Chapter 2061 tough

Long Fei is the bane

Eating him can enhance the strength of the fox clan, and can eradicate the root cause of the disaster, allowing the three major tribes to withdraw from the valley.

It's a two-in-one thing o

The old woman's heart was ruthless, and she secretly said: "What people want, Long Fei, although you are handsome, but you can't blame me o"

For the sake of the fox family, she can only make a choice o

Once Long Fei dies, the people of the three major tribes will definitely leave o


While the fox clan was studying how to eat Long Fei, Long Fei was still madly in cultivation mode.


"Refining failed o"

"Cannot get reward!"


After being bombarded again, Long Fei's violent temper came up, and he shouted loudly, "Then come again!"

The whole person is as mad as a bison o

go on crazy

Refining is different from killing steel-armored beasts. It needs to be comprehended bit by bit, to develop own thinking bit by bit. Skill proficiency cannot be obtained in the cultivation space, and it is useless here, even if Long Fei's refining It is useless to reach the pinnacle level of this world.

The refining level in this cultivation mode is completely beyond the 100,000 planes.

Everything Long Fei had mastered before was useless!




His thoughts were shattered by the blast, and Long Fei experienced Death once again. Now he was numb, and he no longer felt anything about Death. He roared in his heart, "Come again!"

Just when he forgot his self-refinement o

The twins approached silently, "Master Long Fei, Master Long Fei o"

Long Fei quickly recovered, "You two?"

Bai Ling anxiously said: "You hurry up and leave, my mother-in-law really studies how to catch you. If she eats you, hurry up and leave, and never come back."


Long Fei was shocked and said, "Do you want to eat me?"


"Where's Big Breasted Sister?" Long Fei immediately wanted to beat Big Breasted Sister. He could see that Big Breasted Sister must have fallen in love with him. The Jedi would not participate, nor would he allow the fox clan to eat him again.

Bai Lingdao: "big sister's head is locked up, she will be fine, Master Long Fei, hurry up and leave, it will be too late o"

"Additionally o"

"Don't leave the thorny jungle at the front of the valley. There are people from the three major tribes, and they are also coming for you."

Long Fei was secretly startled again, thinking that a fox disciple walked into the tree hole in a hurry not long ago, and said, "Is it also for me?"

The twins said: "Master Long Fei, don't think so much now, leave quickly."

"Leaving the Jiyuan Mountains, the tribes of the Jiyuan Mountains are incompatible with humans, and they will not let you pass through the Jiyuan Mountains alive."

The tribes of the Jiyuan Mountains once also served mankind.

but o

After the war was won, they were abandoned o

so o

They hate humans for generations o

hatred never ends

Long Fei doesn't understand that, and he doesn't bother to care about it. It's not good for his woman to be locked up. He said a few hours ago that he would protect her, and now he's arrested, what's that?

What is his man?

Are you talking bullshit?

Long Fei said: "Are the three major tribes still surrounded by the thorny jungle?"

The twins said: "Well, don't worry, they can't get in. Their bodies are not so dexterous in this thorny jungle, and they can't get in at all."

This thorny jungle is very dense, and ordinary people can't get in at all.

Long Fei frowned and murmured: "This thorny jungle is indeed difficult to enter, but... if you use fire to attack, this jungle will be the dead place of the fox clan."

When the wind blows and the smoke billows, the fox clan will not have any place to hide.

"Say o to your patriarch"

"I'm going to resist the three major tribes, and I'll repel them, but... If I don't let go of Big Breasted Sister after I've repulsed, I'll be rude!"

finish o

Long Fei didn't stop, jumped quickly, and disappeared in place.

The twins were stunned, too late to stop o

With extremely anxious eyes, he said loudly, "Master Long Fei, don't go anywhere, you are not their opponent, leave quickly..."

also at this time

The fox disciples rushed out in unison.

surround the twins

"Patriarch, that man ran away!"

"Can't let him run away, he's our trump card o"

"Without him, the three major tribes would not let us go"



The fox disciples are anxious

Long Fei left, and the three tribes were still at the mouth of the valley. They could not resist the three tribes. If this continued, they would only be trapped in the valley.

The twins immediately stepped forward and said, "Mother-in-law, Master Long Fei said that he would repel the three major tribes. If he repels the three major tribes, he wants you to let go of the big sister."

"If you don't let go..."

The clan elder's eyes flickered slightly.

Without waiting for her to speak, a fox elder next to her asked, "What will happen if you don't let it go?"

The twins said truthfully: "He will be welcome!"



"Too arrogant, who does he think he is? He is arrogant when he has mastered a little power of law? This is the Jiyuan Mountains! What is he?"

"You're welcome to us?"

"Doesn't he know how he got caught here?"

Many fox disciples are very angry

If you can catch Longfei once, you can catch the second time,

They don't put Long Fei To put in one's eyeso at all

The patriarch said solemnly, "If he can repel the three major tribes..."


"Patriarch, you don't really believe this kind of nonsense, do you?"

"He chose to escape long ago. Do you think he will fight off the three major tribes. Even if he doesn't escape, he can fight off the three big tribes?"

"No fool will believe it!"

"that is!"

"The three major tribes are so powerful. He is a human, so what if he understands the power of the law? It's the same looking for abuse!"

They don't believe that Long Fei can repel the three major tribes.

I don't even believe that he will go. At this time, it should be running away.

"Patriarch, why don't we compromise with the three major tribes, the man must have escaped, and the four major tribes may find room to maneuver together."

"Yes, patriarch o"

"Three major tribes, we can't resist any of them, let alone the three major tribes joined forces."

The twins said: "Master Long Fei will definitely do what he says, mother-in-law, please believe him."

"Believe the shit o"

"If he can repel the three major tribes, I can do whatever you want, even if it's the same as the big sister."

"I am also o"

"The impossible thing o"

The twins were crushed by several powerful disciples

The patriarch's eyes sank slightly and said, "Give him one night, if... he doesn't repel the three major tribes, then there is no need to believe him."

one night time?

can't do anything at all

It takes half a night just to walk through the thorny jungle...

Of course o

this is for others

Long Fei is different!

He was screwed with these thorns

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