Chapter 2062 Serve?

Either it got hung up here or it got stabbed there o

and o

These thorns are not ordinary thorns, they are all poisonous o

Long Fei's physical body is extremely resistant, and he can't feel all these poisons, stings, etc., but he is very annoying!

Quite annoying!

After half an hour, he advanced less than ten meters, which made him a little hairy, and he was extremely unhappy.

"Fuck you in the Mahle Gobi!"

Long Fei burst out with a foul language, looking at the dense jungle of thorns before, his anger surged, and he shouted heavily, saying: "Give me all to die and go."


dragon fire burning o

Long Fei took one step, and the surrounding thorns instantly turned into powder, and when he touched the dragon fire on Long Fei's body, it turned into powder. The damage of this power... super explosive.




Violent all the way, like a broken bamboo o

What used to take hours, now takes less than half a minute o

"Elder, look!"

"There is a fire in the bush of thorns rushing out o"

A disciple of the fierce tiger clan quickly reported o

this time o

All the people from the three tribes came out.

The leader of the demon wolf clan rolled his eyes and said, "Attack with fire, hahaha... This thorny jungle is afraid of fire, why didn't you think of it at first?"


"Go and see what this fire is o"

"It seems that the fox warriors haven't cultivated the fire element power yet?"

The beheadings of the three major tribes rushed forward.

suddenly o

A giant elephant of the ancient elephant clan shouted: "It's a human being o"

The voice fell o

The warriors of the three major tribes entered a state of battle instantly, and the two weapons surrounded the mouth of the thorny jungle.


also at this time

Thorny Jungle Penetration o

Long Fei exhaled, drank, and said, "Wait, it's easy now."

look at o

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at him naked, their eyes were motionless, and these people were all half-demon and half-human, with the tiger pattern of the fierce tiger clan, the whole body was covered with colorful tiger skin, and the muscles all over the body were full of Explosive power, a person can be killed if he is not careful o

Ancient Elephants, huge body o

huge power o

The strangeness of the demon wolf clan, the eyes flashed with shadows o

and o

They all have one thing in common, they can be animalized in an instant!

That is to say, they have two different combat modes, and the beast is even more terrifying.

Long Fei froze in his heart, smiled lightly, and said, "The three major tribes?"

no rash action

Sister Big Breast is not afraid of the power of his laws, and there is no doubt that the warriors of these three major tribes are the same. No matter what the reason is, if they can be brought into the battlefield of hegemony, it must be a super army.

Of course o

This is if...

If not, o

Then move the killing ring!

"You are that human?" The leader of the demon wolf clan couldn't hold back anymore, his saliva was drooling, and he couldn't hide his excitement: "I have smelled the power in his blood, so pure o"

The elder of the fierce tiger clan said: "Demon wolf, don't forget our previous agreement o"

The Elder of the Ancient Elephant Clan stared at Long Fei and said, "You destroyed the Demon Fox Clan?"

Long Fei said with a smile: "It's not ruined, the demon fox clan has already been subdued by me, and now I want to subdue your three major tribes, my name is Long Fei, I can take you to pretend, and take you to fly!"

"The key is to see if you want to pretend or not, and whether you want to fly!"

Long Fei's tone is crazy

This made the people of the three major tribes very unhappy.

Everyone's eyes sank, staring at Long Fei.

Anger is growing o

Elder Liehu said, "No human being has dared to say such a thing in front of us. What is the purpose of subjugating the demon fox clan? Subduing us?"


"Boy, you should take a piss on your own virtues..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei raised his eyes and his body suddenly moved.


The pace is eight characters, the speed is not fast, anyone on the scene can see it clearly o

Elder Liehu's reaction was extremely fast. He reacted the moment Long Fei moved. Seeing Long Fei rushing up step by step, he sneered and said, "I'm not self-sufficient."

body sinking

Put your hands on the ground, and kick your back foot sharply


A harsh sound of breaking the air sounded o

The speed is many times that of Long Fei.

Speed ​​can bring strength to the extreme. The speed and strength of the Tiger Race are perfectly integrated, and what they are best at is sudden force.

Fierce explosive power

Forming streaks of space tearing around his body


Long Fei was shocked, "It's really fierce"

have to say o

Liehu Elder perfectly combines speed and strength, and the sudden force is the perfection of perfection. It can be said that even ordinary gods can't resist such an attack.


"This ignorant human being is dead!"


"Subdue our three major tribes? Is he a root hair?"

"Being arrogant in front of us, isn't this courting death?"


Many clansmen laughed

Laugh at Long Fei's overreaching

What kind of existence is the Jiyuan Mountains, they have never been afraid of anyone o

Even God!

They don't dare to enter the Jiyuan Mountain Range rashly, because... this is their territory, their world, and they are the masters here.

Of course, they don't know Long Fei, o

I don't even know who Long Fei is!

Seeing the fierce eruption of the fierce tiger Elder, Long Fei grinned slightly, "It's fierce enough, I like it!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei's eight-character pace suddenly sank, his feet took root, and he stood directly on the spot, motionless!

This move surprised everyone.

"What does he want to do?"

"Waiting to die?"

"Or...he just blocked Elder Liehu?"

"Too arrogant?"

"Tiger Dage, he doesn't put you in one's eyes at all, he is insulting the tiger tribe o"


Long Fei didn't move, standing in the same place and let the fierce tiger Elder hit him. Isn't this an insult?

This is an insult to the Tiger Tribe

suddenly o

In the Void, the elder's burst is stronger.

pretend o

about to install**o

Since the Tiger Tribe is good at speed power and sudden explosive power, then it's fine to crush them all. Long Fei uses his body as a shield, and is standing in the same place to let you collide.

It's all about being tough with your strongest thing

It's so arrogant!

Between lightning and flint o

The fierce tiger Elder rushed down, like a high-speed rotating awl, drilling down frantically, and the hurricane shook.

The leader of the demon wolf clan

The elders of the ancient elephant tribe were shocked.


It slammed into Long Fei's chest heavily.


A horizontal force erupted, and the void shock exploded.

Long Fei's chest seemed to be splitting, every inch of his skin was shattering, and the pain was incomparable, but...he didn't use any divine power, let alone the power of law.

It is the resistance of the flesh!

Take it hard!

Long Fei's body was motionless, his fists exploded, and he slammed down heavily on the head of the fierce tiger Elder, and suddenly stopped a little distance from his head, smiled lightly, and said, "Serve the elder. ?"

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