The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2011 Forbearance

Chapter 2011 Forbearance

The death of the crown prince caused a lot of sensation in the ancient battle of gods, the main temple, and the battle for hegemony.

Same goes for Vale of the Night King


three days later

The girl in purple came to the Valley of the Night King

but o

Valley gate closed o

This has never happened before o

The Valley of the Night King is like a huge box, if the gate of the valley is closed, no matter how hard you try, you can't get in.

The gates of the Vale of the Night King are never closed o

The girl in purple stood outside the valley with her eyebrows locked and shouted loudly, "Open the door!"

no reaction at all

The girl in purple shouted again: "Open the door!"

Still the same, no response o

Looking at the dark mountain in front of him, Wang Tai murmured, "Is this the entrance to the gate? Why doesn't it look like it? Could it be in the wrong place?"

Li Yuanba was simple and rude. He stepped forward and said, "Are you sure this is the gate? I can blast it through."

The girl in purple looked at the two of them, as if staring at a monster.

these days o

Wang Tai and Li Yuanba haven't taken any medicine pills for healing, but...the injuries on their two bodies are like seeing a ghost and they are healed by themselves.

Especially Li Yuanba

The bones of both feet are broken into countless pieces, and the tendons are broken. It can be said that he is a waste person, but this guy is alive and kicking the next day.

No signs of injury at all

The whole is a pervert

big pervert o

In addition to the huge coffin on his back, Li Yuanba's appearance is really scary, I am afraid it is extreme!

Li Yuanba foolishly took a fancy to the girl in purple, waiting for the answer o

The girl in purple shook her head gently and said, "No, this door is not an ordinary door, you can't break it."

turn o

The girl in purple said again: "Uncle Destiny, can you come out and see me?"

for a long time

A voice came from the mountain, saying: "Master Shaogu, the Great Elder sent an order, you are not allowed to enter the valley, from today onwards you are no longer from the Valley of the Night Kings, your life and death have nothing to do with the Valley of the Night Kings, you are still let's go o"

The girl in purple clenched her eyebrows, but the thing she was worried about happened, and said, "I want to meet the elder."

"Depend on!"

Li Yuanba touched his bald head and said angrily, "This cuts off the relationship?"

The voice of a blue dragon came from the mountain, saying: "There is no need for this. From the moment you left the valley without authorization, you are no longer from the Valley of the Night Kings."

The girl in purple raised her eyes and immediately stepped forward, saying, "Uncle Destiny, I'm saving my father, I can't let the Valley of the Night King fall."


"Don't let the Valley of the Night Kings fall, what are you doing now?"

"Beheading the crown prince, you pushed the Valley of the Night Kings to the cliff, and you said that you would not let the Valley of the Night Kings fall. It was because of you that the Valley of the Night Kings had to close the door that has not been closed for millions of years. You really have the ability to bring down the Valley of the Night King, do you still need to go back to the Valley of the Night King with such ability?"

"Let's go!"

"don't be here again o"

The old man said solemnly

Wang Tai shouted, "Is he your uncle?"

Li Yuanba said unhappily, "Is there such a big uncle?"

The girl in purple held back her tears, escaped the Night King Ling from her arms, and said solemnly, "I order you to open the door!"

There is a vibration in the mountain

Night King's Order

Seeing orders is like seeing the Night King

"Elder Elder, this..."

"The Night King Ling is the most sacred relic in our Night King Valley. It is even nobler than the blood sacrifice god bracelet. She can't be taken away by a woman."

"The Temple of the Gods has issued an order to kill, and the messengers of the main temple have also intervened. They will definitely die."

"We can't get involved, we can't let them in o"

"Why don't we do it..."

destiny stares

The Elder did not dare to speak immediately

Vale of the Night King never fights

Destiny's voice sank and said: "The Night King's Order is something of the Night King Valley, you..."

The girl in purple reluctantly took off the blood sacrifice bracelet from her hand, and said directly: "The night king's decree and the blood sacrifice bracelet are returned to you, please let us enter the valley."

"As long as he's okay, we'll leave right away"

Destiny said slightly: "There is no antidote for the poison that eats the heart and sleeps, he can't get better o"

"Blood sacrifice bracelet o"

"Something left by our ancestors"

"Elder Elder, anyway, that kid is very poisoned. Even if you get the antidote, you may not have to live. When he dies in our valley, we will hand him over. Isn't this a great achievement?"

"But what if the powerhouse of the Temple of Gods kills them after they enter the valley?"

Destiny said: "Three days!"

"I can only let you stay for three days o"

"When the time is up, you must leave the valley!"

No matter what, the girl in purple is a person from the Valley of the Kings of the Night, or the master of Shaogu.

three days

It is also the limit of the Valley of the Night Kings

The girl in purple said, "Okay!"

At a time like this, they must find the antidote immediately, otherwise Long Fei won't be able to wait that long.

Long Fei rescued her

She will also save Long Fei!

and o

The Crown Prince, the Temple of the Gods and the God of the Sky are very likely to be the murderers of his father, and he has found the enemy who killed his father!

Long Fei's life is very important o



There was a three-body movement, and a road extended from the mountain.

Superb craftsmanship

The girl in purple said slightly: "Once you enter the valley, obey my orders, don't mess around, no matter what kind of grievance I receive, you have to hold back when you treat me, understand?"

"In order to save Long Fei, you must also hold back o"

Li Yuanba and Wang Tai nodded their heads

The three walk into the valley o

After entering the valley, there were people standing on both sides, all pointing at the girl in purple.

"It's her, she's trying to destroy the Valley of the Night King o"

"Harmful spirit"

"She's a scourge"

"How many people died because of her?"

"Even Coach Nether is dead, so why don't you die?"


Many people cursed in a low voice, resenting the girl in purple.

What happened in Martial Mandala City has long been spread here, so many elites in the Valley of the Night Kings have fallen, and the death of the ghostly old slave, they all blame the girl in purple.

If it wasn't for her questioning what Nine Cycles Tian Linghua was looking for, the Valley of the Night Kings wouldn't have gotten to where it is now.

The strong suppression of the Temple of God

The encirclement and suppression of the major forces has resulted in the loss of hundreds of senior killers in the Valley of the Kings in just a few days.

The girl in purple is also like a sinner, walking slowly inside.

She owes her heart

at this time o

One person in the crowd smashed an egg, "Why do you still have the face to live? Why don't you die?"


The girl in purple did not go to avoid o

The egg smashed hard on the head, the egg white flowed on her face, and the girl in purple felt a pain in her heart.

Li Yuanba was furious

The purple-clothed girl immediately sank and said, "Hold on!"

"No matter what others say or do, you have to hold back for me, understand?"

Hold on! !

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