The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2068 So Embarrassing

too much?

Or what?

The heat in Long Fei's body was completely uncontrollable, as if his body was about to explode.

Just when he couldn't figure out the reason, his arm suddenly burned o


A burst of fire erupted throughout the cave.

This fire shot up into the sky and shot out directly from the gap in the tree hole, just like a dazzling bright light exploded in mid-air.

The entire Jiyuan Mountains let out a loud roar.

Like huge Demonic Beasts roaring, the Jiyuan Mountains trembled. Demonic Beasts in the mountains, all the major tribes were crushed, and even the holy mountain of Jiyuan Mountains trembled slightly.

in an instant o

top of holy mountain

Elder Ancient Elephant knelt on the ground and saw the strong light bursting from the direction of Yuanhu Valley, his heart sank, and he immediately said: "Lord Demon Emperor, the prophecy has been fulfilled!"


On the top of the mountain, the void moved, and a hole like a black hole appeared.

A man with golden light came out of the mouth. The breath of the man was unusually cold and diffused. In less than a moment, the Demonic Beasts of the entire Jiyuan Mountains were all kneeling on the ground, not daring to move half a minute.

The Demon King is out!

All beasts kneel!

The entire Jiyuan Mountains trembled violently again.

at this moment o


A Demonic Beasts roar sounded, and then the Demonic Beasts in the entire Jiyuan Mountains knelt on the ground and roared to welcome their demon emperor out.

Demon King o

king of demons, o

In the entire Ancient God Battle Plane, and even... among the 100,000 Planes controlled by the Main Temple, he is probably the only Demon Emperor.

Many powerful Demonic Beasts cultivated themselves into human form, and they forgot their original appearance. They have been cultivating on the basis of human cultivation, and more and more they regard themselves as human beings.

Reproduce offspring with human beings, and gradually humanize o

Lose the Demonic Beasts' original power, and special physiqueo

but o

different here

This is the Jiyuan Mountains, this is a forbidden place for human beings, a place that cannot be walked, and the Demonic Beasts tribe here has taken root since the time their ancestors were driven here.

penance o

Withstand polar storms, the devastation of the extremely harsh natural environment in the polar regions o

plus their hatred of humans o

Their cultivation has never been separated from their own essence. They have always made breakthroughs in their Demonic Beasts. Hundreds of millions of Demonic Beasts, billions of Demonic Beasts have cultivated a demon emperor.

This is the most terrifying and strongest person in the Jiyuan Mountains.

The demon emperor's eyes were cold and expressionless. He raised his eyes slightly, looked at the light that was slowly disappearing in Yuanhu Valley, and said calmly, "Go to the holy monument first."

The ancient elephant Elder immediately said, "Follow the order!"

When he looked up, the demon emperor was no longer there and disappeared instantly.

The speed is beyond his imagination

Elder Gu Xiang excitedly said: "The strength of the demon emperor has been further improved, and our demon clan in the Jiyuan Mountains is about to rise."


in the ancient cave

Long Fei's right arm was burning, but he couldn't feel the pain. The flames seemed to be burning the hot air in his body.

"My husband o"

"adult o"

"Your hand, my lord..."

Numerous fox women all had a bitter look on their faces, watching Long Fei's arm on fire, they were extremely worried, and many people screamed.

Big sister wants to come forward even more

Long Fei hurriedly shouted, "Don't come near me"

This is dragon fire

It can also be said that this is not a dragon fire o

It doesn't matter to me, but as long as someone else touches it, it will burn to ashes instantly.

The last time Long Fei used dragon fire to clean up the poison in his body, but he forced the power out of the dragon-shaped mark by himself. This time is different.

This time it burned itself o

and o

The dragon fire burning on his arm is also different from the previous dragon fire o

This dragon fire is more powerful

During the burning process, Long Fei's arm seemed to be in a state of agitation. The power of the ancient world was growing in his body. It seemed that he could feel it, but it seemed that he couldn't feel it.

The dragon-shaped mark does not exist in the Chaos World. It appeared when he entered Devil Island. He doesn't know how it appeared.

What does this dragon-shaped mark represent?

Long Fei didn't even know, he just knew that there was some kind of huge power hidden in his body.

If all this power can be exploded, let alone the main temple, I am afraid that even the main deity can easily kill him in front of him.

Now it suddenly burns, Long Fei has no resistance, let it burn o

The flame gradually decreases o

Long Fei listened carefully, the system prompt did not sound.

That is to say...

No changes to the dragon sigil?

Not getting any power?

Long Fei felt a little depressed in his heart, "My arms are all cooked, and I didn't even get a fart? Or... the dragon-shaped mark is not governed by the system at all?"


the flame goes out

Long Fei's arm returned to normal, but... the dragon-shaped imprint on his arm became a bit more sinister, especially the dragon head, I couldn't bear it when I looked at it.

At the same time, the dragon-shaped mark was also a little bigger, with a black glow o

The black light flashed, and the dragon-shaped mark completely sank, without any change.

Long Fei's thoughts move

I want to sense the change of the dragon-shaped imprint, but... I didn't feel the slightest change, check the system, and the system is still the same without any change.


Long Fei muttered, "Why do I feel power growing when I burn, but now I don't feel anything? Or is the activated power hidden in the dragon-shaped mark?"


"What is it?"

"I don't know if the giant dragon knows o" Long Fei thought and entered the dragon coffin, "Hey, giant dragon, what happened to the dragon-shaped mark on my arm that suddenly burned?"

"I thought I was going to be burned to death."

The dragon raised his eyes slightly, and said casually: "You will know later, don't disturb my sleep if there is nothing to do."

finish o

Without waiting for Long Fei to exit the dragon coffin cultivation mode, he was blasted out by the giant dragon.

After the dragon flies out o

The giant dragon suddenly took off, tossed, and finally rolled directly on the ground, laughing from ear to ear, "Hahaha...hahaha..."

"activated o"

"Activated, the departure of the ancient world began to wake up, hahaha..."

The whole thing looks like a 250 idiot

However o

Just when the giant dragon was happy like a fool, Long Fei's mind came in again, and scolded angrily: "If you don't say it, don't say it, and slam the daddy out. Believe it or not, you have been beaten up by Long Jj?"

Before I could say the words, I saw a giant dragon rolling around the world, and the whole dragon coffin world was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The giant dragon did not expect Long Fei's thoughts to enter the dragon coffin again, his expression was stunned, his body was covered in mud, his appearance was a bit funny, and his two big eyes looked at Long Fei motionlessly...

so embarrassing

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