The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2052 The Third Book From Heaven?

Sleeping Beauty never woke up after Long Fei entered the ancient battle of gods. Suddenly a voice came out, Long Fei was slightly startled, and said, "Sister, why are you awake?"

Sleeping Beauty said directly: "Don't worry about it for now, this black box contains good things, hurry up and get your hands on it."

in a hurry

as if things would fly away o

Even she is so anxious to see that the things in this black box must not be simple.

suddenly o

Long Fei pretended to be indifferent and joked, "Is there something here that is specifically tracking me?"

Even though he said so, Long Fei still stretched out his hand to take it.

Heresy said: "Long Fei, don't worry, even if I wanted to follow you, I wouldn't use this method."

There was no change in his face, but there was a slight cold sweat on the palm of his hand. He was really afraid that Long Fei would not accept it, just as Long Fei said.

Although it is true that he got the black box from Outland by accident, there is a breath of him on the box. As long as Long Fei keeps the box by his side, he can always control Long Fei's movements.

Long Fei saw right through it at a glance

The evil god's heart is tight, I'm really afraid that Long Fei won't

When he saw Long Fei reaching out to pick it up, he was slightly relieved.

Long Fei's ability is too strong, he must not let anyone get this kind of person, he is either a friend or an enemy, and an enemy will destroy him.

Long Fei smiled and said, "I'm just joking, don't take it too seriously."

"All right!"

"Then I will thank the evil god, we will go first if we have nothing to do."

finish o

Long Fei's eyes moved, and Ziyue stepped into the twisted portal first.

Li Yuanba and Tianling follow o

The scorpion hesitated for a moment

Long Fei said: "Han, you are my person now, so let's leave together?"

He didn't look at the evil god, but looked at Long Fei, and then stepped into the portal.

He is a little confused

Maybe leaving the battlefield is a good choice o

Long Fei said: "Lord Evil God, there will be an expiry later."

The evil god waved his hand and said, "There will be a period in the future."

Long Fei stepped into the portal, and the portal was also closed.

Ming Wu immediately stepped forward and said, "Sir, why do you want to let him leave? People like Long Fei must not be obtained by the main temple, otherwise..."

The evil god did not wait for him to finish, and immediately said: "Let me investigate the rules of his movement, I want to know how he did it o"

"As for his whereabouts o"

The evil god revealed a sinister sneer and said, "He can't escape from my palm."

"Long Fei!"

"You are mine, don't worry, you will never get through the ancient entrance."

He knows very well what kind of existence the ancient portal is.

Not to mention that the Lord God sent the son of God Zhan Wushuang to guard, even if there is no Zhan Wushuang guarding Long Fei, it will not be able to get through, the ancient entrance is a dead end.

He doesn't even try to get through

As long as Long Fei can't get through the entrance, he will obediently become his tool.

The Evil God grinned and said, "What we have to do now is to study Long Fei's routine, and besides... we still have one more thing to do o"

"Ming Wu o"

"Go and spread the word about Long Fei's entry into the battle for hegemony this time. I want to deepen the hatred between the main temple and Long Fei, so that Long Fei has no choice."

Ming Wu was stunned, and immediately said: "Follow the order o"

As long as the hatred between the main temple and Long Fei reaches a certain depth, and Long Fei can't get through the ancient entrance, then he has only one choice to join his dark camp.

With the help of Long Fei, we will definitely be able to win the battle for hegemony.

Ming Martial Dao: "Sir, what if... what if Long Fei gets through the ancient entrance?"

The Heretic God smiled lightly: "Even if he gets through the entrance, he won't be able to get in!"

There are a group of unshakable monsters in the ancient entrance. No one can get through the ancient creatures. Even if you get through Long Fei, you can't get in, because the black box can make him disappear.

Everything is under his control o




One after another humming sounded, and the five Long Fei stood at the foot of the Jiyuan Mountain Range, and they never stepped into the Jiyuan Mountain Range from beginning to end.

Li Yuanba said unhappily: "Damn, so we didn't go in at all?"

Tianling said: "This evil god is the power of illusion is really strong, I didn't notice it at all, I stepped into the illusion for no reason."

Han Yan said: "The power of the evil gods is impeccable, unless it is the main god, otherwise no one can break it."

Long Fei looked at the dry man and said, "How much do you know about the evil god?"

Han Yan smiled bitterly and said, "If I hadn't said that I knew you, I should still be an unknown soldier, Long Fei, I'm really sorry o"

It was he who brought Long Fei into the battle for hegemony

He feels indebted

He wants to change the world, he once thought he could change the world, change the laws, but he found that he was really too weak o

After entering the battle for hegemony over the years, he understands a truth even more. The dark faction he chose cannot change the world. Even if they win, the world will still be the same as before. It's just a group of gods and a group of rulers. nothing will change o

Long Fei said: "You don't have to be sorry, I should thank you o"

"What are your plans now?"

Han Yan shook his head and said, "I don't know, I want to go to the God Realm and return to my own origin."

Upper God Realm, the plane above Chaos Realm o

The plane level and the war of the ancient gods are almost at the same first-level.

exactly o

The realm of the gods was conceived earlier than the ancient gods, but it was only because there was a battle for dominance in the ancient gods that it became more famous.

The Upper God Realm is the center of the 100,000 planes.

All kinds of powerful races in the one hundred thousand planes come from the realm of the gods.

The dragon family where Long Fei is located, and the dragon family are also from the upper god realm.

Long Fei didn't stop him and said, "Since you want to go back to the origin, then you can go."

Han Yan smiled and said: "I will help you get through the entrance to the ancient times and go back. You helped me, and now I should help you too. The entrance to the ancient times can't be opened casually. You alone are not enough."

Li Yuanba smiled naively and said, "One more brother."

Han Yan immediately mingled with Li Yuanba and Tianling, and the three of them opened the way and advanced directly into the Jiyuan Mountains.

Ziyue walked to Long Fei and asked strangely, "Why are you so familiar with the terrain of the Battlefield? Have you been there?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "I've been there in a dream, do you believe it?"

Ziyue looked at Long Fei, the man in front of her was like a fan, the more she looked, the more she couldn't see through.


"Sister, what's in there?"

"It's rare to see things that can make you so excited." Long Fei muttered. It's really rare to see her so excited. The last time was the Star Book and the Holy Buddha Book.

Besides, Long Fei has never seen Sleeping Beauty so excited.

Is it...

This black box also contains a book from heaven, right?

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