The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2000 Close The Door, Open!

Chapter 2000 Close the door, open it!

The white-haired old man moved his eyes


A bright light burst out, the pressure is like a mountain, and it is instantly poured into Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.


Long Fei's body sank, almost unsteady.

The superpower of the median god, the coercion is extraordinary, and this coercion is invisible and has no direction. The sudden crushing made Long Fei completely unprepared, and there was no way to resist.

"damn thing!"

"What if you know that the Nine Cycles Tianling Hua is fake?"

"Today you have to die!"

The old man said fiercely, o

at this time o

A heavy footstep sounded, and Wei Wei said, "Who wants my boss to die?"



Like a wild buffalo, the whole person slammed out of the void, and he flew out without waiting for the helm of the Tianhui Business Alliance to stand firm.

Knocked over a wall, buried in the rubble, unconscious o

also at the same time

The thick sarcophagus behind Li Yuanba shook violently, "Om!"

At the moment of landing, the coercion released by the white-haired old man will be shattered by you, staring at the white-haired old man, and shouting, "You can try to crush my boss with coercion again o"

Big Vajra!

Mighty and domineering

Li Yuanba's sudden appearance made everyone stunned

Not because of his power, but because of the way he appeared, rushing out of the void directly.

The boy's gaze sank, "It's just the two of you!"

The voice fell o

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Around a shadow fell, all of them were the peak powerhouses of the lower gods.

Directly surround Long Fei and Li Yuanba in the middle

At this time o

The elder of the Wang family stood up and made a mark on his hands, "Drink!"

A golden poisonous corpse emerged from the ground and shouted, "Kill him!"

Golden corpse?

Corpse King?

The audience was in an uproar again, and many people hurried back, as long as they inhaled a little bit of poisonous gas from this golden poisonous corpse, it would turn into a poisonous corpse.

This golden corpse king is too powerful o

It was brought back from the battle for hegemony by the ancestors of the Wang family. It is the ancestor of the poisonous corpses of the Wang family.

Also the strongest poison corpse

Before entering the auction, the Wang, Qi, Zhao, and Chen families were secretly ordered to deal with Long Fei.

These families have deep hatred with Long Fei, especially the Wang family.

They must take revenge!

immediately o

The masters of Qi, Zhao, and Chen's big families also rushed to the auction stage.


"It's so lively, how can I be missing?"


The old man of the Kunlun clan also drank in a deep voice, landed on the stand, looked at Long Fei and laughed coldly: "Boy, I heard that your head is very valuable."

"Who can take off your head, who will be promoted by the Son of God and become the strongest force in the ancient battle of gods, the strongest family o"

Long Fei and the main temple confrontation o

This is something everyone knows, it used to be on Devil Island, now it's in the war of the ancient gods o

and o

Zhan Wushuang also spoke out, whoever can kill Long Fei will gain the dominion of the ancient gods.

This condition is too tempting o

no one can refuse

Long Fei grinned and said, "Wow, it looks like there are quite a few people who want to kill me."

Li Yuanba humbly said, "Boss, you go first, and leave these people to me."

"And I!"


In one place, Wang Tai rushed out.

The elder Wang family snorted coldly, "Monster o"

Wang Tai didn't care, but walked directly in front of the golden corpse king, his eyes slammed, the forbidden power of the heavenly bones in his body erupted, and his hands moved, directly blocking the way of the golden corpse king.

The poison of the Golden Corpse King is eroding frantically,'s useless at all!

The young man in the Temple of God sneered and said, "With a monster, it's just the three of you, what can you do?"

"Long Fei!"

"If I were you, I would obediently kneel down and beg for mercy, so maybe you can die without pain..."

Long Fei said: "You're not me, you can't be me, what kind of trash status are you?"

also at this time

The girl in purple walked to the window sill of the private room and said slightly: "There are more than people, right?"

"Then see who has more!"

"Give it all to me!"


In the entire auction hall, killers one after another in the darkness revealed their own figures, directly surrounding the entire auction hall.

and o

There are many more hiding in the dark o

Killer... being in the dark is the most terrifying thing, because you may not even know how you died o

The eyes of the boy in the Temple of the Gods sank, and he said, "Master Shaogu, you haven't left yet?"

The girl in purple smiled and said, "How could I leave? How could I leave if I didn't see your face clearly? Was my father's death also planned by you?"

Now think about it, it's very possible o

Step by step, push the Valley of the Night Kings into the abyss o

The young man smiled lightly, "So what? With your current strength, are you still qualified to fight against the Hall of Gods?"

"Valley of the Night King..."

"It's just a joke now."

Purple-clothed girl's eyes sank

suddenly o

Nether old slave rushed out, "Who dares to laugh at Night King Valley?"

Void move o

In the darkness, a dagger slashed towards the boy's neck, as fast as lightning, and with a sneak attack, this move would definitely kill people.

However o

The young man didn't panic at all, his body didn't move, he grabbed his right hand violently to prevent the ghost old slave from approaching, and a super suction force was released from his palm, sucking the ghost old slave into his hand.

in an instant o

With a huge hand in the air, he slammed it violently on the ground.


With a loud bang, the Nether Old Slave was ejected, and black blood was sprayed from his mouth, his face was extremely pale.

The boy in the Hall of Gods smiled lightly, and said, "I dare to laugh at you Night King Valley, all of you are a bunch of garbage, the king of the dark night?'s just shit o"

"Netherworld Uncle!" The purple-clothed girl fell down and lifted up the ghostly old slave.

Nether Old Servant's face was pale and whispered: "Miss, I'm sorry, I'm useless o"

"no no,……"

The girl in purple shook her head

The old slave Nether looked at Long Fei not far away and said, "Boy, you have to take good care of my young lady from now on, everything will be... please o"

finish o

black blood outflow

The ghost old slave's body slowly became stiff.

One trick kills o

This is the strength of the powerhouse of the Temple of God

The boy coldly smiled and said, "Since you didn't leave, then die here with him."

too strong o

Long Fei can't even feel his power fluctuations o

One trick to deal with the ghost old slave, that trick is very easy.


real strong o

Long Fei's fighting blood began to boil.

His eyes were gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a murderous sneer, "Then let's see who died here today."

At the same time o

Li Yuanba touched a big bald head, grinned excitedly, stared at the white-haired strong man, and said with a naive smile: "The door of Xiu...Open!!"


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