The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2045 This Leads To The Battlefield Of Hegemony

In the Jiyuan Mountains

The four of Long Fei were as small as an ant. They climbed over several mountains in a row, and none of the Demonic Beasts saw o

Long Fei is also completely dead, the heart of fighting monsters and upgrading


"Boss, why am I feeling more and more wrong?" Li Yuanba looked at the surrounding environment.

Tian Lingdao: "My power of the imperial spirit does not work here at all o"

Long Fei looked at the sky, and the laws of the sky also worked at the same time. He saw the sun directly through the clouds, and his heart froze, and said: "We didn't move at all, we have been staying in place.


Li Yuanba was shocked, and the giant axe was even tighter.

Ziyue said: "Illusion? We didn't encounter anything, how did we enter the illusion?"

A cold light flashed in Tianling's eyes, his eyes could see through everything, but here... his eyes were useless, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and said: "Boss, I can't see anything o"

Can't even see him?

This is enough to show how strong this illusion is?

"You just stay here and don't move"

Long Fei uttered a word, turned his steps, and rushed to the sky in an instant, above the mid-air, looking around, he couldn't see anything.

nothing special o

not like illusiono

Long Fei's heart tightened, "Damn, isn't this too strange?"

As soon as the figure fell, he fell back to the same place, but... in less than ten seconds before he flew out of the ground, Li Yuanba, Tianling, and Ziyue disappeared.

"What about people?"


"Tianling?" Long Fei shouted a few times, but there was no response.

"I rely on!"

"So evil?"

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened, and the Divine Sense quickly expanded. At this moment, his Divine Sense was blocked by a powerful force.

also at this time

A middle-aged man walking out of the dark o

Cthulhu! !

No wonder!

The illusion arranged by the evil god, let alone Long Fei, even the gods in the main temple might not be able to detect it, let alone Li Yuanba and the others.

Long Fei has seen him, and he has seen the evil god in Chaos World and the giant tribe of Devil Island.

The evil god said with a faint smile: "Long Fei, we met again."

There is no aura in the whole body, which is more common than an ordinary person, but this shows that the evil god is powerful, and... Long Fei feels a more dangerous aura than the sky god from him.

Long Fei also smiled lightly: "Evil God o"

The evil spirit said: "I really didn't expect you to summon the Night King, and I didn't even think that you could kill the main god phantom. You really surprised me o"

"Now that the main god is not in the 100,000 planes, we will be able to overthrow the main temple and build a world that belongs to us."

"How about it?"

"Come with me?"

"I'll give you what you want"

sky god fall

The law of the sky changes hands

The evil god seized this momentary opportunity to counterattack crazily in the battle for hegemony... But... he did not win, and even continued to lose territory, and the loss of troops would be ruined.

because o

What he did not expect was that all the gods in the main temple had entered the battlefield of hegemony, and his army could not resist it at all.

losing steadily o

If he retreats further, he will be completely squeezed out of the battle for hegemony. At that time... he will really lose all opportunities.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Give what you want?"

The evil spirit said: "Yes, I will give you whatever you want."

Long Fei said: "Okay, then I want your life, give it?"

"Hahaha..." The evil god laughed and said: "Long Fei, you are a smart person, you also know in your heart who is in control of the Hundred Thousand Planes and who is the strongest, don't think that you killed the Lord God phantom. I just feel that the Lord God is nothing, the power of the Lord God is far more powerful than you think."

"And for the past few million years, the Lord God is no longer in the 100,000 planes. He has been in the outer realm, that is, in the great world of Hongmeng, for millions of years of cultivation, how powerful is he now? No one knows, And you are not his opponent, you and I are the only chance to join forces o"

"I can help you take back your loved one's soul o"

"I can give you everything you want." The evil god said seriously, he needed the power of Long Fei.

As long as Long Fei can enter the battle for hegemony with him, he will definitely be able to recover the lost ground and take the battle for supremacy while the main god does not return to the ancient battle of gods.

Long Fei grinned and said, "I don't know how strong the Lord God is, but he also doesn't know how terrifying I am, and you... To be honest, you have always been a loser."

The voice fell o

The evil god's brow furrowed, and the words "loser" made the anger in his heart explode.

at this time o

Another person came out of the darkness

Drought! !

Han Yan looked at Long Fei and said, "We finally met o"

Long Fei was a little shocked. Han Yan once said that he was waiting for him on the battlefield of hegemony, but he didn't expect to appear here suddenly, "You..."

Drunk Road: "I belong to the Dark Legion o"

"Long Fei, we need your help, can you help me once?"

How rampant was the drought in the Tianwu Continent? How arrogant?

Invincible o

I didn't put anyone in one's eyes, but... now it has become like this, and this is also because this is the ancient battle of gods, and the current Long Fei is no longer the one from Tianwu Continent.

And standing beside him is the supreme ruler of the dark army, the evil god!

Drought helped Long Fei o

Also helped Tianwu Continent o

Liu Luoxi and the others couldn't have made breakthroughs so fast without the guidance of Ganji. Long Fei was grateful to Ganji in his heart, but... this time o

Don't wait for Long Fei to refuse o

The evil god's eyes moved o

The dry man knelt directly on the ground and said, "Long Fei, please help me once."

Long Fei immediately stepped forward, supported the scorpion, and said, "You don't need to do this."

Unable to get up, he said: "We really need your help..." He hesitated for a while, then continued: "The Dark Legion has already lost the Red River, if we retreat again, we will be completely eliminated from the battle for hegemony, and then the darkness will come. The entrance is blocked and we don't even have the slightest chance o"

The evil god's eyes sank slightly

Long Fei exhaled in his heart and said, "Okay, I'll help you!"

"How to help?"

Han Yan looked at the evil god, and the evil god said excitedly: "Take your brother and me into the battle for hegemony, as long as you can help me kill back to the Red River again."

What is the Battlefield like?

How dangerous is it in there?

Long Fei doesn't know

But he knows that the scorpion has helped him and fought together, that is brother o

Brother is in trouble

Then you must help

Long Fei said slightly in his heart: "Then enter the battle for hegemony in advance, warm up first, and see what's going on inside."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Okay!"

"I'll help you!"

The Evil God was excited, his hands formed seals, and his mind moved, "Om..."

A flash of the void door opens o

Here's to the battleground for hegemony! !

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