The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2064 Super Perverted Talent

The system sounded a beep, and Long Fei couldn't help but be shocked.

It stands to reason that he didn't kill people, kill monsters, or complete quests, so why did the prompt sound suddenly sound?

At this time, Long Fei's heart sank, and he listened carefully.

The leader of the demon wolf saw Long Fei's eyes suddenly sank, and he stood there motionless, his eyes turned slightly, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

At the same time o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'The Courage of the Giant Elephant * Perverted Level' is it fusion?"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Touch of Netherfire* Metamorphosis'? Is it fusion?"

Two voices sounded o

Long Fei was even more stunned, "What's the situation? Talent in League of Legends? Giant Elephant and Netherfire? Damn... perverted level?"

"How perverted?!"

Long Fei has a very good understanding of these two Talent attributes, and the whole person is also very excited.

Quickly open the system to check o

The courage of the giant elephant, active attack, passive defense will get a super shield, the shield value is 1 million points, and it will increase o in special circumstances

The shield lasts for a minute!


"Would you like to be this perverted?" Long Fei's eyes were stunned. This is more than a perversion. It is simply a super pervert. The giant elephant in the game is not like this at all.

Compared with this perverted level, the giant elephant in the game is not even an ant.

The giant elephant in the game can only be activated by active attack, and the giant elephant obtained by Long Fei will activate instantly whether you hit someone else or someone else hits you.

A million shield o

This... f*ck, I want to die when I see it, let alone hit o

At the same time o

Long Fei didn't hesitate at all. With a thought, he said, "Fusion!"

"I like such perverted things, hahaha..."

The giant elephant merged into Long Fei's body, and checked the attributes of the touch of fire.

Touch of Netherfire, your damage skills can make the opponent take continuous damage for 30 seconds, the damage value is 10,000 points per second, ignore defense, ignore potion o

Long Fei looked at the attributes of Netherfire Touch, and the whole person was so excited that he was speechless.

thirty seconds

10,000 points of damage per second, which is 300,000 points of damage o

and o

Also ignoring your defenses and ignoring your medication?

This is fucking heaven-defying o

It's just an explosion

Long Fei's whole person is not well, "Will it be too perverted?"

"Accidentally inflicting 300,000 points of damage on the opponent, isn't this... not very good?"

Long Fei is evil

"The Courage of the Giant Elephant and the Touch of Netherfire are two super-powerful talents, this..." Why did the system suddenly reward him with these?

Long Fei is not stupid

Immediately remembered that the ancient elephant Elder and the fierce tiger Elder surrendered just now, "This is the reason for the reward? If this is the case, then..."

Long Fei looked at the demon wolf leader who had been persuading sincerity.

I was shocked, "I'm gone!"

Also at this moment, the void flickered, and a ferocious primitive wolf rushed towards Shattering Void.

Beastization o

wolf king o

The two claws flashed with cold light, the hair on the whole body was like steel needles, and the reminder was dozens of times that of Long Fei, and suddenly rushed out, the picture was extremely brutal and shocking.

Long Fei's heart froze

The wolf king roared and said, "They accept, daddy won't accept it, boy, die!!!"

lightning flash

Don't give Long Fei any time to react, the two claws are drawn, it is overwhelming and overwhelming.

The ancient elephant Elder, the fierce tiger Elder's faces are all dark

The disciples of the demon wolf tribe all showed excited expressions. This sneak attack was 100% successful, and they never missed a shot. Moreover, the demon wolf turned into a beast, and its strength increased exponentially.

This is a one-hit kill o

Don't give Long Fei any chance!

"bad o"

"he's dead o"

"The demon wolf is too sinister o"

"Hahaha...that's the reason for the weak, your Elder and our leader are not at the same level, you are too weak, hahaha..."

"Human, tremble o"


The demon wolf tribe gets excited

The wolf king's claws slashed, and Long Fei stood motionless. This time he really didn't want to move, because... he doesn't need to move now.


The claws are just like the claws of the Vajra wolf. With a sharp blade, the void ruptures and falls on Long Fei's body. The demon wolf leader is excited, "Die!"

I saw... Long Fei smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The sharp claws fell, and Long Fei did not have any scars on his body.

Not even the claw marks left o

Not to mention Long Fei's life.

at the moment o

This million-value shield is suspended above his head, but... the damage caused by the attack of the demon wolf just now is indeed not small, reaching more than 100,000 damage.

Without the protection of the giant elephant, Long Fei's Half-Life would be gone.


daddy is a pervert

The shield value of one million points is awesome, that is, it does not hurt half a hair.

I have to say, the power of the demon wolf should not be underestimated.

Seeing that Long Fei didn't have any scars on his body, Yaolang was completely dumbfounded, his eyes were clouded, and he looked confused

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "What are you doing? Please continue."

The people around are also dumbfounded.

No one could stop this kind of sneak attack, but Long Fei was completely uninjured, not even a single hair. How shocking was this?

Many people rubbed their eyes, thinking they were dazzled

"This, this, this... is he a human or a ghost?"

"My god o"

"Who the hell is he?"


shocked o

Long Fei looked at the demon wolf leader and said with a smile, "Don't you want me to die? What are you doing, please continue?"


The demon wolf reacted, let out a shrill wolf roar, vacated his body, swooped down, and hit Long Fei with all his strength, "Ah..."

Long Fei stood still and remained motionless.

I didn't put the demon wolf to put in one's eyeso at all



The powerful attack fell, Long Fei was still the same, unscathed.

The demon wolf is stupid, o

His eyes were clouded, and he began to doubt his life.

Long Fei smiled and said, "Come on, do you have this power?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

The demon wolf fell into madness and bombarded Long Fei wildly.

like an angry young woman

Long Fei stood there motionless, until the demon wolf beat him and wanted to cry, Long Fei said coldly, "Just ask you, do you want to?"

The demon wolf's body sank, his eyes fixed on Long Fei, his breath was like fire, and his throat kept making a whimper, very disdainful, very contemptuous, and said solemnly: "I don't accept it!"

"What if the body is strong?"

"I can't hurt you, but can you hurt me half a point??"

In case of lycanthropy, their defense is heaven-defyingo

Even the power of the law can hardly hurt them o

This is the flesh that they have evolved over thousands of years, the flesh with super defense o

"Can't hurt you?"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, his fingers moved slightly, and he touched the demon wolf...

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