The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1998 Twenty Billion

Chapter 1998 20 billion

Inexplicably, plus all of a sudden o

Long Fei stood up and bid o

"I bid ten billion o"

This number shocked everyone on the spot.

The boy in the opposite Shenbangdian frowned and his eyes changed slightly. Although it was very slight, Long Fei noticed it.

The girl in purple immediately said, "What are you doing?"

Long Fei ticked the corner of his mouth and said, "Make an offer to buy something o"

Nether old slave also showed hostility, and shouted in a deep voice: "Boy, this is not a place where you can be wild."

The girl in purple even took out the ancestral blood sacrifice bracelet. She has already made up her mind. If she can't bid again, there is really no other way, o

Now the strength of the Valley of the Night King is not that strong at all.

Ten billion……

Can't get it out at all!

Long Fei still smiled and said, "What's the name of Sa Ye? I also want that Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower. I heard that it has the effect of bringing Nine Cycles back to life. Who doesn't want this kind of thing?"

The girl in purple frowned, staring at Long Fei.

Even though she has always been extremely smart, she has always believed in Long Fei, but now she is a little panicked and doesn't know what Long Fei wants to do.

but o

No matter what Long Fei wants to do, she will never let go of Nine Cycles.

The young man in the Hall of God's List said slightly: "10 billion is not a small amount, not everyone can take it out, can you take it out?"

The old man of the Kunlun tribe also asked, "Boy, can you come up with 10 billion?"


"Can you, a person from Devil Island, come up with 10 billion?"

"Devil Island is a poor place to get rid of scum, what kind of god stone can you have? It's still ten billion, you are here to make trouble, right?"

"If he can spend so much money and start owning a woman, he won't even be able to tell the price at the auction, right?"

"It's o"


Many people questioned o

The host Elder looked at Long Fei and said, "Can you come up with 10 billion?"

Long Fei said: "You don't care if daddy can get it. If I can't get it, I won't buy it. Now you should ask if anyone has a higher price?"

The home elder sighed and looked to another place.

The adults in the private room also frowned.

Nine Cycles Tianling flower is not trivial

and o

The purpose of this thing...

Just when he hesitated, the girl in purple said again: "I will pay 15 billion, the blood sacrifice bracelet and the territory of the Valley of the Night Kings, these are enough for 15 billion!"

The voice fell o

The whole place shook again,

The young man in the Hall of Gods flashed a hint of excitement, and immediately said: "Master Shaogu is so bold."


Before he was happy, Long Fei said casually, "Twenty billion!"


Like a blockbuster, there was an uproar in the audience

The girl in purple looked at Long Fei's face, and she said solemnly, "Do you have to fight with me?"


Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "No way, I want it too."


The girl in purple stares at Long Fei

Wang Tai and the twins both came up with puzzled eyes.

The ghost old slave was so angry that the breath on his body exploded, as if he was about to attack Long Fei.

However o

It's not just them and the boy in the Hall of Gods who look ugly, his face is even more ugly, especially gloomy, and he has the heart to kill.

Long Fei pretended that he didn't find anything, but secretly said in his heart: "There must be a conspiracy here"

The host Elder murmured, "Twenty billion?"

"I'm not doubting your strength, but 20 billion is not a small amount. You must take it out and see, otherwise I can't let my bare hands bid o"


"Well said!"

"What if he can't afford it?"

"I suspect he's here to make trouble o"

"How old is the garbage from Devil Island, and who is fooling you with the astronomical price of 20 billion?"


Long Fei looked at the girl in purple, then stepped forward and said, "May I ask, what is the value of the demigod artifact?"

The voice fell o

The whole place was shocked, everyone was stunned

Demigod artifact?

This Divine Armament is simply a legend o

The brows of the boy in the Temple of the Gods were tight, and he said slightly: "If it is really a Divine Armament at the level of a semi-master artifact, it is a priceless treasure, definitely above the 20 billion divine stones."

With a move of his right hand, Long Fei took out the 'King Yamablade' and said, "This black knife is a demi-master artifact with absolutely powerful power. I believe many people have seen his power, so I won't say anything more. o”

"Now, am I eligible to continue bidding?"

The King Yama blade will be undefeated together, and the undead old Chen family monster will be killed in seconds, that is, a knife o

This knife caused a stir o

But no one thought that this knife was a demigod artifact.

The boy in the Hall of Gods Starring stared at the King Yama blade in Long Fei's hand, and said secretly: "It really is him, a miracle has come, this blade should be able to reach the level of a semi-master artifact."

suddenly o

he hesitated

The demigod Divine Armament, this weapon is in the same class, even if it is a leapfrog beheading, it is not impossible.

If you can get it...

The boy in the hall of gods is heartbroken o

There was a noticeable change in his eyes.

The girl in purple was anxious, and said, "Long Fei, what do you want? Do you know how important the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower is to me?"

"I beg you, okay?"

"Give it to me, please o"

She has been searching for several years, and now it's finally right in front of her, but... Long Fei's horizontal thrust made her feel scared in her heart.

she wants to save her father o

I want to save the Valley of the Night Kings

but o

Her strength is far from enough. Even in the Valley of the Night King, she can't hold her back. Many elders in the valley refuse to accept her. If she can resurrect her father, it will be different.

Nine Cycles is her only hope o

Long Fei looked at the purple-clothed girl's eyes flashing, and her tears were about to come out. He really felt a little distressed, but he still didn't show anything, and smiled lightly: "Master Shaogu, if you want, you can pay a higher price. o”

The old slave Nether snorted and said angrily, "Boy, you are an anti-bone boy, the young lady treats you so well, but you treat her like this, what do you want to do?"

Long Fei laughed and said, "I want to get the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower, hahaha..."

this time o

The host Elder excitedly said: "The price of the semi-master artifact is definitely higher than the 20 billion sacred stone. Is there a higher price than 20 billion?"

"Is there a higher price?"

"If it doesn't, it's his."

The purple-clothed girl's body softened and she could hardly stand still, she couldn't take out any more divine stones.

The territory of the Blood Sacrifice God Bracelet and the Valley of the Night Kings is beyond what she can bear, 20 billion... She can't bear it at all!


Hit the o with a hammer

The host Elder said loudly: "Okay, Nine Cycles Tian Ling Hua o shot by Long Fei"

The purple-clothed girl's body sank and her eyes widened.

Long Fei walked up to him and said softly, "Take the three of them away first!"

immediately o

One step to fly to the auction table!

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