The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2035 The Terror Of The Law Of Killing


The sky god was furious and crushed the strongest power of law. He wanted to crush the souls of Li Yuanba and Tianling into powder, so that they would not even have a chance to Samsara.

This kind of person is to be completely beheaded.

Jedi can't leave any hidden danger o

This is also his strongest move.

move with all your strength

Li Yuanba clenched his fists tightly, his eyes did not move, and there was no fear on his face.

Tianling also has the same expression o

The two of them seem not to be afraid of death o

Even the corners of their mouths inexplicably revealed a faint smile, a strange smile.


It's a rebirth for them

Death... is a force that ordinary people cannot understand for them

they are not afraid

"bring it on!"

Li Yuanba let out a loud roar, and looking at the huge force, he stepped forward, wanting to block more for Tianling, even if he died, he would have to bear a little more for his brother.

Tianling is the smallest of the eight Vajra o

He's big Vajra, he deserves some more o

Tianling also took a step forward and said: "Big Vajra, don't think about sharing it for me, my Tianling doesn't want to die ugly."



The two laughed at the same time

"Are these two crazy?"

"You're almost dead and still laughing?"

"On the surface, it's a smile, I guess you're about to pee your pants, right?"


The people in the Hall of Gods laughed out loud o

The high gods in the main temple also laughed, and the two of them were sure to die.

The people in the Valley of the Night Kings sighed slightly, and Destiny murmured: "What a pity!"

"Elder, as soon as they die, it will be our turn o"

"What do we do now?"

"What a pity, if it weren't for them and that Long Fei, would our Night King Valley become what it is now? If I say it, they should have died a long time ago."


I haven't finished speaking yet

A figure in the sky fell heavily

Move the right hand o


The left hand is on the back, and the palm is greeted o

A palm slashed on the power of the law of the sky released by the sky god, and the sudden appearance made people have no time to react. At the same time, it was so dazzling that it was impossible to see who it was?

No one will stop the power of the law

In this world, apart from the gods who have the laws, who can block the power of the laws of the sky gods?

Even gods can't be that stupid

With such a powerful force in front of us, even God can't stop it, and even if we stop it, it won't feel good.

Sky God's eyebrows tightened, he couldn't see who it was, he sneered, and said contemptuously: "It's too self-sufficient o"

"Blast me!"




The power of the law of the sky god was madly crushed on Long Fei's body, and when it became violent, the power of the law of hundreds of millions rushed into Long Fei's mind, the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the body formed incomparably powerful laws to crush.

never o

The body has never endured such pain o

It's like his body is torn apart piece by piece

"Is this the power of the law?"

"Is this the damage caused by the power of the law?"

"I rely on!"

"So sour?"

In the white light, the corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sneer, and said, "Come on, let's see whose law is stronger!"


in an instant o

Long Fei's body also exploded.


The law of killing suddenly wrapped Long Fei's side, and at this moment, the power of the law of the sky that rushed into his body was quickly beheaded.




A loud noise in the void, like two camps fighting frantically

And one faction is like cannibalism, brutal, bloody, unscrupulous, completely disregarding any consequences, slaughtering madly, and every killing will make itself stronger.



To kill the Tao, to enlighten the heaven, to achieve the power of the law o

The law of killing has disappeared after the first generation of Night King disappeared, and no one in the main temple can master the law of killing, and no one can comprehend the true meaning of the law of killing, including the descendants of the Night King.

Many people, even gods, have almost forgotten the law of killing.

too long o


The fear of the law of killing in their hearts has never disappeared, because it was the king of killers who reversed the situation by himself.

With the thought of killing, the scene of millions of corpses being buried is still vivid in my mind.

river of blood

Bones form mountains

terrifying o

At this moment... the god of the sky was shocked, his heart froze, and a picture of a million corpses appeared, and his body couldn't help shaking.

stagger back suddenly

"The law of killing?"

He's the one who fought with the first Night King, but...the Night King never put him in one's eyes, and he was run over by the Night King everywhere o

It's not a rival at all

The power of his law was bestowed by the Lord God, while the power of the law of the Night King was comprehended by himself. His temperament was completely different, and his power was also completely different.

Even now, the sky god will not forget the image of being stepped on by the night king

Chill rises in my heart

The sky god shouted loudly, "Bai Qi!!"

The voice resounds through Universeo

The main temple is even more shocking

"White up!"


"He, he,,,, is he still alive?"

"Isn't he dead? How can he still be alive?"

"The law of killing, the law of killing, this,,, this,, this is definitely Bai Qi's law of killing, only he controls the law of killing, and he is the only one who can master the power of the law without entering the main temple. person o"

"Go and report to the Lord God immediately"


scared o

The faces of the gods in the main temple showed fear on their faces, because they all knew how powerful the killing method of the night king was.

To them they didn't know what it was like to be afraid for millions of years, and now they know o


The power of the god of the sky

The figure shows the real body o

Those overjoyed Night King Valley people were extremely excited, thinking that the Night King was really resurrected, but... when they saw the man standing there, their hearts sank suddenly, and their faces changed drastically.


"Old,,, boss?"


Li Yuanba was the first to react.

Tianling was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Long Fei's excitement, his tears were about to come out.

so excited o

Long Fei turned around and looked at them with a slight smile. Looking at Tianling, he was equally excited, "Vajra is back!"

Destiny's eyes tightened, "Is he Long Fei?"

The people in the Temple of the Gods also showed shocked expressions, "Is he Long Fei?"

"Long Fei?"

"Is that the Long Fei who killed the crown prince?"

"Isn't the Night King Bai Qi? Damn it, I thought he was the Night King Bai Qi o"

"scare me o"

"Just a Long Fei, what are you afraid of?"


The gods in the main temple were all relieved, and said, "It's just Long Fei, I really thought it was the Night King who was resurrected?"

"It's just a dragon flying, it scared me a lot o"

No one put Long Fei To put in one's eyes, but some people are different!

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