The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2065 Daddy Is A Pervert

Physically strong?

Polar body?

Defense heaven-defying?

Injured less than half a point?

Long Fei's finger lightly touched the demon wolf.

just lightly o

The demon wolf laughed out loud, "Hahaha...hahaha...what are you doing? Are you tickling me? No, are you ticking me? No, I really want to know, what are you doing? what?"



The people of the demon wolf tribe are all laughing o

I don't understand what is the use of Long Fei's light finger?

And when he touched it, he walked back. All the people looked at him. His movements were a bit funny and confusing. Is this an attack?

Does this attack do damage?

Don't say it's the wolf king, you can't hurt even an ant.

"Is he kidding?"

"Is there something wrong with this human being?"

"Is this person insane?"


They're all laughing at Long Fei, they don't understand what he's doing at all.

Was there such an attack?

Long Fei stood there and said with a smile, "You won't be able to laugh right away."

The demon wolf leader said contemptuously, "I'll keep laughing, do you humans all attack like this? I'm really going to die of laughter o"

"Trigger the fire!" Long Fei frowned

The voice fell o


At this moment, the body of the demon wolf leader suddenly sank.

A bright red number "-10000" floated above his head

10,000 points of damage floated up o

Before he could react, another 10,000 damage value floated up.

lasts a few seconds

The demon wolf's expression changed, "Pfft..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably, and his face changed miserably.

The sudden change shocked everyone. The disciples of the Demon Wolf Tribe didn't have time to put away their smiles, and looked at the leader with a distorted expression.



"what's up?"

Don't wait for them to finish o


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and the demon wolf's entire body was used to defend itself, but... he didn't know what to defend at all.

No matter how he defends, the injury in his body is heavier than a second, completely out of control, and he can't control it at all o

His super flesh is useless at all o

"what's up?"

"What's the matter?"

"Why are you seriously injured?"

"He didn't do anything o"


Elder Gu Xiang looked at Long Fei's brows, and said in shock, "Could it be that you just pointed a finger?"

Liehu Elder said: "No way, I saw that move, it doesn't cause any damage at all without any power."

"This... may be his strength." Elder Gu Xiang looked at Long Fei, and his heart became stunned. When he said that he and Liehu were shaken back, he may have used less than one-tenth of his strength.

With such a light finger...

To make the demon wolf chief suffer such a serious injury, then he...

at this moment o

The hearts of the ancient elephant elders trembled a little. They have always lived in the Jiyuan Mountains and have never stepped out for generations. What are the human beings now?

they don't know either

They think they are strong, but...

Long Fei's power made him feel incomparably frightened o

Elder Liehu felt a chill in his heart, and was deeply shocked by Long Feihe.

Worship arises spontaneously

The leader of the demon wolf is still struggling, and his body is sinking again and again, it seems that he can't resist it.

The disciples of the Demon Wolf Tribe knelt on the ground in unison, "Sir, please let our leader go, please!"

wolf clan, unusual unity o

Seeing that the leader was seriously injured, they couldn't do anything but go to Long Fei.

The leader can be seriously injured with a single finger, and to what extent will this injury be injured, or will he die? they don't know at all

Long Fei looked at the demon wolf and said, "Are you serving it?"

The leader of the demon wolf did not speak, and many disciples of the wolf tribe hurriedly said: "Serve, serve, we serve..."

The demon wolf leader's eyes tightened, and his teeth clenched loudly.

Long Fei said again: "It seems that you are still not satisfied, then you can continue."

The life value of the demon wolf leader is 380,000 points.

The damage of Netherfire Touch won't kill him, but it will make him extremely painful o

The endurance of wolves is very strong among animals

If you don't accept it, then continue to endure this pain o

The demon wolf stared at Long Fei, wishing to tear Long Fei apart, but he didn't have the slightest chance.

Elder Gu Xiang said, "Monster wolf, what time is it, so what if you say a word?"

Liehu also said: "The combined strength of our three major tribes is not his opponent. You are right. Humans are our enemies, but after thousands of years, what will the human race become? We have become What's it like? Do you know?"

"Demon Wolf, take it easy"

Although the three major tribes have always fought openly and secretly, but... they are all inherited from the same ancestor, and they are brothers in their bones.

Watching the wolves suffer, they suffer too

The demon wolf doesn't speak

Long Fei said: "I don't know what happened thousands of years ago, but I know what will happen soon. I will open the entrance to the ancient times and enter the battlefield of hegemony. If you want, I will bring you together and let you get The things you deserve, the status you get, will also allow you to walk out of the Jiyuan Mountains and get the honor you deserve.”

"I'm Long Fei, I'm talking!"

Ancient Elephant Elder's eyes are shocked

Elder Liehu's expression also changed, "The ancient entrance... Do you want to enter the polar regions, get through the ancient entrance, and enter the battlefield for hegemony?"

Ancient Elephant Elder looks at the fierce tiger o

The eyes of both of them are sullen.

The ancient entrance is indeed in the northern polar region, but... that place is the real Death zone, no one can enter, and no one can leave alive.

Just when their brows were frowning, the demon wolf leader was silent for a while, and said, "What do you say your name is?"

Long Fei said: "Long Fei o"

The demon wolf leader looked at the ancient elephant and the fierce tiger and said, "What did he say his name was?"

he is in pain

Now I am still suffering from the pain of 10,000 points of damage per second from the touch of the Netherfire, but... the face of the demon wolf leader has become excited.

Gu Xiang replied, "Long Fei"

The demon wolf leader said, "Long Fei, don't you think this name is familiar?"

"Long Fei?"

Liehu murmured, "It's like I heard it somewhere."

Elder Ancient Elephant's eyes were shocked, and he suddenly said, "I didn't hear it, but I saw it..."

The three looked at each other and said at the same time, "Holy tablet!"

Long Fei was a little stunned now, and couldn't understand what they were saying.

in an instant o

The leader of the demon wolf immediately said: "I serve, not because of your defense, nor because of your attack, but because your name is Long Fei"


Long Fei murmured, "If you accept it, you will have to suffer for a few seconds."

"What's wrong with my name Long Fei?"


"Is it still an advantage to call Long Fei?" Long Fei wondered, but judging from their excited looks, something terrible had happened.

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