The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1999 Fake, Start Fighting!

Chapter 1999 Fake, start fighting!




In the private room of Tianhui Business Alliance

The adult laughed wildly, "Half-master artifact, hahaha..."

"A surprise joy o"

"Windfall, it's much better than the blood sacrifice god bracelet o"

Many elders do not understand o

The messenger couldn't help asking: "My lord, this... The price of 20 billion is really happy, but... I don't understand..."

The adult smiled and said, "You don't need to know o"

he did not explain o

This is top secret, no explanation needed o


Long Fei landed on the stage o

The host Elder grinned and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Longfei, Hexi, Mr. Longfei."

The host Elder immediately said to the girl in purple: "Master Shaogu, in the future, our Tianhui Business Alliance will provide you with information about the Nine Cycles Tianlinghua for free. If we find it again, we will definitely notify you as soon as possible, and will give you the right of first refusal in the Valley of the Night King o"

The girl in purple gave a wry smile

The old slave Nether swept away his sleeves fiercely, stared at Long Fei, and said solemnly, "I saw you wrong!"

The two walked into the private room o

The look of the girl in purple immediately returned, and said, "Uncle, Long Fei may have something to do."

The old slave Nether did not hear what Long Fei said at the end, and shouted: "What does he have to do with us? Miss, this kind of person will never be ignored in the future."

He's still pissed

The girl in purple said: "You take the three of them away first!"

The old slave Nether was puzzled and said, "Miss, it's already this time, do you still want to protect him?"

The twins said: "Lord Long Fei is not such a person. He must have other purposes or discover other things."

Wang Tai got up and said, "I also believe in Brother Fei."

The girl in purple was uncertain, but her intuition told him that Long Fei would definitely do something.

immediately o

The girl in purple directly ordered: "Nether Uncle, you take the two of them away"

"Wang Tai, you go downstairs too"


Nether old slave looked at the girl in purple, although he was not happy, he still did it.

Wang Tai also walked out of the room o

The purple-clothed girl moved and hid quietly in the darkness. She couldn't see her at all, not even a trace of her breath was exposed.

Even the best experts can't feel his presence

also at the same time

Heavenly Hearing is turned on o


on the auction table

The host Elder walked up to Long Fei and said, "Hand over the black knife now, the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower is yours."

this time o

The people in several private rooms are extremely nervous.

Long Fei grinned and said, "What's the hurry, I won't go"

Long Fei walked up to the white-haired old man, looked at the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower in the cage, and said, "Is it the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower that can bring people back to life?"

The white-haired old man did not speak

Long Fei said, "How many people can he save?"

The elder, the host, said: "Nine Cycles Tianlinghua can bring people back to life. This is just a legend. No one knows how to use it."


"So that's how it is." Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "So, if it fails to save people, it doesn't care about your Tianhui Business Alliance, right?"

The host Elder was taken aback and said, "This is natural, we can only guarantee that he is the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower, and we cannot guarantee that he can save people."

"If you fail to save people, you must have found the right way, and it has nothing to do with our Tianhui Business Alliance."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Then if it's fake, we can only consider ourselves unlucky, right?"

this time o

The boy in the Temple of the Gods is frowning

The host Elder's face changed slightly and said, "What do you mean? Are you questioning the ability of our Tianhui Business Alliance? Are you insulting our Tianhui Business Alliance?"


"Is such a big hat covered?"

"Since you said that, then I'll be more direct."


"I'm just insulting you" Long Fei laughed.

The host Elder looked fierce and shouted: "Long Fei, are you here to cause trouble? I advise you to be honest, pay the money and leave, nothing will happen, if you dare..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei raised his knife and fell, and slashed it down with one knife. The host Elder's body instantly turned into two halves, and there was no blood on the blade. Long Fei looked at the corpse and said coldly, "How dare you?"

suddenly o

Everyone in the audience was shocked

terrified by this scene

Killing the people of Tianhui Business Alliance at the auction of Tianhui Business Alliance, does this person want to die?

Standing beside him is a super powerhouse of the median god o

You can easily crush Long Fei

Long Fei let out a shout, kept his long knife, and said, "What bullshit Nine Cycles Tianlinghua do you guys use to deceive a woman, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Your purpose is to want that blood sacrifice bracelet?"

"Do you want the killer system in the Valley of the Night Kings?"

"Can you be like a man, be fair and open, just you despicable people, living is a shame o"

Long Fei said heavily

The audience was in an uproar again

"Is the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower fake?"

"It was used... against the Vale of the Night King?"

"Is it really?"

"Is this an auction with a conspiracy?"


In the box of the Tianhui Business Alliance, the adult's face changed suddenly, his eyes were fierce, and his killing intent was cracked.

this time o

The young man in the Hall of Gods was a little empty, and instantly landed on the auction stage. He smiled lightly: "No one has ever seen the Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower. How do you know it's fake?"

"I knew it was you!" Long Fei sneered in his heart and said, "I don't know, but if you say this now, it's 100% fake."


"I still want to test its authenticity, I didn't expect to know it after a try."

The boy in the Shenbang Palace frowned, staring at Long Fei coldly and said: "Indeed, it's fake, the real Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower will never be put up for auction, it's just used to deal with the Valley of the Night Kings."


"The people in the Valley of the Night Kings have withdrawn, and now they will never protect you, and you... have to die here today o"

The auction just now has offended the people in the Valley of the Night Kings

He also felt that the people in the Valley of the Night Kings, as well as the secret killer, have all left the auction.

Without these people, there is only one Long Fei?

then it's fine o

in the private room

The purple-clothed girl burst into tears...

She felt so stupid that she would doubt Long Fei.

Feeling so stupid, she didn't find out such a huge conspiracy

It's not her fault

She is eager to save her father, and she will not let go of any hope.



A door was kicked away, and the adults from the helm of the Tianhui Business Alliance were furious and murderous, staring at Long Fei and shouting: "Boy, you are dead today."

talking room o

He walked over to the white-haired old man and knocked over the cage containing the 'Nine Cycles Heavenly Spirit Flower'. He shouted, "What are you still doing, kill him for me!"

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