The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2039 Daddy Is Waiting For You, Lord God!

I can't kill you?

Do not!

I hit you, only the damage value is enough o

system in hand

For undead enemies?

Long Fei has super awesome bodyguards


"The night king is white, come out." Long Fei drank slightly, the killing law he mastered now is not strong, and he can't kill the god of the sky.


He can't, let's do it for nothing

The voice fell o

The sky god was stunned, his eyes swept away, and he said, "Scare me? Bai Qi died a long time ago, and he has turned into a pile of mud. Will he still appear?"

"Boy, even if Bai Qi is here, he can't kill me o"

I haven't finished speaking yet

A white shadow stands in the air

The entire Valley of the Night King was shaken

The Night Kings in the Valley of the Night Kings all knelt on the ground in unison.

White Shadow, Kill God

Night King, wake up!

Destiny's heart is shaking, everyone in the Night Royal family is shaking, Ziyue's face is full of excitement, excitement, "The first generation of Night King..."

"The strong o who once named after the main god"

"Valley of the Night King... will once again create a sensation in the 100,000 planes"


"Did you see it?"

Ziyue's heart is indescribably excited

The expressions of the people in the Temple of Gods also changed greatly. The moment Bai Qi appeared, the killing intent was soaring, and their minds could hardly bear this kind of breath.

like a deep desperation

They have not seen the Night King, nor have they felt the power of the Law of Killing.

But o

Now they feel it, one by one kneeling on the ground uncontrollably, the pain is unbearable o

"It really is the Night King!"

"It's really him!"

"He,,, he,,, he's not dead yet!"

The faces of the gods in the main temple changed dramatically

The image of the million corpses in my mind, the Night King standing on the mountain of corpses and staring at the world, struck my mind, and they all trembled involuntarily.

The Night King, representing the god of killing

Represents Deatho

In the battle for hegemony back then, his power was simply heaven-defying. Except for the Marshal Lord God, everyone he To put in one's eyes was completely invincible!

"He's still alive?"


Zhan Wushuang's eyebrows tightened, and he shook his head and said, "I can't feel his life wheel, he is already dead, and that white shadow is just a phantom created by his soul."

soon o

Zhan Wushuang knew that it was just the shadow of the Night King

Zhan Wushuang asked, "Why didn't the Night King choose to enter the main temple back then? No one would miss the opportunity to be in the divine class and enjoy endless life essence. Why would he choose to stay in the world?"

This question is like a mystery o

Even the Lord God has no answer o

No one would be so stupid to give up endless life and supremacy, god position o

Why is Bai Qi?

Hei-robed Destiny God shook his head and said, "This is a mystery, I'm afraid no one knows about it except himself."

Zhan Wushuang closed his eyes, looked into the distance, and whispered to himself, "Isn't it to wait for Long Fei's appearance?"

just casually say o


Zhan Wushuang's heart suddenly trembled, and his eyes were ferocious.

No matter what it is, anyone who is in the same camp with Long Fei will die, no matter what Night King or Vajra, there will only be one consequence.



Valley of the Night Kings

The face of the god of the sky became ugly

At that time, he was completely killed by the Night King, and he had no chance to resist at all.

Bai Qi looked at him coldly and said, "It's useless for you to say I'm here?"

The Sky God looked a little embarrassed and said, "Yes!"

"Now I'm not the me I used to be. In the past, you mastered the power of the law, and I was just a superior god. Now... I also master the power of the law, and the Lord God blesses it."

"Even if you come, what can you do to me?"

very tough

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he said, "Don't fool around with him, kill him!"

Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about it when it explodes

Also at this moment

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Qi's figure disappeared.

followed by o


Thousands of murderous auras visible to the naked eye pierced directly into the body of the sky god.




The thunder was rolling, and bright red damage numbers continued to rise above the sky god's head, all of which were strings of long numbers.

The damage is exploding

Long Fei thought for a while, "Damn, this is the law of killing."

"Compared to him, the law power I just released is just a little tadpole."

really sturdy

half a second

The billions of blood gauges on the sky god's head were instantly reduced by half, this damage... Wu Yunlun is more than o

The sky god is also confused, he doesn't even have room for a backhand,

never had o

Still the same no o

His sky law is cultivation, and Bai Qi's killing law has not stopped.

Bai Qi said coldly: "I used to be able to step on your head, and I can do it now, understand?"

Sky God sank his eyes and said, "Bai Qi, I am a person from the main temple, and also a guardian of the laws under the main god, you dare to kill me?"

"The main temple will not let you go to the Valley of the Kings, and the main god will not let you go."

Every god in the main temple is a guardian of the law o

They control the law of one hundred thousand planes

The death of any one means the collapse of a law.

There will be chaos in one hundred thousand planes


", daddy hates threats o"

"Kill him!"

Long Fei shouted, he couldn't wait.

The last time Destiny God broke out a Heavenly King Divine Sword, it didn't make any sense at all, this time... it must be a big explosion o

Long Fei's power can't do it o

But the power of Bai Qi's law of killing can completely kill the god of the sky.

Bai Qi made a slight noise and said, "Follow your orders!"


The meaning of these two words shocked everyone.

Bai Qi is Long Fei's subordinate, is he his younger brother?

Otherwise, why would you use the word obedience?

The faces of the people in the Valley of the Night Kings were blue, and cold sweat was oozing from their backs. Fortunately, they didn't do anything to Long Fei, otherwise they wouldn't even know how to die.

The sky god drank heavily and said, "Bai Qi, you dare!"

"Long Fei!"

"Kill me and you'll have to die too"

"You dare to oppose the main temple? Do you want to be in danger?"

The sky god roared o

Long Fei grinned and said, "It's not that I want to oppose the main temple, it's that you can't get along with the daddy, come on, let's see who kills who first!"

"Kill me!!"

Long Fei roared o

The god of fate made him unhappy, the main temple made him unhappy, and the master god also made him unhappy o

It was they who provoked Longfei first.

That's no wonder he

Bai Qi moved, and the power of the law of killing condensed into a sword of lore.

The god of the sky turned pale.

His body trembled and his voice trembled. He knew very well the power of this sword in his heart, "Save me, save me, Lord God save me..."


the sky cracks

A huge phantom of the Lord God burst out of the sky

Long Fei grinned slightly and said, "Hehe... Daddy is waiting for you!"

Think about it!

Summon system start o

"Heavenly Emperor, get me out!"

"Overturn the main god of this dog day!"

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