The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2075 The Power Of Darkness

a voice o

Long Fei's silent heart seems to have recovered.


With a thought, he suddenly stood up in the bottomless abyss, looked at the direction of the voice, and hurriedly shouted, "Father!"

The sound is very familiar to him

It's the voice of his father, Long Zhanting

A middle-aged man walked out of the darkness. With a kind smile on his face, he looked at Long Fei and said, "Fei'er o"

Long Fei rushed forward, unable to control his choking, and said, "Father, I miss you so much, I miss my mother, and I miss you so much."

Long Zhanting's Adam's apple rolled, choked a little, and said: "Fei'er, father misses you too, I believe your mother misses you too, I believe our family will meet one day o"

Long Fei asked anxiously, "When? Where is my mother?"

Long Zhanting shook his head and said, "I can't tell you right now, even if you know about it, it's useless, you now..."

Before Long Zhanting finished speaking, Long Fei said with a wry smile: "I am too weak now, I know that Longfu and my mother's Mu family are in great crisis, I know that all the reasons are because of me, I know that I am useless, I Knowing that I can't save my mother, I can't save Longfu, I can't save everyone around me, I know..."

Talking and talking, Long Fei's tears flowed down o

he is not reconciled

He worked hard and gave his life to fight, but... his enemies are too powerful, not to mention the **** in the world of Hongmeng, he can't handle these 100,000 planes alone, how to face those superheroes Invincible powerhouse?

he really can't take it

Long Zhanting said: "You are very strong now, much faster than I expected, a lot, and the ancient inheritance of the ancient world power in your body has begun to wake up o"

"Fei'er, you are stronger than anyone else"

"No one can knock you down, no one can do o"

"The God of Destiny can't, the god of the sky can't, Zhan Wushuang can't, the main god can't, neither can the demon emperor golden lion, all you have to do is to keep your fearless heart and go on."

"Fearless Heart?" Long Fei said, "What exactly is it?"

Fearless, the literal meaning is very simple o

but o

It must have other meanings in it o

Otherwise, his father, his mother told him more than once to let him keep his fearless heart and go on.

Long Zhanting said lightly: "You will know later"

"Fei Er o"

"Although your mother and I are not by your side, we will watch you all the time. When you enter the world of Hongmeng, the whole world will tremble for you, and we will meet again." Long Zhanting said slightly. o

He understands how heavy the burden on Long Fei's shoulders is.

He also understands how heavy the mission is entrusted to Long Fei.

but o

How long did it take Long Fei to go from the Tianwu Continent to the ancient battle of the gods?

ten years o

Who can do it so fast?

For the world of Hongmeng, for those super strong, more than ten years is just a snap of the fingers.

Long Fei's ability to do this has exceeded his expectations.

This is inseparable from his efforts

And now he can't fall down, and he has to keep moving forward, because...he must rely on his own power to penetrate through the trial field of the 100,000 planes.

These 100,000 planes will also be the first starting point in his life.

Can't fall!

Long Zhanting's figure slowly retreated into the darkness, and his voice became weaker. He said, "Fei'er, the training together is to make you stronger."

"Wake up quickly, Li Yuanba and the others are still waiting for you"

"A lot of people are watching you and waiting for you to wake up o"

"Wake up!"

Long Fei wanted to follow, but no matter how hard he chased, he couldn't catch up with his father, so he hurriedly said, "Father, can you not leave?"

"Can you take me to find my mother?"

"Can you take me to find grandpa and the others..."

Long Zhanting's voice finally sounded, "Yes, you will meet them, as long as you keep your fearless heart and go on, you will see everything o"

"Fei Er o"

"Mother is waiting for you, Long Mansion, Mu Family are waiting for you o"

"I'm waiting for you too"

"come on!"

The figure disappears, and the voice slowly disappears o

In The Underworld

The corners of Long Zhanting's eyes were a little wet, his heart was heavy, and he murmured, "Fei'er, I'm sorry for you, my child."

If possible, he is willing to bear all the pain and pain on Long Fei, and even he is willing to undertake the mission entrusted to Long Fei.


None of this

Everything that Long Fei has experienced must be endured, carried, and taken step by step on the road full of thorns. Only in this way can he grow.

to break through everything

to save everything

Otherwise... everything the Long Mansion and the Mu Family did would be in vain.

Not only in the past, but also in the present, and even in the future, all the things we do are in vain. In that case... Longfu and Mu's family will face extinction on Long Fei because of excessive waste of resources.


"Father, father..."

In the bottomless abyss, Long Fei desperately shouted o

I don't see my father's response

Long Fei's heart sank again and said, "What else can I do?"


"What can I do?"

suddenly o

Li Yuanba's roar exploded in Long Fei's mind, "Hurt my boss, I'll fuck your ancestors..."

sound blast o

Long Fei's heart trembled, "Yuanba?"


Ziyue's voice also sounded, "Ah..."

Long Fei murmured, "My woman..."

The scorpion also erupted hysterically with a roar.


In the Sumeru ring, Jojo's voice also sounded in Long Fei's mind, "Young Mastero"

just a slight o

Long Fei's heart trembled suddenly, "Jojo..."


Long Fei's eyes slammed, and the angry dragon in his heart seemed to wake up, and said heavily: "I can't fall, I absolutely can't fall here."

"I'm Long Fei!"

"I'm from the Dragon family"

"The people of the Long family are fearless, I still have brothers, I still have women, I still have friends, and I have more people to protect. Even if the world collapses, I have to carry it."

"What about polar storms?"

"What about the ancient entrance?"

"Daddy is not cowardly, daddy is going to do it!!!"


Long Fei roared again, his heart sank into the abyss suddenly soared and rushed into the light, and then Long Fei's eyes suddenly shook.


a loud noise o

followed by o

A dragon roar in Long Fei's body exploded.

in an instant o

Long Fei bounced up suddenly, the dragon-shaped mark on his right arm seemed to be activated, and a black force wrapped around the entire arm.

Long Fei's body was slowly lifted by a force and slowly suspended.

The black power continued to surge, completely wrapping Long Fei's body.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for activating the 'Power of Darkness'!!!"

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