The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2046 Welcome To League Of Legends

Looking at the gate to the battleground, this is the dark entrance o

On the other side of the main temple is the entrance to the light.

They are like a treasure that recognizes the owner, and their owner can summon o at will

Once Long Fei gets the ancient entrance, he can also summon it at will, and bring it back to Devil Island, so that all the brothers on Devil Island can kill them.

Looking at the entrance, Long Fei did not step in immediately, but asked, "Where's my brother?"

Evil God said: "They are already waiting for you inside o"

Long Fei looked at the drought

The scorpion nodded o

Long Fei smiled and asked, "If I don't go, will my brother die inside?"

The evil god's eyes moved, but he didn't answer.

Long Fei didn't wait for him to answer, and said, "I know o"

finish o

Long Fei stepped into the entrance and secretly said in his heart: "Damn, move my brother? This account is written down for you first."

Long Fei is a man that Yazi must report

For those who touch his brother, he has only one principle, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, get pregnant!

Long Fei felt a little abnormal since he entered the Jiyuan Mountain Range, but... he didn't expect that the evil god would personally go out and lay such a huge trap waiting for him.

Long Fei can resist, but the kneeling of the dagger makes his heart soften.

Then o,

He also wanted to see what the so-called heaven-defying place was like.

Dominate the battlefield to control the world of 100,000 planes

Become the master of this one hundred thousand planes o

Long Fei wanted to know what kind of world it was.

Long Fei's body was wrapped by the entrance, and the evil spirit grinned slightly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the scorpion, and said, "You did a good job."


"If Long Fei can use it for me, then I can kill Honghe."

"By the time……"

The evil spirit laughed excitedly

Long Fei's strength was far beyond his expectations, and coupled with the laws controlled by Long Fei, he believed that he would definitely be able to control the overall situation of the battle for hegemony.

immediately o

The evil god also stepped into the mouth

Looking at the entrance of the dark, the scorpion muttered: "Long Fei"

With a frown, he also stepped in.

He wants to change the world, change the laws and constraints, but... he finds that even if he wins the battle for hegemony, he can't change the world.

because o

Even if the main god falls and the evil god replaces it, the world will still be the same as before, nothing will change.

He is a little confused now

Who am I fighting for?

What am I fighting for?

It's like losing the direction of life. Ganji's heart is very complicated. Long Fei's heart is even more complicated after he enters the battle for hegemony.

Is it right or wrong?


The entrance is like a time tunnel o

A dark light shrouded o

suddenly o

The strong light was dazzling, Long Fei couldn't open his eyes a little, his body was standing on an altar like an altar, and the stones under his feet were carved with various runeos.

flashing fluorescent

Li Yuanba, Tianling, and Ziyue are standing beside him.

It's all normal o

Very normal, all three of them look very normal o


Long Fei is abnormal

To be precise, his system should be abnormal, and a voice that made him stunned and incomprehensible sounded o


"Welcome to League of Legends!"


"Damn, Damn, Damn his old mother o" Long Fei didn't know whether it was boiling, shock, excitement, or indescribable excitement.

Is the Battlefield of Hegemony the battleground of the League of Legends?

What the hell?

Long Fei shook his head and couldn't believe it: "This is an illusion, this must be an illusion, this is absolutely an illusion, I am obviously on the plane of the ancient gods, how can I enter the League of Legends?"

"This is Valoran Continent?"

"Is this Demacia?"

"What kind of bird thing?"

This kind of feeling is like when Long Fei crossed to Tianwu Continent for the first time.

Because now Long Fei has completely accepted this world and this identity, but now suddenly there is a "Welcome to the League of Legends!"

Immediately stunned

Long Fei looked at Li Yuanba and asked, "Yuanba, do you feel anything abnormal?"

Li Yuanba scratched his bald head, looked around with a serious look, and said naively, "Boss, I don't feel anything abnormal?"

Long Fei looked at Tianling, and Tianling also murmured: "There is nothing abnormal. If it is abnormal, it is that the breath here is a little more murderous."

Without waiting for Long Fei to ask, Ziyi shook his head and said, "Everything is normal."

"I rely on!"

"Could it be that I am not normal?" Long Fei muttered, looking around, the altar under his feet looked like a spring, and there was a huge crystal beam of light not far in front of him.

Isn't this the base?


Long Fei couldn't take it anymore, and said in his heart: "They don't have a system, so everything seems to be normal. I have a system, but the system is not normal."


"Master System, is this really the League of Legends?"

"Is there an Akali store?"

"Is there a main city cannon?"

"Is there an arrow tower?"

"Are there automatically generated minions?"

keep asking yourself

Long Fei kept searching in the system, but found nothing. Long Fei sneered slightly in his heart, and said to himself, "Could it be that the name of this battlefield is called League of Legends?"

"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

At this moment, a black light flashed, and the evil god appeared.

Looking at Long Fei's dazed expression, he smiled lightly and said, "This is the dark camp, there is a dark store on your left hand side, there are the supplies you want, and all kinds of things you can use, I I will give each of you 500 special contribution points, and the contribution value is the currency of the battle for hegemony."

"The more people you kill, the more Contribution Points you get. With Contribution Points, you can buy anything you want."

The evil god's eyebrows moved, at this moment o

In Long Fei's mind, the system sounded a prompt o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting 500 gold coins!"


"I knew it, I fucking knew it..." Long Fei had an urge to die, or it could be said to be an indescribable excitement.

Others take the contribution value o

And he?

It was the initial gold coin when League of Legends just came out, 500 coins!

and o

Looking in the direction of the evil god just now, the so-called dark store is Akali's store.

"Damn it!"


"It's very fatal!"

Long Fei felt a little bitter in his heart. He was playing games in his previous life, and he was playing and crossing the line. He never thought that he would enter the game battlefield in this life.


Speaking of playing games o

Then who has Long Fei Niubi?

League of Legends?

Although Long Fei didn't play too much, but...with his game experience, super understanding, and ability of consciousness, is it not a problem to crush the battlefield of hegemony?

bring it on!

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