The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2069 Ancient Inheritance

so embarrassing

Aloof, invincible, and the domineering and mighty dragon coffin guardian dragon actually turned into a child playing in the mud, and rolled all over the floor.

look like a fool

Long Fei watched it over and over again

The scene suddenly became embarrassing

The giant dragon was dumbfounded for half a minute, then turned over to reveal his majestic body, coughed and said, "What did you see?"

Long Fei shrugged and said, "I assure you, I didn't see anything o"

"I didn't see anything except rolling around and playing in the mud and laughing with a fool."


Long Fei couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and burst out laughing, "Hahaha...hahaha...I didn't expect you to be like this, hahaha..."

The dragon's face turned green

He stared at his eyes and breathed out flames.

Long Fei held back his smile and said, "Okay, I won't laugh anymore, but you have to tell me what the power of the ancient world is, and what is the dragon-shaped mark on my body?"

see see see o

Naturally I heard what the dragon said.

The giant's eyes sank again, and he said, "Want to know?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "Think!"

Julong said: "I won't tell you, I won't tell you, how?"

Long Fei: ...

The dragon shouted: "I told you to laugh, I told you to laugh, laugh again, want to know the power of the ancient world? Want to know what the dragon-shaped mark is? I won't tell you, I won't tell you o"

angry face o

Own embarrassment was discovered, if Long Fei was not the owner of the dragon coffin, he would really make Long Fei disappear from this world in an instant.

Long Fei said: "Don't tell me? Then I will find a few storytellers under the overpass, or find someone to write about what you did just now, and let them compile seventeen or eight episodes, and also divide them into three episodes, middle and lower, every day. They're all talking about how you roll on the ground and how you laugh like a fool."

"I can't do anything, I can do it like this o"

"Find a troupe and tour everywhere"

"That's it o"

Long Fei grinned like a hooligan and laughed, "Spreading this among humans may not have any consequences, but who can guarantee that it will not be known by the people of the Dragon Clan? Who can guarantee that it will spread to the great world of Hongmeng, Or in the ancient world?"

"Lord Giant Dragon, don't you think so?"

The dragon is stunned

Playing hooligans with Long Fei?

Ten is not enough

The giant dragon's eyeballs kept turning, just as Long Fei said, if the people of the dragon family knew that he actually looked like that, it would be a big loss of Losing face.

face sank

The dragon said: "I tell you, you won't spread what you just saw, right?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Of course, I Long Fei's words count."

The dragon froze slightly, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You can't know these things now. Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you."

"The power of the ancient world is different o"

"Its heritage is also different o"

"Dragon Palace is a big family in the ancient world. Although it is not enough to dominate, it is definitely a superpower. Coupled with the powerful physique and strength of the dragon family, the dragon family has been passed down in the ancient world for hundreds of millions of years. Time has not acquired the special power in the ancient world, that is, the ancient inheritance o"

"When the Dragon Mansion is in crisis, the union with the Mu family is the union of your father and your mother, and the resulting crystallization is you."

"When you were born, you were born with a vision, and ancient inheritance entered your body."

"It also enters your body with the mark of the dragon family. When you continue to make breakthroughs, you will slowly open up and awaken the power of ancient inheritance."

"The burning of your dragon fire just now is a sign, which means that the ancient inheritance is beginning to wake up."

"You can't sense this kind of power, and you can't master it. When you are strong enough to enter the world of Hongmeng, you will slowly sense o"

Although the dragon was reluctant, he said it very seriously o

Long Fei asked, "Is the ancient inheritance strong?"

The dragon's eyes were shocked, and he said: "Of course it is very strong, it is more than strong, it is the reason for the crisis in the Dragon Palace..."

When he said this, the dragon stopped abruptly o

don't say no more

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and he said to himself, "The ancient inheritance is the reason for Long Fei's crisis, so... Long Fei's crisis was caused by me?"

"What is the ancient heritage on me?"

The dragon shook his head and said, "I really don't know this, and even if I do, I can't say o"

"Heaven and Earth gave birth to o"

"Derivation of all things, every power is nurtured by the ancient world, the chaos of heaven and earth, the power of ancient times, the inheritance power nurtured may be a brand new power, the power of destroying the world o"

"All right!"

"I said everything I should say, and I said everything I shouldn't say, and now..." The giant dragon looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "Don't worry, I forgot everything, of course...sometimes it may sound, such as...the blood of the dragon..."

The dragon glared and said angrily: "That's not good, you promise me to break through all cultivation tasks o"

Long Fei grinned and saw that the giant dragon was so tough, he couldn't push it too hard, and he didn't need the power of the book right now, and immediately said, "I'm just kidding."

The dragon's words are very informative

According to his words, the ancient world is the first world conceived by heaven and earth, and it can also breed ancient inheritance. This world is not perfect, and it needs the power of inheritance to improve it.

And this power within him...

Maybe perfect the world

Or maybe... destroy the world! !

This power sentence of his is the source of the crisis in the Dragon Palace. Everything revolves around him, including the disaster once every 3.33 million years?

Long Fei thought he knew the dragon clan

Now it seems... it's not that simple o

The hidden secrets, the crisis of the Dragon Palace, the situation of the Mu family, the whereabouts of his mother, and everything may have to wait for him to enter the world of Hongmeng before they can be solved.


Long Fei exhaled a deep breath, and as soon as his thoughts were taken away, he woke up and said in his heart, "To become stronger, you have to become crazy to become stronger."

At this time o

The big sister headed over to Long Fei and said, "Husband, are you alright?"

Long Fei's right arm returned to normal, the dragon-shaped mark fell silent, and said, "It's okay."


at the holy monument

The demon wolf leader held the stone with Long Fei's name written on it and compared it with the words on the holy tablet, his face slightly shocked.

"Lord Demon Emperor, exactly the same o"

"He should be..."

Before the demon wolf leader could finish speaking, the demon emperor raised his eyes and said coldly, "I'm not sure yet!"

"Notify other demon tribes o"

"Go to the holy mountain and put down the Ten Thousand Demon Arena!"

finish o

The demon emperor disappeared

The demon wolf leader's body trembled faintly, and his mouth was dry: "Ten Thousand Demons Arena, could it be that... the Demon Emperor wants to take action himself?"

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