The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2040 The Main God Is About To Explode

When killing the god of fate, the main god appeared o

Will he appear when he kills the sky god?

Since you like to appear, let's do it together!

so o

Long Fei had already thought about it

The sky cracked, the phantom of the Lord God appeared, and the corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, showing excitement, "This time, don't even think about running away."

"Heavenly Emperor, kill him for me!"

The power of summoning moves o

On the other side of the sky, a divine light shone, and a huge figure fell.

The scene is like...

Jade Emperor Great Emperor general o

Dressed in white, the whole body is full of power that despises everything, and every move seems to be able to smash the 100,000 planes.

super strong o

This is a summon from the system

It lasts ten minutes!

Everyone looked up at the sky, one side was the phantom of the Lord God, and the other side was the Heavenly Emperor they had never seen before. It was a scene of a fight between gods and gods.

Lord God Illusory

Long Fei grinned and said, "Have you seen it before?"

The Lord God said in a deep voice, "Long Fei, this is the ancient battle of gods, the 100,000 planes that I rule, and no one can escape in front of me, even if it is a strong man from outside the realm, as long as he enters here, he must Follow the rules I make o"

He is the master of one hundred thousand planes

He is the rule maker of the 100,000 planes

He's in control, o

Even the strongest person who enters here will be bound by the laws he made.

This is the domination o

The sky god laughed and said, "Long Fei, did you hear that? You are not qualified to fight with the Lord God, hahaha..."

Long Fei smiled coldly and said, "Then let you know what qualifications are today."

"Heavenly Emperor!"

"Kill me!"

As soon as the command fell, the huge phantom of Heavenly Emperor moved.

At the same time o

Long Fei looked at the sky god and said with contempt: "Beep endlessly? Bai Qi, kill him!"

Bai Qi followed suit.

Long Fei stood on the spot, looked at the sky, and secretly said in his heart, "Whether it kills you or not, it will explode today, and no one can stop it!"

Heavenly Emperor move o


The main god phantom is also angry, his eyes are fierce, and his anger is booming.

The last time Long Fei did not dare to shoot at him, this time Long Fei directly shot at him, and he was very unhappy, he is the Supreme of the 100,000 planes, daring to shoot at him is to challenge his majesty, to challenge the 100,000 noodle!

Can't let such a person stay in his world o

Absolutely not!

“Wanfa Tongtiano”

"The law is bound!"

"Make it for me!"

The Lord God snarled, and a burst of law-binding force stronger than a burst erupted behind him, wrapping around Heavenly Empero like hundreds of millions of thin threads.


The power of this kind of law can't escape at all.

The whole 100,000 planes are the power of the Lord God. If you are in his world, then you can't escape. This is the Lord God, which is extremely powerful and cannot be avoided.

This is also the power of his phantom control, o

If it is the deity, then...

unimaginably powerful


With a blast, Heavenly Emperor was instantly restrained.

Long Fei's heart froze, and he secretly said: "Damn, this Heavenly Emperor can't be like this, right?"

Heavenly Emperor, the name is too intimidating o

but o

Long Fei doesn't know how strong he is

Maybe...he's just called Heavenly Emperor, not the emperor who controls the sky?

Long Fei's heart tightened slightly, and he secretly said, "Don't let the system play with me, right?"

The Lord God Xuying angrily said: "In my world, even the strongest of Hongmeng have to kneel down for me, who can disobey?"

"Long Fei, I gave you a chance!"

"Let you become a god child, make you a god class, and become the controller of the main temple, but you... but you don't know what to do, kill the god of fate, don't know how to restrain..."

"You think I'll be afraid that you won't succeed?"

The voice of the Lord God covers 100,000 planes

roar o

Whether it was the main temple or the temple of the gods, there was a huge earthquake. They never thought that Long Fei rejected the son of God.

The most shocking and unhappy is Zhan Wushuang of Tianshen Mountain.

"turn out to be……"

"It turns out..." Zhan Wushuang clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clenched loudly, extremely, extremely upset, "It turns out that he gave me something he didn't want."


Zhan Wushuang roars to the sky

at this moment o

The power of the law of defense and the power of the law of destiny both burst out, forming a violent explosion.

angry o

Zhan Wushuang is like being humiliated by Long Feiyou once.

This feeling drives him crazy

He thought that he had long been chosen by the Son of God, but... but Long Fei didn't want it.

Zhan Wushuang looked at the sky with both eyes, looking at the huge shadow of the main god, his eyes slowly narrowed, and his killing intent became intense.

The god of fate in the black robe on one side smiled slightly.


Valley of the Night Kings

Long Fei said with a smile: "The son of god is nothing, what daddy wants to be is not the son of god, but the master of one hundred thousand planes!!"

The voice fell o

The main god phantom roared, "Presumptuous!"

Long Fei shouted: "Daddy is so presumptuous, what's wrong?"

a thought o

King of the Titans

Long Fei also followed his thoughts and injected incomparably powerful power.

at this time o

Bound by the law, Heavenly Emperor suddenly broke through the shackles, and instantly flashed into the void, "Boom!"

Void Boom o

at this time……

A layer of sky is heavily crushed down o


A layer of heaven is used as a weapon, and heavy bombardment comes down. This move is also an existence that cannot be avoided.

He is the Heavenly Emperor!

In his world, he also controls everything o

The main god Xuying raised his eyes, his heart was shocked, and said: "This is my world, all the rules are made by me, no matter who you are, don't try to hurt me."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The strength is like a pillar, one after another roars the sky that is crushed in the sky

However o

no use at all

His power is completely absorbed by the sky o

layer by layer crit

Rolling layer by layer o

The main god phantom felt the endless pressure, and his heart was horrified, o

this is his world

He is invincible until the rules he makes are broken

But now... his strength can't break through the layer of sky that was crushed down.


This sky is not the sky of 100,000 planes

Heavenly Emperor said: "The law maker? I'm still... the emperor who controls Heavenly Dao, what are you?"


Press with all your strength

The sky is cracked, and the bombardment is strong

The main god phantom desperately resisted, but... he couldn't resist o

The huge phantom is constantly being crushed



The Lord God roared, and bursts of power after another burst out from his body.

but o

His phantom keeps compressing o

crack o

he can't resist

Long Fei was extremely excited, watching the phantom of the Lord God continue to decrease and crack, his whole person was like a chicken blood, and his eyes flashed: "It's bursting, it's bursting, it's about to burst, hahaha... The Lord God is about to explode!"

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