The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2047 Standard Primary School Students

Long Fei quickly adjusted himself

No matter if this is the real League of Legends, or the real World of Battlegrounds o

Do, then do your best!

Once again set foot on the game for hegemony, Long Fei has an indescribable feeling in his heart, inexplicable excitement o

At this time o

Heresy said: "Each of you can only choose three Cultivation Techniques. After you kill a certain number of people, you will automatically activate a unique Cultivation Technique that belongs to you. This Cultivation Technique requires your accumulated contribution points. Exchange, you can exchange it directly without your consent.”

"This special Cultivation Technique is very powerful. It will disappear automatically after you leave here, and it will be there when you enter it for the second time."

"Additionally o"

"You must remember, try to kill their generals, the generals have the highest contribution value, and when you reach a certain contribution value, you can directly exchange the power of the law o"

"Okay, let's go ahead and choose as soon as possible o"

Three Cultivation Techniques, q, w, e, plus a special Cultivation Technique that is automatically activated by ascending to level 6, that is, the big move ro

To say that this is not the League of Legends Long Fei is a bit unbelievable o

Long Fei whispered: "Ziyue, you choose your celestial hearing technique, the power of vision expansion, and then the speed!"


"Big meat shield o"

There is no doubt that Li Yuanba is a super tank comparable to Dema with six pieces of defensive equipment, and to be exact, he is much more powerful than Dema.

"You choose the defense Cultivation Technique as the main thing, in addition... count your giant gods as well."

Li Yuanba smiled naively and said, "Okay."

Whatever Long Fei says, he will do what he says, and he will do everything with Long Fei. He doesn't need to think about it.

Long Fei looked at Tianling again and said, "You are the royal spirit Vajra, the ghost pulse, remote control, output, wait for you and Ziyue to go together o"

Li Yuanba is meat, powerful tank o

on the road o

Tianling is good at controlling the power of ghost pulse, remote output, acting as adco

Ziyue is the assistant

one more person left

The Evil God looked at Long Fei's command, his eyes couldn't hide the shock in his heart, and he was extremely shocked, and said, "He has been here? It seems familiar?"

Why have you been here?

Long Fei has at least died tens of thousands of times on this map.

It can be said that there are footprints of his death from the springs of his own camp to the springs of the enemy camp.

How can you not be familiar with such a map?

Long Fei looks at the evil god

The evil god immediately said: "I can't join the battle, this is the rule of the battlefield, I can only command o"

Long Fei said: "I'm not looking at you, I'm looking at the scorpion behind you."


Without waiting for Long Fei to speak, he said, "My Cultivation Technique has already been determined, what do you want me to do?"

Long Fei doesn't have a special understanding of the drought. On the Tianwu Continent, his power is strong, but now that the plane is different, the restraint of his power is also different, can he still be as strong as he is on the Tianwu Continent?

But o

Now Long Fei has no choice, and said, "Okay, then you're on your way!"

Han Xiao nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"

He didn't know who to fight for. Long Fei was brought in by him. He knew that if Long Fei didn't agree, the evil spirits would fight, "No matter what, I'll fight for you in this battle!"

stop for a few seconds

Everyone nodded and said, "We have chosen o for Cultivation Technique."

Long Fei said: "Ziyue, Tianling, you go down the road, control the rhythm, don't kill casually, wait for my order o"

"Hanji, you are in the middle, kill the opponent's minions as the main o"

"Yuanba, you're on the road, kill if you can, crush the opponent if you can't, remember not to enter the opponent's arrow tower attack range," Long Fei said quickly.

The four of them are a little confused

I don't understand Long Fei's words either.

It's okay for the drought, after all, he has been on the battlefield o

The three of Li Yuanba were stunned.

Heresy said: "Based on what I know about the light camp, they will definitely send two people on the road. I don't doubt Li Yuanba's strength, but here is different from the outside world, and the contribution value here is important."

No money means no equipment

Even if you don't have equipment, you won't be able to do it.

only ggo

And if it is really the same as League of Legends, two-on-one, then the pressure will be great o

Then you will have to fully resist pressure on the road.

But o

Hearing the evil spirits say this, Long Fei laughed in his heart, "Two on the road? Let go of the wild area? Hahaha... elementary school students, standard elementary school students o"

Li Yuan is domineering: "Boss, I'm fine by myself."

Long Fei said: "Then you can change it a little now. If you win, you can fight. If you can't win, don't fight hard. Just keep your development."

Li Yuan Ba ​​Dao: "Okay"

After finishing the arrangement, Long Fei said: "Get ready to kill o"

Ziyue asked suspiciously: "We all have a place, what about you?"

After asking this question, everyone looked at Long Fei.

"Yes, boss, where are you going?"

"Are you in command?"

Li Yuanba said naively: "The boss will do the command, you don't need to go out, I will kill 108,000 of him alone, no problem o"

Tianling also smiled excitedly and said, "I totally agree with o"

this time o

There was a burst of laughter from behind the altar

Long Fei looks at the evil god

The evil spirit coughed lightly for a while o

A group of people came up behind the altar. These people... Cultivation Base is strong, each of them is a realm of the highest gods, and they exude a strong evil power.

Everyone has scars

They are all evil generals

One of them couldn't help but smile and said, "Command? Commanding on the altar? Hahaha... Lord Evil God, I'm really sorry, I really can't control it, hahaha..."

Some generals around also laughed uncontrollably.

Li Yuanba was a little upset, his eyes sank.

The same is true for Tianling, the breath on his body has become gloomy.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "If you can't control it, you have to control it."

The man smiled and said contemptuously: "Just the five of you? Hmph, I didn't say that the group will be destroyed in one round! You still have a meat shield in the top lane and a support in the bottom lane, what a mess?"

"Do you know where this is?"

"Do you understand the rules of battle on the battlefield?"

"Do you understand?"

While speaking, these generals had contempt on their faces, and the expression of looking at a three-year-old child.

In their eyes, the tactics that Long Fei just arranged are useless, and they will be wiped out in an instant.

Long Fei shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "I don't understand, then why did your boss invite me?"

"Why not?"

"Let's go back, we don't understand anyway" Long Fei was too lazy to talk to him

The evil god's eyes sank, and he scolded, "Mingwu, pay attention."

Ming Wu said unconvinced: "Sir, I don't care how strong he is outside, what kind of gods he has killed, but this is the battlefield for hegemony.

"You really want to put the fate of the dark camp in his hands?"

"would you like to o"

"We don't want to!"

The voice fell o

Many generals suddenly took a step forward, drank heavily, and forced them directly in front of Long Fei!


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