The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2051 Good Things, Bring Them

Torturing primary school students o

It's completely torture, and it's all dumbfounded.

I don't know how to die

Start with a red buff, smash all the way from bottom to top

Pseudo pentakill o

What kind of existence?


The people on both sides of the main temple and the evil temple did not respond, their minds were blank, watching the generals fall one by one on Long Fei's fall, the gods behind the altar of the main temple did not even have the heart to curse.

How did that happen?


And this kind of play?

This f*ck the hell, isn't it?

Killed in three ways, unable to revive, this match... there is no suspense o

Five people collectively pushed, all the way to victory, ten minutes later o

The base of the main temple collapsed o

Fifteen minutes to break the base, break the record!

Everyone was dumbfounded

The system also beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for his victory, he has received a special reward of 3000 gold coins"

Long Fei's mouth twitched, excited.

also at the same time


The space on the battlefield of the hegemony suddenly moved, and a violent roar sounded, and then the battlefield disappeared, replaced by a vast and boundless continent.

The Heretic God was slightly shocked, snorted, and said, "Go forward!!"

The army of evil gods attacked quickly

The generals of the main temple quickly moved behind, as if unable to resist, and they did not have any resistance, and retreated directly to the other side of the Red River.

red river o

A huge blood-colored river o

This is a natural barrier o

As long as the Red River is guarded, the main temple will have nothing to do with the evil temple.

Unless, there is another record-breaking victory o

on the altar

Long Fei five people stand there o

Long Fei has been browsing Akali's store, and he has not bought anything else. He will use all the gold coins he will earn from League of Legends to buy the mixture of anger.

His gold coins are equivalent to the contribution value of others

This kind of thing is regarded as a treasure in the battle for hegemony. As long as a certain amount is reached, all kinds of heaven-defying things can be exchanged. However, Long Fei does not need o

All he wants is a mixture of anger o

What endless blade, what ruin, what drinking blood, he doesn't need any of these equipment o

What he wants is a potion that makes people bigger, thicker and stronger.


The evil god laughed and walked up from behind the altar, looking at Long Fei as if he were looking at a flawless treasure, and said, "Long Fei, you really didn't disappoint me."

Long Fei smiled lightly and did not speak.

Li Yuanba said angrily: "It seemed that everyone was not optimistic about us just now, we are stunned, and we are trash?"

"Is that what you said?"

Ming Wu's face froze, a little uncomfortable.

These words are undoubtedly hitting them in the face

The evil spirit said: "It was just a joke just now, don't forget to go to your heart."

Li Yuanba said: "We are not joking, I just want to say that for those who look down on us... You are a fart, are you qualified to comment on my boss?"


very disdain

Li Yuanba didn't put these generals in one's eyes at all. If Long Fei hadn't been pressing them all the time, whoever said that half of his bosses were not, he would have rushed up to overthrow him.

Ming Wu said in a deep voice, "What are you arrogant about?"

Li Yuanba stared at Ming Wu, and said, "We're just arrogant, what's the matter?"

Ming Wu's heart sank, his fists clenched, and his joints exploded.

The evil spirit stared, Ming Wu's breath loosened, and the evil spirit said with a smile: "Long Fei, I really want to thank you this time, I want to know how you did it?"

"No thanks o"

"As long as you keep your promise, it's fine." Long Fei didn't care. In fact... To tell the truth, Long Fei would like to thank the evil god for letting him know what the battle for hegemony was like in advance.

Also let him know the rules of the battlefield in advance

no doubt……

Here is a large group of primary school students, as long as he opens the ancient entrance, the battle for hegemony will be under his control.

The evil god's eyes tightened

A military general beside him whispered: "Sir, can't let him leave o"

Fifteen minutes to break the base o

Know tens of millions of years of records o

Not Long Feiqiang, but because his tactics are very special o

obviously o

He is very familiar with the battlefield of hegemony. Once such a person leaves, it will be a huge loss for the Evil God Temple. If he goes to the main temple, it will be even more unfavorable.

The evil god also understands in his heart that Long Fei is a rare talent.

If you can't get it, then you can't let others get it. Now destroying Long Fei is the best chance. With the power of the evil god, he is in the battle for hegemony, and he can easily crush Long Fei.

At this moment, the killing heart is darkened o

Long Fei also knows that although the evil god cannot match the strength of the main god, he is definitely the master of the law, and the cultivation of the power of the law reaches its peak Realmo

In the battle, he is definitely not the opponent of the evil god.

When a killing intent arose in the Evil God's heart, Long Fei's heart immediately sank. He is a practitioner of the Law of Killing. He can easily sense the killing intent of anyone around him, including the Evil God.

At this moment, Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, looking at the evil god.

Li Yuanba and Tianlingte were secretly guarding themselves, ready to attack.

The evil god said lightly: "I know you want to find the ancient entrance, open the third entrance to enter the battlefield, Long Fei, the ancient entrance is not so easy to get through, and the power of the main temple will not let you get through o"

Long Fei said: "This is my business, so I won't bother you."

carefully o

The evil god also sensed that Long Fei sensed the killing intent in his body, and said, "If, I mean, if you can't get through the ancient entrance, will you overthrow the main temple with me?"

The evil god is looking at Long Fei seriously

Long Fei did not answer immediately, but pretended to be contemplative, paused for a moment, and said: "The god of fate provokes me, he died, the god of the sky provokes me, and he also dies, the god of the Lord provokes me, he must also to die o”

"If I really can't get through the ancient passage, I will join hands with you to overthrow the main temple and pull the main god down."

"it is good!"

The Evil God gave a heavy sound, laughed, and said, "Long Fei, what I want is your words o"

The killing intent in his heart immediately disappeared o

turn o

The Evil God moved slightly, his hands were sealed, and he directly opened the huge gate of the void, saying: "You can leave here and return to the Jiyuan Mountains."

"Long Fei, the Jiyuan Mountains are very dangerous, you have to be more careful o"

"in addition!"

"I was wrong in the past, this is what I mean o" The evil god took out a strange box from his arms and said: "This is what I got out of the realm, I don't know what is in it, but tell me directly. It should be a good thing, you are special, I believe you can open it o"

Long Fei didn't answer, he didn't believe in the evil god

but o

at this time o

Sleeping Beauty suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Good things, bring them here!!"

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