The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2070 Invitation From The Big Boss

Chapter 2070 **oss's invitation

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Above the demon holy mountain, the drums of war were beaten, and a loud noise resounded throughout the Jiyuan Mountains.

turn o

Thousands of demon tribes have stepped on it.

Original Fox Taniguchi o

The old lady of the demon fox clan looked stunned, "The sound of ten thousand demon drums?"

"The Demon King Exits"

"Ten Thousand Demon Arena?"

"What happened?"

Her expression changed drastically. At this time, when she saw Long Fei walking out of the original Fox Valley with a group of fox women, her expression changed again.

The women's faces were flushed

The body is weak, the walking is frivolous, and they are lame. Obviously...the Shougongsha on their arms should have disappeared, and they have now been subdued by Long Fei.

The old woman's heart was even more shocked

She knows the fox women better than anyone else, each one is a Fox Spirit, each one is a peerless city, and each one will absorb the essence of men.

As long as it is the love of fish and water, it will be uncontrollable to absorb o

No man can withstand the absorption of ten fox women, even if Talent is strange and strong, but hundreds of fox women can't bear it at all.

What kind of person is Long Fei?

How fierce is this for such a woman to win all of them?

Thinking back to when she... sucked all the man she loved in one go, she was in so much pain at that time.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

is o

The eyes of these women are full of love, they are completely fascinated by Long Fei o

now o

She has been overthrown, and Long Fei has become the patriarch of the fox clan.

The old woman's heart sank again, and she said slightly: "What happened?"

Long Fei grinned and said, "I put them all in bed clothes."

The old woman has two eyes

Long Fei didn't care about her expression, anyway, he wouldn't want to go to bed and wear her anyway. Now he wants to know what's the matter with the sound of war drums all over the world?

"What's with the sound of the drums?"

"Is it possible to start a war?"

The big sister shook her head and said, "I have never heard this kind of drum sound, but it seems to be coming from the direction of the holy mountain."

An old man from the Ancient Elephant Clan stepped forward and said, "Sir, this is the Ten Thousand Demon War Drum. The sound of this drum is calling the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe in the Jiyuan Mountains."

"Something big happened o"

"That's right, the demon emperor may be out of the gate," an old man from the Liehu tribe added.

Long Fei murmured: "Ten Thousand Demon Tribe? Demon Emperor?"

at this time o

The leader of the demon wolf fell down, breathed a little, and rushed a bit in a hurry. He walked up to Long Fei and said, "Sir, Sir, the demon emperor, please o"

The voice fell o

The expression of the old lady of the fox clan changed even more. She was shocked. The leader of the demon wolf had a lot of respect for Long Fei, and... even the demon emperor was alarmed.

What's his origin?

Long Fei said, "What can I do please?"

The demon wolf leader said: "Sir, you will know when you go."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Can you not go?"

The demon wolf leader was stunned for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said, "You must go."

Long Fei smiled and said, "What if I don't go?"

The face of the demon wolf leader changed slightly and said, "Sir, you must go, otherwise..."

His eyes turned to the fox clan behind Long Fei.

The big sister immediately stepped forward and said, "Husband, you don't have to worry about us."


"You don't have to worry about us, we are not afraid of anything o"

"Husband, do what you want to do o"


All for Long Fei's sake

Long Fei was very moved, looked at the leader of the demon wolf with a faint smile, and said: "Just kidding with you, since it was invited by the demon emperor, I must be going."

"What if... it's the boss?"

The demon wolf leader was stunned and said, "What is **oss?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "It's a super strong man. It's an honor to meet such a strong man."

Demon King?

never seen o

The ruler of the Jiyuan Mountains, that is naturally a super **osso

How can such **oss miss o

Boss invites, there is no reason not to go o

Long Fei is looking forward to it

The leader of the demon wolf said: "Don't worry, it will definitely be good for you, you are the first human being who can let the demon emperor out of the customs, and the first human being who can make the war drum of ten thousand demons sound, and you may be the only one in this world. "

finish o

The demon wolf leader bent his body slightly, like a servant, with a gesture, and said, "Sir, please!"

Long Fei stepped out

The demon fox clan also followed behind him.

Long Fei took a large group of girls to the holy mountain in the Jiyuan Mountains.

At the same time o

another place o

"I sensed it!"

"The sound of the drums came from a big golden mountain. This mountain is a bit special. It should be the holy mountain they said." Tianling's figure flashed and fell back to the place.

Subduing the dragon: "The boss must be there."

Li Yuanba smiled and said: "The boss likes to do things. Just now, a strong light shot into the sky, and now the drum is shaking. The boss must be on that mountain."

Ziyue couldn't wait to say: "Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry over there o"

A group of five people, looking for Long Fei for a day, with no clue.

Finding someone in the huge Jiyuan Mountains is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Han Yan said: "This is the Jiyuan Mountain Range. The drum sound just now... If I guessed correctly, it should be the Great Drum of Ten Thousand Demons, the drum sound that summons the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe."

"If Long Fei is really on the holy mountain, I'm afraid now..."

Li Yuanba was instantly furious and shouted, "Who the fuck touches my boss, I'll kill his whole family!"

The voice fell o

Li Yuanba carried the coffin of the giant spirit and held the axe of the giant spirit, and quickly rushed to the holy mountain.

The remaining four also made a quick pilgrimage to the holy mountain.


Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain

Eighteen ten thousand demon drums are still roaring loudly

top of holy mountain

is a huge square o

A Ten Thousand Demon Arena will be laid in the center of the square

All around are engraved with the rune of the Ten Thousand Demon Race. With the sound of the Ten Thousand Demon Drums, these Ten Thousand Demon Rune began to flash with bursts of fluorescence, flashing and flashing, illuminating the sky, just like a beam of light emerging from the ground.

on the vacant throne

The demon emperor gently supported his head with one hand, his eyebrows locked.

no one knows what he's thinking

People who entered the holy mountain came out to kneel and worship, but no one dared to look directly into the eyes of the demon emperor.


He is the Demon Emperor, the supreme being!

The ancient elephant Elder whispered, "Is he really the person in the prophecy?"

Elder Liehu shook his head and said, "I can't be sure now, but... this is the first time in tens of millions of years that a human with the name Longfei has appeared in the Jiyuan Mountains, maybe he is really the person in the prophecy. "

"It's the one we're waiting for o"

Ancient Elephant Elder, said: "Can he take us out of the Jiyuan Mountains?"


Elder Gu Xiang lowered his voice and said: "It seems that the demon emperor is a little unhappy. If the demon emperor makes a move, he will definitely not be able to resist it."

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