The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2038 Bai Qi, Come Out!

The dust fell, Long Fei stood there, and Qiao Qiao disappeared o

midair o

The wild beasts of the law of the sky have disappeared o

The undead warriors released by Long Fei also disappeared.

This's like a tie o

It's just... Long Fei's purpose is not the god of the sky, but to transfer Qiao Qiao o

Jojo now in his Sumeru ring o

She can't let Qiaoqiao leave again, can't let anyone control her, she can take it with her when she enters Sumeru Jilongfei, her memory is stripped, then let her remember it bit by bit.

Let her memory refill o

Long Fei believes that it must be possible to o

and o

The Sumeru ring blocks all thoughts, no matter how strong Zhan Wushuang's divine power and fate are, he will not be able to feel Qiao Qiao's existence.

Vale of the Night King restores calm o

Li Yuanba stepped forward and said slightly, "Where's Mrs. Qiaoqiao?"

Tianling was also secretly shocked, and said: "Boss, this sky god is a tough idea, it's a bit tricky."

Long Fei is seriously injured

The sky god is still strong and has not been hurt at all, and he is a god, he controls the laws of the sky, and he has inexhaustible power.

In this case, how is the opponent?

Long Fei stepped forward, raised his eyes slightly, and said, "God of the sky? I'll blow you up today!"


Long Fei's breath moved

The wound cracked, and Long Fei ignored it.

at the moment o

In Long Fei's mind, in addition to killing, killing

What happened to Jojo irritated him, he was full of anger, and... Jojo was like this, what about his other women?

What about the dragon family?

What about the Fourteenth Dragon Ancestor?

What is their situation?

All these are like burning anger in Long Fei's heart, whether it is Zhan Wushuang or the main temple, they must be overturned!

The sky god smiled coldly and said, "Boy, what if you master the power of the Night King Baiqi's killing method? How long have you been cultivating the killing method?"

"My law of the sky power has reached its peak Realmo"

"You are my opponent?"

"How dare you brag about me? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

The power of the gods of the sky does not stop there o

His true power hasn't exploded yet o

The voice is not finished o

Long Fei disappeared, volleyed in an instant, landed in mid-air, snorted coldly, and said, "Then take out your strongest power, and let me see what the power of the law of the sky is."

"I'll also show you what is the law of killing, what is it called... Long Fei!"

The stronger the enemy, the more crazy Long Fei is.

In his eyes, the god of the sky is not a god

It's a gleaming golden boss, the silent perverted energy has been useless, this time... he wants to make the perverted energy work o


With a sound of falling, the endless killing intent aura came out like an earth-shattering aura.

law of killing

Killing thoughts starts, the target is not dead, it will never stop!

The power of law

soul of rules

One move, the sentence of fearless life and death

The Sky God's eyes glared, and he said coldly, "Then let you see the power of the laws of the sky."


With a loud bang, the sky god suddenly disappeared o

Without waiting for Long Fei to respond, "Boom!"

With a heavy kick on his back, Long Fei's body exploded thousands of kilometers, hitting a mountain, and the mountain collapsed.

god of the sky

king of the sky

Also the king of speed, his speed was once the fastest in the main temple, so he got the power of the law of the sky o

among the ruins

A voice came, "Is that the power?"


Long Fei's voice rushed out from the ruins

Not waiting for him to fall, the god of the sky is another move o

Speed ​​heaven-defyingo

Long Fei couldn't see clearly, and he couldn't sense the direction of the sky god's attack.


Thousands of kilometers away, another mountain is crumbling away





The mountains are completely destroyed, and it is completely like a fight between gods.

Long Fei has been in passive o

Although he has mastered the law of killing, but... just as the sky god said, he has just comprehended the law of killing, and has no time to cultivate.

And the sky law of the sky god has been cultivated for tens of millions of years, reaching the peak of Realm. Comparing the two laws, Long Fei is obviously not an opponent.

But o

Long Fei never admit defeat

Being kicked away again and again, Long Fei is summing up



Long Fei was kicked out again, this time he had expected the direction of the sky god's attack.


Flying out of the ruins, Long Fei was covered in blood, but a gloomy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "From now on, I won't let you touch the corner of my clothes."

"Humph!" The Sky God sneered, "You are just being abused by a trash like you."

"The law of killing?"

"It's useless to see you, why don't you give it to me o"

The law of killing, the strongest force in the law

Not to mention the sky god, any god in the main temple wants to get o

Long Fei comprehends the law of killing

If this power is stripped from him, it will become the seed of the law. As long as the cultivation is good, it can be fused and mastered!

Double law, this is what the sky god always wanted o

Long Fei was suspended in the air and said, "If you have a seed, come and get it!"


"Then you look good o"

In the sky, a breath moved slightly

Long Fei closed his eyes

in an instant o

With a heartbeat, "behind!"

The body is fantastic, the moment shifts, and the hands grab o


Grabbing the feet of the sky god, he smiled gloomily: "I said, you won't slam on the corner of my clothes again."

The voice is not finished o

Long Fei grabbed the foot of the sky god and smashed it down from midair.


Hit the ground hard


The god of the sky spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were ferocious.

Before he could fly up, Long Fei's fists were heavily bombarded, and he shouted, "Let me lie down."


The mouth was knocked out

Another mouthful of blood spewed out of the sky God's mouth.

With a thought of the sky god, he shouted loudly: "Long Fei, do you have this little power? You want to kill me with this little power? You are too ignorant."

"I am God!"

"I am the god of the sky!"

"I am the god who controls the laws of the sky!"

The sky god roared heavily

twice thump o

The sky god seems to be seriously injured, but... but he is not injured at all, because he is a god, and ordinary power can't hurt him at all.

These are just flesh wounds

Long Fei can also see from the bright red damage value floating above his head, it is only three-digit damage, and this damage is negligible for the sky god with billions of health.

His attack doesn't work o

Not enough damage!

Not even the power of the law of killing

Because Long Fei has no time to cultivate the Law of Killing Dao at all, and cannot release the power of the Law of Killing Dao at all.

and o

In this case, even an explosive fist might not be effective.

However... Long Fei is not worried, he has a way to kill the sky god!


"The sky god who controls the law, isn't he?"

"Not dead, right?"


"Then let you know what the law of killing is." Long Fei drank heavily and said angrily, "The Night King is white, come out!"

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