The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2072 Blast Everything

Long Fei is never cowardly

Looking at the demon emperor with a look of contempt, Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "I give up, how can you be the demon emperor to rule the ten thousand demon clan again? Hehe..."

Long Fei wiped the bridge of his nose and said, "There is nothing in the world that I, Long Fei, dare not do!"


"Let me see your Ten Thousand Demons Arena!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei's figure moved, "Om!"

He landed directly in the center of the arena with a force, his eyes swept across the audience, and he said extremely arrogantly: "If you want to die, get out of here!"

quite rampant

As soon as the voice fell, the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe was even more angry, boiling.

"Too fucking arrogant o"

"It's unreasonable, you dare to be so arrogant in our holy mountain, don't put him down, daddy doesn't believe in evil today"

"Lord Demon Emperor, order, I can't wait."

"Human, tremble o"

"Just like this, even the daddy in the prophecy will not accept it"


For a time, kill the heart

Demonic Beasts are all brutal and abnormal, and they are even more brutal, and they are bound to tear Long Fei apart.

The Demon Emperor's eyes narrowed as he looked at Long Fei in the center of the arena. He moved his fingers slightly and said slightly, "Since you jumped into the arena, it's time to start o"

With a cold voice, "Go!"

in an instant o

Tens of thousands of monster tribes in the Jiyuan Mountains in the surrounding stands flew down in unison.

Strange to say

The arena in the center of the square seems to be small, only less than 100 square meters, but it can accommodate tens of thousands of fighters, and it is very empty. Obviously, this is a strange enchantment arena.

Elder Ancient Elephant looked at Elder Liehu and said, "Should we make a move?"

Liehu said: "We have already lost, do you still want to lose again?"

Ancient Elephant Elder was stunned for a moment, not speaking.

ring center

The robes on Long Fei's body squeaked, surrounded by monster warriors, tens of thousands of monster warriors, and some warriors turned into beasts as soon as they came up.

become their original appearance

An angry low growl o

drool dripping down

For them, Long Fei is a rare delicacy o

The Blood Essence on Long Fei has a greedy scent.

Long Fei hooked his finger lightly and said, "Come on!"


A Crimson's gorilla animalized state burst out, the arena was shaking, and the huge coercion was squeezing Long Fei like a thick wall.


With two fists, he slapped Long Fei heavily, "Get down!"

extremely violent o

He exploded his most primitive power, turned his fists into an axe, slashed Shattering Void, and slammed it on top of Long Fei's head.

Just as his fist was about to fall... Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, "Shu!"

speed change o

Landing in front of the giant orangutan, he grinned slightly, "You are the one lying down!"


Leaping in the air, his right leg turned into a whip, and one kick hit the top of the gorilla's head o



The gorilla fell to the ground, Long Fei didn't use any divine power, all the pure power in his body.

With this loud noise, the battle broke out in an all-round way, and the overwhelming monster warriors crushed it crazily. In less than a moment, Long Fei was entangled, and the surrounding, the sky and the ground were all wrapped, just like. It's like a huge ball

Constantly making popping noises

Long Fei's fists bombarded like a storm

At the same time o

His body is also under the attack of the violent storm o

These demon warriors are more ferocious than each other, even though the power that Long Fei burst out is extremely powerful, but they are not at all timid.

Instead, it's even more brutal

Especially after seeing the blood, it is even more crazy.

"Mother-in-law, can Master Long Fei bear it?" The twins clenched their fists and looked at Long Fei who was wrapped by the demon clan in the center of the arena. They couldn't even see Long Fei.

I don't even know what's going on with him now.

The old fox woman shook her head and said, "No one can resist the Ten Thousand Demons Arena."

The big sister immediately said, "Patriarch, do you think Long Fei's husband will die?"

The old fox clan said: "Not only will he die, but he will not even be able to find his body, and will be eaten by the monster clan in the ring."

I haven't finished speaking yet

The big sister took a step forward and wanted to fly to the ring.

just o

He was grabbed by the demon wolf leader and said, "What do you want to do? You can't do anything when you go up. This is what he has to experience. If he can't bear it, it will be his life!"

The old fox clan woman looked back at the fox clan woman behind her, and said slightly: "All you can do now is pray, pray that he will not die o"




A burst of explosions sounded from the top of the holy mountain o

Yamashita o

Li Yuanba's five people rushed to o

but was stopped

Li Yuanba didn't pay so much attention to it, and he didn't bother to waste his tongue. He went straight to the ground, looked at the top of the holy mountain, and said, "Tianling, how is it?"

Tianling's brows tightened and he said, "The boss's breath is wrapped in the breath of tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts, and there should be a fierce battle."

"Depend on!"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Kill it!" The golden light flashed on Jianglong's body, and he rushed out quickly.

The drought and the purple moon tightened after o

Tianling and Li Yuanba quickly chased after them.


"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Attack speed like lightning

As long as he catches one, he will be beaten violently, blood splattered everywhere, Long Fei's whole body is covered in blood, and the more than one million blood of the giant elephant shield on his head has been exhausted.

The power of these demon warriors thought violently o

Can't resist at all

Long Fei didn't go to defense either, he was tough with his physical body.

Potion of Anger

A blood-red light erupted from Long Fei's body.


With a roar, at this moment, a punch slammed into his face, Long Fei was extremely annoyed, and moved his left arm, "Om!"

A Buddha's light burst out

"The power of Tathagata!"


A punch was blasted out, and at this moment, the power of super Talent's thunder burst out, and the surrounding thunderfields were bombarded in a shambles...

A large area of ​​demon warriors was blasted out.

I also saw the cold and contemptuous expression of the demon emperor on the throne in the distance.

stinky face

The Demon Emperor also looked at Long Fei and sneered, without the slightest interest in watching it.

The power of Tathagata is seen through by him, o

From the beginning he knew the power of Tathagata on Long Fei.

"Oh shit!"

Long Fei cursed in his heart, and when he moved his right hand, the King Yama blade fell.


With a black machete, Long Fei leaped, opened the distance, turned over and blasted out with a slash, "Thousands of people!"


Another large swathe of demon warriors was blasted away

Long Fei does not stop o

Divine power surged, and the blade of Death on King Yama's blade dissipated. At this moment, the dragon-shaped mark on Long Fei's arm flashed a little bit of light.

This bit of light melts into the black sword aura.

One second and ten thousand years, time stands still



The whole arena collapsed!

The demon emperor stood up abruptly, staring at Long Fei!

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