The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2037 Counterattack

"Jojo, it's me, I'm Long Fei"

"I am your Young Mastero"


Long Fei whispered in Qiao Qiao's ear, holding his hands tightly, as if he was afraid that Qiao Qiao would suddenly leave, he didn't want to lose her again.

Qiao Qiao's eyes were cold, even if she was held by Long Fei like this, she was still attacking Long Fei with force.

Everyone around is dumbfounded

"what's the situation?"

"Who is this woman?"

"Is this still the Long Fei who resisted the power of God's law in the sky? How could this be done by a woman?"

"Damn it, I'll consider him to be a waste."


All kinds of laughter sounded o

In the entire Night King Valley, only Li Yuanba and Tianling know Qiao Qiao's identity and how important Qiao Qiao is in Long Fei's mind.

so o

Seeing Long Fei walking forward step by step, it was not easy for the two of them to stop them.

It's just that they kept thinking in their hearts, how did Jojo become like this?

Long Fei is everything to Qiao Qiao, how could she become like this?

Tenjin Mountain o

Zhan Wushuang laughed proudly, "Is Long Fei cool? This taste must be very cool, hahaha..."

The god of destiny in black robe sneered slightly

He didn't know that Zhan Wushuang extracted the souls of Qiaoqiao and the others, stripped them of their memories, and turned them into cold-blooded and ruthless killers, and they used them exclusively to deal with Long Fei.

This move, I have to say it's too vicious o

Also, it's too beautiful

Zhan Wushuang glanced at the shocked Fate God and smiled, "You didn't think of this move at the time, did you?"

Heipao Fate Divine Dao: "It's still you who are brilliant. When dealing with people like Long Fei, you should start with the people around him. Even if you can't kill him, you will also make him suffer in pain."


Zhan Wushuang sneered: "Either he dies, or he kills his own woman, no matter the result, I can't help but be happy, hahaha..."

This will be the result of Zhan Wushuang

A few souls are nothing, and he will never tire of anything that can cause pain to Long Fei.

"Long Fei!"

"This is just the beginning, enjoy it slowly, hahaha..."

"I will give you everything you gave me, a thousand times, ten thousand times." Zhan Wushuang thought of everything that happened in the Chaos World, and his heart was full of hatred.

Revenge must be avenged!


Valley of the Night Kings

An Elder from the Temple of the Gods walked up to the Sky God and said cautiously, "Sir, Long Fei is seriously injured, this chance..."

All fools know that Long Fei was seriously injured, this is a great opportunity

Sky God is not stupid, he naturally knows o

But o

He didn't believe that Long Fei had mastered the law of killing. He wondered if there were other strong people around him?

The power of the gods is constantly released, looking for... but I can't find Bai Qi's breath.

suddenly o

The sky god's eyes turned fierce, and the invisible and powerful force of the law of the sky spun again.

The god of the sky slowly floated into the air

Condescending, the sky also sinks


loud noise o

Li Yuanba raised his eyes and immediately snorted, "Boss..."

this time o

Tianling's eyes flashed a gleam of brilliance, and immediately said: "Boss, Sister Qiaoqiao's memory has been stripped away, she doesn't know you at all now o"

"You back away quickly, otherwise, you will be killed by her o"

Jojo didn't stop o

and o

Her strength is very strong, how could the strength that can kill the powerhouse of the median god in seconds be small?

Long Fei still hugged Qiao Qiao desperately and said, "Do you remember the Long family in Tianwu Continent? Do you remember being bullied by the housekeeper?"

"Do you remember the scene in the Imperial City where you got the blood of the Phoenix?"

"Do you remember..."

The memory is stripped, so let her remember everything o

Long Fei said quietly

The blood in the abdomen was surging, but the pain was less than 1/10,000 of the pain in his heart. Long Fei was very sober. He clearly knew that the appearance of Qiaoqiao must have been sent by Zhan Wushuang.

Soberly aware that she doesn't know herself o

It is also clear that she is here to kill owno


She is Jojo! !

Long Fei was the first woman who treated him well in Tianwu Continent

A woman I love very much

No matter what she does to him, he won't fight back o

Sky God hovered above Long Fei's head, grinned and said, "Boy, suffer!"


The sky burst like o

The power of the law of the sky is like a ferocious wild beast rushing towards Long Fei.

Every beast has an incomparably powerful force.

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, and let out a deep voice, "Get out of here!!"


When the voice moved, the killing intent was soaring to the sky.

in this moment o

The killing intent on Long Fei formed a series of forces, and these forces climbed up from the ground and turned into undead warriors one after another, and rushed up directly.




Undead warrior crazy beheading o

The wild beasts come madly o

The impact of the two forces shook the entire Valley of the Night Kings.

Flying sand and stones, the sky is full of dust, can't see clearly!

I can't see clearly

Zhan Wushuang's eyes in Tianshen Mountain were fierce, and he couldn't see clearly.

He looked through Qiao Qiao's eyes, but... Qiao Qiao can't see clearly now, the sky is full of dust, and Long Fei is no longer in front of him.

The black-robed God of Destiny asked, "What's the situation?"

Zhan Wushuang shook his head and said, "It seems that the god of the sky made a move, and Long Fei counterattacked, causing the surrounding to become a blur."

He also can't be sure what happened o

Hei Robe Destiny: "Jojo is the reincarnation of Queen Phoenix. She is only the first stage reincarnation. Legend has it that Queen Phoenix can have the reincarnation of Ninth Stage. Her soul is very rare. It would be a pity if it was wasted like this."

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said: "No matter how good it is, it is good to have the soul of the sky god?"

Hei-robed Destiny God was slightly startled and said, "You want to move the Sky God?"

Every god masters a law, and even has a soul that has been cultivated for thousands of years. This kind of soul is of great help to the cultivation of the law of the soul.

Even... can cultivate the law from the soul!

The God of Destiny never thought of using the souls of the gods in the main temple to cultivate, but... Zhan Wushuang's thought made him tremble.

Zhan Wushuang smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I still need your help in my cultivation of the law of the soul, I won't touch you."

The god of fate in the black robe trembled.

Zhan Wushuang is no longer the previous Zhan Wushuang, he is an ambitious Zhan Wushuang o

Zhan Wushuang looked at a piece of flying sand and stone, and said with a smile: "I want to see what the hell you do!"

talking room o

Zhan Wushuang's phantom moved, "Boom..."

The wheel of fortune turns o

In the Valley of the Night Kings, an unremarkable disciple of the Night Royal family flashed a gleam in his eyes...

Also at this moment

Jojo disappears in place


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