenth generation of his ancestors!

After not seeing him for so many years, he can endure the suffering of cultivation in The Underworld, because the stronger he is, the more he can share for Long Fei.

Threatening the boss?


The helmsman of Tianhui also had a desperate look, and said: "Big fool, I think you are tired of living. Since you don't fight, don't blame me for being rude..."

"Come on!"

The voice fell silent

Just then...

Li Yuanba snorted and said, "Don't be so troublesome!"


Li Yuanba grabbed from the void...a heavy black giant axe was grabbed from the void.

Giant Axe!


In the Chaos world, the giant axe is not like this o

It... evolved!

Pure black, and with the power of Death, the divine axe is covered with black arrogance o

Move the right arm

"Crack, click..."

"Crack, click..."

The sound of bulging muscles sounded, and the moment Li Yuanba held the giant axe, Li Yuanba's whole body was like a dark Vajra, with the power of Death glowing all over his body.

The breath of The Underworld diffuses throughout the audience o

Staring at the enchantment cage with both eyes, he humbly said, "How dare you hurt my boss even with this kind of enchantment?"

"Break it for me!"

The black giant axe moved and slashed hard.

eighth-order defense formationo

Don't even try to pierce him even if it's an ordinary mid-level god powerhouse.


Li Yuanba slashed with his axe, and the enchantment cage made a crackling sound, as if he was slashing on the ice, and the cracks expanded.

like cracked eggshells



With an angry shout, the enchantment cage shattered into pieces, turning into nothingness.

in an instant o

Li Yuanba's body moved and fell heavily, standing in front of the Tianhui helmsman, staring at him angrily, and said coldly, "You are threatening my boss?"

Domineering mess o

An axe smashes the enchantment o

The arrogance on the body is even more explosive.

Long Fei was excited, extremely excited, he couldn't help laughing out loud.


Brother becomes stronger, he is happier than anyone else

Not to mention the big Vajra Li Yuanba o

The trip to the Underworld, they are really different, it seems that his father made them completely transformed o

The audience was shocked by Li Yuanba

Each one's face turns blue

He couldn't say a word that was crushed by Li Yuanba's aura, as if he might die at any time.

Li Yuanba stared at Tianhui rudder o

The helmsman of Tianhui shivered, his lips were fighting up and down, and he shivered: "I,, I, I, also,, no,, no,, ah,,,"

Don't wait for him to finish o

Li Yuanba stared, "You think I'm a fool?"

The voice fell o


Falling axe, one slash o


Void Shatter o

The rudder master of Tianhui slashed directly into the void with an axe, not even a root hair was left.

turn o

Li Yuanba's eyes swept across the audience and roared, "Who else dares to threaten my boss?"

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