The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2044 Extreme Abyss Mountain Range

half a month later

Jiyuan Mountains o

"This is the place that must be passed through to the North Pole, and it is also the road that Luo Li must pass through." Ziyue looked at the mountains like an abyss in the distance, and couldn't help but sighed slightly, saying: "This is also the most dangerous place in the ancient war of gods. One of the mountains o”

The Jiyuan Mountains are dark, evil, and at the same time, the place where monsters, orcs, and all kinds of strange races live.

Here has always been adhering to the principle that people do not offend me, I do not offend others o

Whoever dares to enter rashly will end up miserably.

Even in the Valley of the Night Kings, such a powerful force as the Temple of the Gods did not dare to venture into the o

Danger is evident

Long Fei said: "Bai Qi, who has an ancient entrance in the northern polar region, I want to know what is in the northern polar region?"

Ziyue shook her head and said: "No one has been there, and no one knows what is there, but there are various legends that say that there is a passage to other worlds, and some people say that there is a way to the main temple, Some people say that there is a dark world, once you enter, you will never get out.”

"None of these have been proven o"

"Valley of the Night King once tentatively went to the northern polar region at its peak, but..." Ziyue smiled, looking at the Jiyuan Mountains in the distance, and said, "Everyone is in the mountains in front of you. disappeared and never came back o"

The Jiyuan Mountains are a natural dangerous place and a natural barrier.

Resist the extreme cold of the north

At the same time, it also resists the invasion of human beings.

Don't say it's the Valley of the Night Kings

Even the main temple that rules one hundred thousand planes doesn't know what is in the North Pole.

Is it the mansion of God?

Or The Underworld?

no one knows o

Long Fei froze in his heart, and said slightly: "Since it is so dangerous, why did Zhan Wushuang let him come here, is it possible that Zhan Wushuang can't be in the northern polar region?"

"Wherever he is, daddy must kill you!"

immediately o

Long Fei shouted and said, "Enter the mountain!"

Li Yuanba took one step and walked in the front

like a vanguard general o

After the Tianling pad, his spiritual power was released frantically, covering a radius of millions of kilometers, and any turbulent atmosphere around him could not be concealed from his Spiritual Qi induction.

Ziyue said slightly: "Why do you want to enter the battlefield from the ancient passage? If you want to make achievements in the battlefield to win the hegemony, you can enter the Temple of God. Even if the Temple of God is your enemy, you can also join the evil spirits. The dark camp of the temple can also enter the battlefield of hegemony o”

she doesn't understand

As long as you enter the battlefield of hegemony, it is the same wherever you enter.

Of course o

Ziyue has no idea how many people are waiting for Long Fei.

Hundreds of millions of people on Devil Island are waiting for him to get through the third channel o

Waiting to enter the battlefield of hegemony o

Ziyue will not know that what Long Fei wants is not only to enter the battlefield of hegemony, but to overturn the main temple and control 100,000 planes.

Long Fei didn't say anything, just smiled slightly and said, "It's more handsome to go in from the ancient entrance, hehe..."

grin o

Long Fei thought secretly: "I want to have a tunnel entrance that only belongs to me!"

half an hour later

Four people enter the Jiyuan Mountains o

The moment they entered, the expressions of the four of them changed slightly.

Tianling said first: "Boss, something is wrong. My Spiritual Qi induction has completely disappeared. Now the sensing range is less than 100 meters. It's like this is a special space. My power can't be released at all."

Li Yuanba followed suit and said, "Boss, my situation is almost the same."

"what's the situation?"

"Is there a strong person approaching?" Li Yuanba was waiting in a serious line.

Long Fei's thoughts move


Before he could release it, he was immediately bounced back by an inexplicable force.

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened, "There is an inexplicable force that is blocking our mind sensing, not human, but a special material, this mountain is a bit special o"

Ziyue said: "There are too many unsolved mysteries in the Jiyuan Mountains."

Long Fei said: "Everyone be careful o"

With a move of his right hand, Li Yuanba summoned the giant axe, and the axe opened the way.

The four of them cautiously set out towards the hinterland of the mountains.


Tenjin Mountain o


Zhan Wushuang frowned and his face was furious.

Heipao Fate Divine Dao: "What happened?"

Zhan Wushuang said: "My power of life wheel has been sealed!"


The black-robed Destiny God's face changed slightly. He once controlled the law of destiny, and he knew very well what kind of power the power of the Wheel of Fortune was. This kind of power could not be sealed at all.

Heipao Fate God: "How is that possible? No one in this world can seal the power of the Wheel of Fortune, unless this person is beyond the control of fate."

"Is it Long Fei?"

The messenger of destiny in black robe immediately thought of Long Fei.

Zhan Wushuang shook his head and said, "It's not him!"

"The last person I saw was... a monk." Zhan Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Which monk dares to oppose me?"

Lord God Fragment o

The soul of the sky god

These two things are very important to him, any of them can give him a huge improvement, especially the Lord God fragment, if it can be integrated into the Aegis, its defense will not be able to shake.

Zhan Wushuang pondered for a moment and said, "I want to go out in person."

The expression of Hei Robe's destiny changed slightly, and said: "Leave? If the Lord God knows..."

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said, "The Lord God hasn't come back yet. No one knows when I leave, and Long Fei won't be here for a while. Want to enter the battlefield of hegemony through the ancient entrance? He is a joke!"

"Does he think that anyone who wants to enter the ancient entrance can enter?"


"Even if I don't guard and let him in, he won't be able to get in o"

immediately o

Zhan Wushuang turned into a phantom and disappeared in place

The black-robed Destiny God raised his eyes slightly, his eyes gloomy, "The law of defense, the main divine artifact, the divine shield, the law of destiny, the law of the soul... the soul of the sky god should all belong to me!"

"Long Fei's life... is also mine!"


Jiyuan Mountains o

The four of Long Fei had already advanced 100 kilometers. Long Fei was still thinking about fighting monsters on the way to level up, but he never thought about it... He didn't even see a root hair along the way.

Not to mention Demonic Beasts o

"It's so weird too"

"It doesn't matter if there are no Demonic Beasts, but there are no beasts, what's the situation?"

Tianling pouted and said, "Boss, I miss your barbecue so much."

Li Yuanba scratched his head and said, "I miss o too"

Long Fei smiled and said, "You can kill Demonic Beasts, and I'll bake them for you right away."

"This place is so weird!"

"How can there be such a place?"

"Nobody, no Demonic Beasts, not even a beast!"


Long Fei always felt wrong in his heart, but he didn't know what was wrong!

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