The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2073 Demon Emperor Beast Transformation

"Who else?!"

Standing in the center of the ring, Long Fei let out a loud roar. His voice was filled with endless domineering. He swept the audience with one glance, and finally his eyes fell on the Demon Emperor.

Four eyes meet o

Void explosion, strong collision of power o

The rich breath is constantly intertwined o


angry o

incomparably cruel

The whole world thinks it's just the two of them left

In the ten thousand demon arena, ten thousand demon warriors were directly blasted away by Long Fei, and he was the only one left in the arena. How fierce is this?

All around are scattered, howling on the ground, the demon warriors o

Ten thousand soldiers screaming in pain, this scene is shocking o

Those monsters who didn't get into the ring were just scared and stupid.

In the Ten Thousand Demon Arena, since its birth, no human being has survived, let alone the one who knocked down all the Ten Thousand Demon Warriors.


Only two words can describe Long Fei o

Elder Gu Xiang was shocked and whispered to himself: "It seems that he is really Long Fei from the holy monument, and he is really the human being in the prophecy."

Liehu Elder's heart also sank, and he was extremely excited.

The demon wolf laughed out loud, "Hahaha..."

Fox clan old lady looks embarrassed o

The twins smiled playfully, hehe said: "I knew Master Long Fei would not lose, hee hee..."

The hearts of the girls are also relieved

Looking at Long Fei in the ring, their hearts are even more adoring, and they are madly in love with this man.

for a long time

Elder Gu Xiang said in unison, "Sir Yaohuang, he passed the Ten Thousand Demons Arena, he should be the one in the prophecy..."

Before Elder Ancient Elephant could finish speaking, the Demon Emperor snorted coldly and said, "Have you passed? Am I still here?"

The voice fell o

The eyes of the demons in the audience froze

Is the demon emperor going to make a move?

The Demon King is about to attack!

They have never seen the demon emperor take action, but no one doubts the power of the demon emperor

Elder Gu Xiang said: "This... Lord Monster Emperor, he should not be wrong, and you don't need to verify him yourself, right?"

The demon emperor raised his eyes and stared at the ancient elephant Eldero

Ancient Elephant Elder immediately knelt on the ground, not daring to say another word.

The demon emperor said coldly: "I am the demon emperor, the ruler of the Jiyuan Mountains, what I say is what I say, whether he is the person in the prophecy, I have the final say!!!"

There is anger in the voice

As he spoke, his eyes stared at Long Fei even more coldly.

Long Fei grinned and said, "Daddy is afraid that you won't come."

A ** oss, how can you let it go?

According to the rules of the ancestors, if Long Fei can pass the Ten Thousand Demons Arena, then he should be the person in the prophecy and the person they were waiting for.

But o

The demon emperor has his mission o

The demon emperor stepped into the void and said slightly: "The demons in the Jiyuan Mountains were once framed by humans and saved by humans, so we have never left the Jiyuan Mountains for generations, and have been waiting for someone to appear."


"This person will probably lead us to destruction o"

"Ancient entrance..."

The Demon Emperor's voice sank, and then: "That's an impossible place to get through, you will lead us to destruction, so... if you want to become the person in the prophecy, then you must pass me."

Talk, drop o

Speaking of the last word, the demon emperor just landed on the ring.

Long Fei looked at the demon emperor, the breath on his body was not ordinary, it was stronger than the breath of the ten thousand demon warriors added together.



The stronger the boss, the higher the explosion rate.

Long Fei is more coquettish

Long Fei said: "If you say that you will lead to destruction, you will lead to destruction? Why don't you say that you will lead to the peak?"

The demon emperor said: "There is still a month before the polar storm will start, half of the Jiyuan Mountains will be frozen, and half of the demon warriors will not be able to bear it."

"How do you take them to the top?"

"Can you withstand polar storms?"

"If you can't, how do you enter the polar regions, how do you get through the ancient entrance in the dark zone of Death, where... is the zone of absolute Death o"

"You can't get in at all"

The demon emperor said heavily

Polar storms, the most violent and most ferocious natural disasters in the polar regions

The Jiyuan Mountains are vast

But... once the polar storm comes, most of the mountains will be frozen, and the creatures inside will have no way to escape, and will be instantly frozen to death.

The horror of the Jiyuan Mountains o

Its existence is to block the cold for the human world and prevent the cold in the polar regions from invading human beings.

The demons in the Jiyuan Mountains have also suffered for generations.

Every time a big storm hits, it will suffer a tragic blow. This time, the polar storm is bigger than ever, and the monsters with poor Cultivation Base will probably die in this storm.

How to resist?

Natural disasters, there is no way to resist o

If we go further to the poles, in addition to Death, it is still Death!

Long Fei frowned and said, "I can't help it, but I will do everything possible to protect my friends, and do everything possible to protect what I should protect."

The demon emperor smiled coldly: "Okay, then let's see how you protect what you should protect."

in an instant o

The demon emperor's voice moved and disappeared suddenly.

Long Fei raised his eyes, and for a moment, he crossed his hands, covering his chest.


The demon emperor bombarded it with a punch, and the powerful demon force crushed it like an overwhelming force. Long Fei's arms were numb, and he couldn't bear the explosion and exited.

"How fierce!" Long Fei shouted, and at the moment when the demon emperor appeared, his eyes tightened and he locked him.


"Target locked!"


Long Fei roared with power in his heart, "The power of the law of killing, open!"

"The power of the law of the sky!"



The power of the two laws was integrated into the ultimate blasting fist under the strong crush of Long Fei's power.

Double fist sunk

With a violent bang at the void, Long Fei roared, "Lie down for me!"



The blasting fist blasted out, and the power followed the demon emperor directly into the void like a flame.

This should be the strongest power of Explosive Fist.

Explosive fist o

Once locked, it can be blasted to kill o

With the power of two laws, who can resist?

The Demon Emperor's face froze, Long Fei's strength once again exceeded his expectations, and he did not take it lightly when he saw the flaming fist blowing.

In the void, the explosion is like thunder

To die or not to die?

The void was like a battlefield, with constant explosions, Long Fei didn't know what was going on, but he didn't relax, because... the system prompt didn't sound o

Even if you kill a mosquito, the system will sound a beep o


After half a minute, I only heard the constant explosion of the void, but... I did not hear the system prompt sound, which also means that the demon emperor is not dead!

Long Fei's eyes tightened, "The demon emperor who can block the law bursting fist?"

in an instant o

As soon as the void was broken, a golden golden lion rushed down...

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