The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2067 Night Clothes Demon Fox Clan

The patriarch of the fox clan makes a good hand

She sees that the situation is wrong and immediately changes o

But o

Long Fei was still a little unhappy about the big sister's head being caught!

Some people must be made... it should be most of the fox clan to pay the price o

Clan Elder mother-in-law stepped forward with a charming and disgusting smile, and said, "Sir, then I'll let you eat it first."

Long Fei rolls in his stomach

not only him

The warriors of the demon wolf tribe on one side were also rolling in their stomachs, looking like they wanted to vomit.

Long Fei grinned and said, "Is anyone interested in her?"

The people of the three major tribes were all stunned and hurriedly retreated, for fear that Long Fei would call them the patriarch of the fox-eating clan, and they all showed expressions that were more afraid than death.

Long Fei said: "It seems that no one wants to eat you."

"That's it o"

"Who caught my woman just now?" Long Fei asked, "Whoever catches it, I will eat it first."

Clan Elder mother-in-law said: "I ordered o"

at this time o

Several fox women stood up with anger on their faces, and shouted: "We caught it, how about it? I don't care how you use the people from the three major tribes to help you, but... we are not afraid of you."

These four are exactly the four who came to catch the dragon.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Yes! You guys are amazing."

The woman at the head said: "Want to eat us? Hmph! Then it depends on whether you have the strength o"

"One-on-one?" Long Fei laughed.

"I'll pick the four of you!"

The four of them were stunned at the same time, looked at each other, and immediately said, "Come on!"

Long Fei said: "Old rules, find a place to duel o"

The old woman's eyes narrowed, and she immediately said, "Why don't you just stay here?"

"You? Go o" Long Fei snorted and said in a low voice, "I haven't settled with you about the arrest of my woman."

The four fox women said: "Then the ancient cave is waiting for you!"

turn o

Four beautiful voices quickly shuttled and disappeared in the thorny jungle in the blink of an eye. Long Fei said: "The three major tribes obey the orders, you guard them and are not allowed to enter the original fox valley."

"As ordered!"

The warriors of the three tribes drank in unison, and the voice was soaring.

The patriarch mother-in-law's heart sank again, and she secretly said: "The leaders of the three major tribes are not there. What happened? Why can he control the three major tribes?"


in the tree hole

The four stood in four directions, and the moment Long Fei fell, the four attacked at the same time.

"Catch me?"

"Now it's my turn to catch you o"

The four attacked, Long Fei's breath shook, and the power of the median god Realm exploded, grabbing a woman in an instant, and suddenly a strong wall dong o

directly against the wall

Hit it hard!


On one side of his face, a painful moan came out...

two hours later

"Do you want to serve?" Long Fei arrogantly took a fancy to the four people who were soft and squat, and shouted o fiercely.

"Slave took o"

The four of them are extremely well-behaved, obedient, and have no arrogant expressions at all. They are completely subdued goblins, looking like young women.

blushing face

A face of enjoyment o

Completely conquered by Long Fei

I can't use any strength at all, my whole body is numb and numb.

Then there is the kind of masculine breath that Long Fei exudes, which makes them intoxicated.

Dragon gas!

dragon, gas

dragon! Naturally powerful in some ways

Invincible! "Put out the big sister's head for me." Long Fei ordered directly.

The four of them immediately said: "Follow the order o"

Long Fei said: "From today onwards, you are my Long Fei's woman. No one can bully you, except me. You are not slaves, you don't need to bow down."

"Be my woman and I'll give you the whole world o"

In a few words, the hearts of the four fox women melted.

In their hearts, Long Fei is too powerful o

soon o

Big sister released her head, and when she saw Long Fei, she threw herself into Long Fei's arms and murmured, "Fool, what are you doing here?"

Long Fei patted her back gently and said, "You are my woman, I will not let anyone bully you o"

The big sister's head was moved again. She looked at the flushing faces of the four junior sisters next to her, and then looked at the mess around her. She immediately understood what was going on, laughed and said, "It feels good to be a woman."

The face of the four women was even redder, and the red dripping water was like o

The big sister said, "What about the others?"

There are also hundreds of fox women, of course... each one is stunning o

Long Fei became evil, "Put them in bed!"

Since the fox women can do it in one go, then... sleepwear is the best way, and it's also the most primitive, rough, and easiest way.

The big sister froze for a moment, her mouth pouted slightly, showing an expression of pretending to be jealous, and said, "My husband, are you too greedy?"

"Can your body take it?"

Fox women are different from humans o

During the process of having sex, they will absorb the essence of a certain man, and anyone who is with them will be absorbed by them, which is beyond their control o

Big sister, the reason why the four major disciples were impressed by Long Fei was because they absorbed the powerful essence of Long Fei, so they couldn't extricate themselves until they were intoxicated.

otherwise o

Even if Long Fei is strong in a certain way, it is impossible to subdue four people at one time.

Long Fei smiled and said: "Others can be said to be no good, but there is nothing that I can't do in this respect. If I say sleep clothes, I will sleep clothes."

Long Fei's physique is special

because o

He is Long Fei...


The demand for this is also extremely strong o

The big sister smiled lightly and said, "Okay, my husband is mighty, my husband is domineering, and my husband is the most powerful, hee hee..."

"Bring all the other sisters!"

in a few minutes o

Another large number of fox women entered the ancient cave.

Long Fei started to kill and kill again.

Just like the beginning, once these fox women were taken into their bodies by Long Fei, their bodies immediately softened, from a brutal female man to a soft girl in seconds.

half a day has passed

In the entire fox clan, the elder mother-in-law was held captive in the thorny jungle, unable to get out or enter.

She doesn't even know what's going on

Confused o

More than 100 fox women were forced to sleep by Long Fei. I don't know why... the essence of Yang in his body did not decrease but increased, and... he felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter.

This dry heat comes from the dragon-shaped mark on his arm!

Like something is activated!



Long Fei didn't know it himself, and thought to himself, "Isn't it the negative effect of excessive indulgence? Damn! Could it be that after daddy, the brothers below will not be able to use it?"

"But I don't feel that I'm not good in that aspect, and I have won more than 100. I'm alive and well without the slightest discomfort, how can I not be good?"

"What exactly is the situation?"

Just when Long Fei was nervous, his arm suddenly burned...

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