The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2010 The White-Robed Angel

Chapter 2010 The White-robed Angel

The world is so big that there is no place to live

Vale of the Night King is the only way they can go

Long Fei just came to the ancient war, Wang Tai's Wutancheng Wang family no longer exists, as for Li Yuanba... that's the same o

Among the four, only the girl in purple has a place to go.

But o

Although the girl in purple said she was going to the Valley of the Night Kings, her heart couldn't help but worry.

This time when she came out, she was opposed by many elders in the clan. The death of the ghost old slave and the death of the elite of the Valley of the Night Kings, I am afraid it is unknown whether she will be allowed to enter the valley!

There is no other way to go now. Long Fei needs a place to rest, and he needs an antidote even more. He must find a place to live.


a day later o

Inside the Hall of Gods

A man in a white robe embroidered with white clouds stands on a high seat o

Angel of the sky

The strong men in the Temple of the Gods were kneeling on the ground one by one, not even daring to breathe aloud.

The death of the crown prince continues to ferment, and the sky god is furious o

main temple o

There have been a lot of fluctuations on the battlefield of hegemony

Many people know that there is a man, it should be said that there is a lunatic named Long Fei.

"My lord said, the death of the prince can't be left alone, no matter who he is, he must pay for the prince's life," the white-robed envoy said slowly.

"but o"

"My lord has been busy with cultivation recently and has no time to come down, so it's up to you to hunt down Long Fei. This is also your chance to atone for your sins."

"Don't let the adults down, otherwise, not only will you suffer, but I will also suffer, understand?" The white-robed god's eyes were shocked, and there was a hint of cold disdain in his words.

The Elder of the Hall of Gods List immediately said: "Understand, understand, we will do our best to not let the adults down and the messengers down."

"I don't want you to do your best, I want you to take down Long Fei!" The white-robed angel's eyes sank.

The Elder of the Hall of Gods List immediately said: "Definitely, definitely, definitely win o"

"very good!"

The white-robed messenger smiled lightly and said, "Do you have any plans?"

The Elder was silent for a moment, and said, "I have issued a hunting order for the Temple of God, as long as it is found that they will definitely die."

"God's Hall of Pursuit Order?"


The white-robed messenger sneered, expressing disdain, "That's it?"

Elder's eyes tightened, and his body trembled.

The Temple of Gods had supreme power in the ancient battle of gods, but in front of the main temple, they were like ants, incomparably small.

Even an angel can easily crush them o

At this time o

Another young elder said: "Sir, they have only one place to go, and that is the Valley of the Night Kings. As long as the road to the Valley of the Night Kings is blocked, they will surely be intercepted."

The white-robed messenger said, "Continue to say o"

The young elder said: "As far as I know, Long Fei has been poisoned by the poison of the heart and sleep, and he is in a coma.

Once it's too long, he'll never wake up, so they need somewhere to stay, and then look for the antidote, the antidote for this poison..."

The white-robed messenger said slightly: "The antidote to the heart-devouring divine poison was refined by the Lord Sky God himself. It doesn't mean that no one can refine the antidote, but those who want to find the refining antidote in the ancient battle of gods. Man, I'm afraid it's not that easy, is it?"

The young elder said: "There is no detox master in the Valley of the Night Kings. The detox masters in the ancient battle of gods are poison demons. With the power of the Valley of the Night Kings, I'm afraid I can find o."

Although the Valley of the Night King has fallen, its internal structure has not disintegrated.

Its information collection agency is still the strongest in the ancient war of gods

Even the Hall of Gods can't match o

Finding someone is too easy for the Vale of the Night King o

An Elder said, "The poisonous demon disappeared decades ago, and looking for a needle in a haystack is like finding a needle in a haystack."

The young Elder said, "That's not there either."

The white-robed messenger said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"As ordered!"

The young Elder bowed his body and said, "The Poison Demon is now in the Immortal Grass Valley. I discovered this by accident. I believe that the people in the Valley of the Night Kings must also know, and they will definitely go back. If we lay a net of heaven and earth somewhere..."

"it is good!"

The white-robed messenger drank heavily and said, "Very good!"

"There are thousands of roads leading to the Valley of the Night Kings, even if it can be intercepted, it is very difficult, and although the power of the Valley of the Night Kings has declined, it cannot be underestimated, but there is only one way to the Valley of the Immortal Grass, as long as you stop them, they will die. No doubt!" said the young Elder excitedly.

Many elders cast envious glances

It is also an honor to be recognized by the messenger of the sky god

if this is successful o

That Elder is very likely to be the future leader of the Hall of Gods!

The white-robed divine envoy said: "All the personnel of the Shenbang Hall are dispatched by you. If this matter is done well, the reward from the Sky God is absolutely indispensable."

The young Elder immediately said, "My subordinates obey!"


Tianshen Mountain, the residence of God Son Zhan Wushuang o

With a faint smile on Zhan Wushuang's face, he said, "Long Fei, you really didn't disappoint me, break through Devil Island and kill the crown prince."


"As fearless as ever"



"You also exposed your current position o"

"It won't be long before those women of yours will appear in front of you. At that time...die in the hands of your own woman, this feeling...hahaha...hahaha..." Zhan Wushuang laughed wildly.

Excited just thinking about it

Of course o

Zhan Wushuang knows Long Fei very well, and Long Fei will have crazy changes in one day.

It's hard to kill him with his woman

but o

Whether it's Long Fei or Long Fei's woman, as long as they meet, it's either Long Fei's death or Long Fei's woman's death. No matter who dies, it's a happy thing for Zhan Wushuang.

at this time o

A servant came and said, "Sir, there is a man in a black robe who wants to see you."

Zhan Wushuang's face recovered and said, "Did he say who he is?"

The attendant replied: "No, he only said that he once helped you, and... he said that he is the only one in this world who knows how to cultivate the law of the soul."

in an instant o

Zhan Wushuang's eyes trembled, and he secretly said, "God of Destiny?"

"It's not dead!"


The corner of Zhan Wushuang's mouth showed a coldly sinister smile, and said, "Bring him in, o"

Soul Law!

Although he fused the fate power of the God of Destiny and obtained the prototype of the soul law, he has not made any progress in cultivating the soul law.

I haven't made any progress in such a long time

There must be a problem somewhere

If you want to be above anyone, you must master the power of the three laws.

He didn't expect... at this time, the god of fate will come o

It's just sending charcoal in the snow!

The Law of Three... Supremacy!

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