The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2036 Deadly Jojo

the whole world o .

I am afraid that only the son of god Zhan Wushuang of Tianshenshan saw the horror of Long Fei.

Tenjin Mountain o

Zhan Wushuang's brows tightened, his fists clenched and creaked, "Long Fei!! Damn it!"

Only he realized that Long Fei was far more dangerous than the Night King!

The God of Destiny in the black robe is also slightly stunned, "Long Fei has mastered the killing method of the Night King?"

"That is by far the strongest law power o"

Zhan Wushuang was a little angry, and shouted slightly, "You don't need to remind me!"

The God of Destiny in the black robe is not talking

Zhan Wushuang narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Long Fei, no matter how strong you become, you will only be my stepping stone. I lost once in Chaos World, and once again in Devil Island, but... I absolutely I won't lose a third time, and once I'll save you!"

"bring it on!"

"The good show I arranged is about to be staged!"

Zhan Wushuang laughed gloomily, "Hahaha...hahaha..."


Valley of the Night Kings

Just when everyone was relieved, on a big tree in the distance, the top of the tree moved slightly, and a cold figure flew down,

and silently

And this time o

An Elder from the Temple of Gods sneered and said, "As far as a mere Long Fei is concerned, the median god is the first rank, leave this kind of waste to me."

"If you can understand the law of killing, then am I the Night King's father?"


The voice fell o

The talking Elder moved, o


Void is illusory, the figure has no entity o

very strong, soon

Li Yuanba drank a little: "Look for death o"

Long Fei didn't move, turned his back to him, and didn't even use his breath to sense him.

law of killing

It's not the eyes, it's not the sense of breath, it's the kind of control over killing. Anyone with murderous intentions and killing thoughts can control it.

All killing thoughts and murderous intentions are the power of killing Dao.

Long Fei doesn't have to look at it at all


Don't wait for him to use the power of killing to crush it o


A crisp sword chant sounded, the Elder's head fell to the ground, and was instantly stunned. At the same time, a voice sounded, "He is my o"



When Long Fei heard this sound, his eyes snapped open, and his eyes flashed brightly. He was extremely excited. He would not forget the sound, and a quiet and well-behaved face immediately appeared in his mind.

body turn o

Long Fei looked over and smiled slightly, "Jojoo"

Phoenix Queen, Jojo o

At this time o

Qiao Qiao's eyes were cold, and the speed was as fast as electricity. A sword pointed at Long Fei's eyebrows, and his eyes were full of killing intent, without any emotion at all.

Long Fei didn't care that much, and didn't find anything wrong with Qiao Qiao.

because of joy

No matter what Qiao Qiao becomes, seeing him makes Long Fei feel like a gift from God.

Tianling and Li Yuanba were also stunned, "Sister Qiaoqiao?"


"Her eyes are full of killing intent," Tian Ling shouted, "Boss, be careful, she's going to kill you!"

Long Fei still smiled and said, "Qiao Qiao, I miss you so much, I miss you so much"

Long Fei stepped forward

It's as if I didn't hear the voice of Tianling o

Long Fei really misses them, thinking about them all the time

Thinking of Qiaoqiao, Liu Luoxi, Qianqian, grandpa and the brothers of the Long family, and each of them, Long Fei felt that he owed them.

Seeing it now, Long Fei's heart is empty all of a sudden.

He just wants to hold Jojo in his arms o

Facing Qiao Qiao's cold eyes and using the powerful Sword Qi, Long Fei completely ignored one thing.

The whole person seems to be possessed

"Boss, be careful!"


"It's all this time, and I'm still thinking about picking up girls. What are you thinking about?" Ziyue murmured, her figure moved slightly, and quickly landed on Long Fei's side, grabbed Long Fei's arm, and shouted, saying: "What are you thinking about?"

Long Fei's eyes tightened

Seeing Ziyue beside him, and then looking at Qiao Qiao who was stabbed by a sword

Long Fei's heart trembled, and he protected Ziyue behind him.


A sword pierced into his back, directly piercing Long Fei's body o

A snowflake floats into the air

Long Fei... A little bit of defense is useless



"Brother Fei!"

The three rushed up, Ziyue looked at the long sword that pierced her chest, her face changed, and said, "Why don't you defend? Why don't you escape?"

"you you,,,"

At that moment, Long Fei kept Ziyue behind her, and her heart moved slightly.

"What's the situation?"

"How did you get stabbed by this sword?"


"Long Fei really isn't so good? The law of killing just now was not released by him."

"If it is the law of killing that he unleashed, it is impossible that even this sword can't be stopped o"


Everyone is puzzled

Zhan Wushuang of Tianshen Mountain laughed, "Hahaha... Long Fei, how does it feel to be pierced by a sword from the woman he loves? It must be very cool, right?"


The more painful Long Fei is, the more excited he is o

However o

Long Fei's pain is not physical pain, but heartache o


With a sword drawn, Qiao Qiao's eyes did not change, and he stabbed Long Fei's back with another sword.

"Long Fei, avoid it"

"Boss, avoid it"

"Sister Qiaoqiao, that's the boss of Long Fei, that's your Young Master."


No matter what the crowd shouted or shouted, Qiao Qiao was completely indifferent.

Long Fei didn't dodge either, and it was useless to defend, o


Another sword stabbed into his back, only half a centimeter away from his heart.

Long Fei spat out a mouthful of blood.

When Qiao Qiao drew out the long sword, Long Fei had blood on the corner of his mouth, and he still had a smile on his face, and said, "Qiao Qiao, I'm Long Fei, don't you remember me?"

"Good, don't make trouble o"

"Never hurt you again o"

Long Fei said with a smile

At this moment, Qiaoqiao stabbed out again with a sword.

Long Fei still didn't hide.

Another sword stabbed in the body


Long Fei couldn't feel it, but when he saw Qiao Qiao's cold eyes, his heart was extremely painful. When he saw that she couldn't recognize him, his heart was as painful as a needle prick.

There is nothing like this pain o

Qiao Qiao was indifferent, looking at Long Fei's expression, a voice in her mind was urging her, "Kill him, kill him, kill him..."

Qiaoqiao also did exactly the same, and stabbed it with one sword after another.

Long Fei is like a puppet, without moving, let Qiaoqiao stab

The chest is full of sword wounds

Long Fei still had a smile on his face, and walked forward slowly, one step at a time.

"What is he doing?"

"Is he crazy?"

Ziyue wanted to hold Long Fei, but Long Fei broke free from her hand. No woman could compare to Qiao Qiao's position in Long Fei's mind.

Because Qiaoqiao has been protecting him since he crossed to Tianwu Continent.

Do anything for her willingly

She is like a guardian angel

And she never cares about anything

Walking in step by step, at last Long Fei stood in front of Qiao Qiao, the long sword pierced his chest, Long Fei smiled lightly, scratched the bridge of Qiao Qiao's nose with his fingers, and said, "I miss you so much, so much. , I really want o"

talking room o

Long Fei was domineering, he stopped Qiao Qiao in his arms and hugged tightly...

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