The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2058 Tear Clothes? I'm Good At It

Long Fei likes to solve problems in a simple and rude way

Head to head?

I like!

But... Long Fei didn't expect that something he liked more appeared.

The big-breasted woman said: "Okay, let's find a place to single out, I will definitely eat you!"

Duel, for the fox warriors, whoever wins will be eligible to eat the other.

Long Fei wanted her to challenge o

Then as long as she wins, Long Fei is hers.

Long Fei was stunned.

The twin women immediately grabbed Long Fei and said, "Master, don't fight her, you are not her opponent, she is the first warrior of the fox clan, o"

very worried o

They know the strength of Long Fei, but they know the strength of the big breasted big sister even more.

Not your average strong o

The power of law controlled by Long Fei is completely useless to them.

Although the fox clan is the weakest among the tribes in the Jiyuan Mountains, they are also warriors with super-strength combat power. Sister Big Breast is one of them.

known as the mother Yakshao

fierce o

Never failed in heads-up history


"What are you two blocking?"

"He has already challenged me, and now he has no choice but to refuse." The big breasted sister was aggressive and did not give Long Fei any way out.

She won't let anyone stop her from eating Long Fei o

As long as Long Fei is eaten, her Cultivation Base will definitely increase greatly.

She has never stopped pursuing Martial Dao, and she will never miss such a good opportunity.

Seeing Long Fei in a daze, the disciples of the fox tribe thought that Long Fei was frightened.

However o

But no one saw the evil in his eyes and the lewd excitement, and said seriously: "Do we have to find a place where no one is alone?"

The big-breasted sister said: "Yes!"

Long Fei said again: "Does it have to be like this?"

Big breasted sister said: "Are you afraid? I'm afraid it's too late!"

"I'm a little scared!" Long Fei became excited, "Damn, aren't you looking for shit?"


"The big brother will fulfill you, let you blossom, and let you know what kind of gentleness a woman should have. Fighting and killing, eating people and drinking blood are not things that women should do at all." Long Fei's heart began to be evil. Get up, staring at the big breasted sister's chest and hands are already itchy, looking like I can't stand thirst o

"Big breasted sister, kill him o"

"Destroy him!"

"Big sister head, big sister head..."

The surrounding fox women began to cheer o

Excited one by one

It can be seen that these fox women are more belligerent.

The twins grabbed Long Fei and shook his head, saying, "Master, don't go, she'll eat you, don't go..."

They are very worried about Long Fei o

Long Fei smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

immediately o

The big-chested sister moved, suddenly had an illusion, landed on a hole in the ancient tree, hooked her fingers to Longfei, and said, "Come on!"

finish o

The big breasted sister walked into the tree hole in one step

Before Long Fei could speak, the fox women behind him stepped forward and shouted, "Go, go, go, go..."

I was forced to drink it for a while, as if I was afraid that Long Fei would escape.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Wait, daddy will turn you all over one by one."

Women should be caressed by men

Such a woman is a woman

Otherwise, you will never know what a woman is and what a woman should enjoy!

Long Fei leaped to the mouth of the tree hole, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and murmured, "Look how I spank your ass!"

step in o

The tree hole is huge, and the center is like a small square. The light transmitted from each tree hole makes the whole tree hole a magical place.

Long Fei's footsteps fall

Standing in the center of the tree hole, Wei Wei said: "Singles, right, come on!"

Don't wait for him to finish o

Phantom moves, claws follow o


Long Fei was caught off guard, and his reaction was slow for half a second. The clothes on his chest were scratched and ripped off, revealing three bloodstains. He shuddered in his heart, "Damn, it's so exciting as soon as you come up, I like it!"

dark place

The big-chested sister licked the blood on the hook of the sharp claw, and said solemnly: "What a strong essence force, it's too exciting."

talking room o

The figure of the big-breasted sister disappeared again o

Soon, she struck again, this time even faster, her moving trajectory was constantly changing, just like a fox's ultimate move, flickering and flickering all the time.

Long Fei stood there, motionless, and released the power of the law of killing.

The speed force of the law of the sky is released...


What made him strange was that the power of these two laws could not sense the position of the big breasted sister.

The power of law is useless?

Just as Long Fei was thinking about this, the clothes on his chest were scratched and rotted again, tearing a large piece of it.


"The power of the law?"

"The power of law is garbage, and it is of no use to us o" The big breasted sister said with contempt, very disdain o

The speciality of the Jiyuan Mountains is here.

It is extremely difficult to survive in the polar regions. The evolution of tens of millions of years has made the people here in Life extremely strong, able to resist the law power of one hundred thousand planes.

That's their horror

The power of the law is useless here!

"Is that so?" Long Fei murmured.


Long Fei's clothes were torn off again, and Long Fei was a little annoyed, "You like tearing clothes so much?"

" can't wait?"

"Want to see my body?"

talking room o

Long Fei pulled his hands and tore his own shirt, revealing a piece of muscle and a perfect body.

The big chested sister frowned, snorted coldly, and said, "Humph! Who cares about your body? What I want is your Blood Essence, your flesh, your heart, your liver, your spleen, lungs and kidneys, And your brain..."

"I'm going to devour you all o"

"I rely on!"

"So cruel? It's not good for a woman to always think about eating people? And don't you think eating people is disgusting? Why don't I eat you, don't worry, my way is very harmonious, and you will definitely like it , and will enjoy it very much." Long Fei grinned evilly, and then said: "It's so hot here, it's not good for you to wear so much. I've already taken it off, so you can take it off too, that's fairer."


talking room o

Long Fei's speed moves, and his thoughts take shape.


soon o

The big-chested sister's face froze, and she was not afraid. She had never been afraid of anyone when she grew up so big. She directly attacked it head-on, shouted, and said, "I'm going to tear you apart."

Long Fei's thoughts become shadows


One claw smashed the kill, at the moment of this smashing, the eyes of the big breasted sister sank, and she secretly shouted, "Oops!"

Long Fei showed no mercy

Using his hand to make a knife, he cut through the clothes on the back of the big breasted sister with one knife, and it was just right, without hurting her skin at all, and the snow-white jade back was exposed.

More importantly, o

The clothes in front of her also slipped down...

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