The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2059 Surrender Them All

The picture of the blood spurting appeared o


Long Fei swallowed his saliva uncontrollably, and the evil fire grew.

The big breasted sister reacted subconsciously, holding her chest with both hands, her face flushed, and she said with extreme hatred, "Evil thief!"


"You should call me a hooligan." Long Fei grinned, and the picture made him even more excited, and said, "Done, I prefer hand-to-hand combat."

"How many clothes do you have on you?"


"Let's take it off too"

in an instant o

Long Fei moved again

The big breasted sister said angrily: "Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

While she was speaking, she made a counterattack, and when she moved her hands, Bai Huahua's chest was completely exposed.

Long Fei said evilly: "Your chest is exposed..."


The big-breasted sister was startled again, and suddenly she covered her chest with both hands, and her body was red with anger.

woman o

No matter what kind of woman you are, important parts of your body will be protected no matter what, let alone in front of a strange man.

Even if the big breasted sister is the first warrior of the fox clan


She is still a woman after all

Her clothes are torn, her fighting power has dropped by half o

At the moment when she panicked, Long Fei moved again, wrapped around behind her, grabbed her small pants, and tugged hard, "You like tearing clothes, don't you?"

"Tear it up now"


Another tulle dress was torn, and now there is only one left on the body o

The big breasted sister's head is going to be smoking o

She has never met such a 'not wanting face' hooligan, too not wanting face, too wretched o

"tear clothes?"


"Tear it!"

"Hurt each other." Long Fei looked at the long legs of the dual culture. If you put these long legs in a previous life, you won't get tired of playing the rhythm of a year.

The big breasted sister said angrily, "What do you want to do?"

Long Fei became evil and said shamelessly: "What do you want to do? Of course it's a one-on-one fight."

finish o

Long Fei moved again, and his figure disappeared into the void.

The big-breasted sister's face sank, and she took a defensive posture again, revealing her chest again.

"revealed again o"


"I saw it all this time"

"It's so big o"

Long Fei laughed evilly, the big breasted sister's face was red as if dripping juice, she let out a sharp cry, and suddenly, she rushed up in anger.

In desperation, the combat power drops again o

less than one-third of the usual


Long Fei smiled evilly, "Women are still women after all, they're still too tender."

talking room o

Long Fei's figure fell behind the big-chested sister again with a 'swoosh', tearing off the last piece of clothing on her body, and at this moment...


strong wall o

Immediately put the big breasted sister on the wall in the tree hole

"Want to eat me?"

"Now I'll eat you first." Long Fei became sinister and evil, and then... staged a crazy hand-to-hand fight...




outside the ancient tree

People are anxiously waiting

"Why hasn't the big sister head come out yet?"

"You won't lose, will you?"

"Impossible, the big sister has never lost, she is the first warrior of our fox clan, even if she is a warrior of the ancient elephant clan, she will not lose o"

"Then why haven't you come out yet?"

"Is she already eating that man?"

"Does that man really have the power of the law? Why didn't I sense it?"


people whisper o

The big-breasted sister has a very high status in the fox clan, and many people worship idols because the force is strong enough.

an undefeated o

God of WarGeneralo

There was no sound for such a long time, so they couldn't help but worry o

The twins are also worried. They are worried not only about the big breasted sister, but also about Long Fei. They are worried about Long Fei a little more. "It's been so long, will something happen?"

"Would you like to go in and take a look?"


"No one is allowed in until the big sister's head comes out"

The clan elder's eyes sank slightly. She seemed to sense something. She looked at the sky with both eyes and said slightly: "Ayue, go outside the valley to see o"

"Patriarch, what happened?"

The old woman said: "There is an unfamiliar atmosphere approaching o"



"Are you satisfied?"

"Come again if you don't agree!"

Long Fei stared at "chi luo", the big breasted sister who was sweating profusely and blushing, slapped her ass and said, "Will you serve it?"


End of a round o

The big-chested sister was panting, her breath was like a flame, she suddenly pounced on Long Fei's domineering eyes, lowered her voice and said angrily, "I'm going to kill you o"

"I rely on!"

"It doesn't look like it, doesn't it?"

"Then come again!"


Another round of fighting begins


"Do you wear it?"


"Come again!"


one more round o


It's just so arrogant, it's so fierce

a few hours

Big breasted sister is exhausted and has no strength at all, not to mention her strong fighting power, even if she is the main god now, even if she is Supreme, she can't use any strength o

Crispy and numb, I can't use any strength.

Long Fei, however, was alive and well, quite vigorous, and said, "Do you want to take it?"

The big breasted sister has no more strength, and said: "Serve, take, I take o"

"It's almost o"

Long Fei grinned and said, "Now you know what it's like to be a woman?"

He took out a set of dry clothes from Interspatial Ring and slashed it on the big breasted sister, saying: "You have the mark of my Long Fei on your body, from now on you are my Long Fei's woman, don't worry, I will not let any People bully you o"

woman o

The quickest way to make her like you is to enter her body o

Of course o

There will be two results in this way, either fall in love with you or hate you penetrates the bone, and will never forgive o

Fortunately o

Big breasted sister is the front o

As Long Fei said, she didn't know before, but now she knows what a woman is.

Long Fei put the clothes on her body and felt incomparably warm, just such a move her heart melted.

"Let's go!"

"Go out o"

Big breasted sister is not easy to walk, so Long Fei helped her out of the tree hole


"The big sister's head came out o,"

"Huh? Why is he still here?"

"What's the situation?"

Many fox disciples are puzzled

"Big sister, have you lost?"

The big breasted sister nodded, without any discouragement, but with a look of happiness, said: "I lost, I lost to my man o"

Shocked all over

The whole valley fell silent


And he said he lost to his man?


make many people unacceptable

The big breasted sister looked at Long Fei with love in her eyes, then turned to look at the many clansmen under the tree, and said, "If you don't agree, you can challenge him."

"Husband, you have to accept o too"

"Submit them all, hee hee..."

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