The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2083 The Power Of One Hundred And Twenty Laws

There is arrogance in the voice

A kind of contempt of the superior

I'm not discussing something with you, but I must get it!

The faces of the gods changed again

The old man said slightly: "Zhan Wushuang, although you are the son of God, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

The power of law is given to them by the Lord God o

The Lord God is the King of Laws

Zhan Wushuang wants to become the king of laws, is this to be the main god?

Zhan Wushuang said: "The consequence? The consequence is the death of Long Fei and the immortality of the main temple. This is the consequence."


"Lord Lord God said that when he is away, I will act as the agent of the Lord God, and you must obey my orders. Now I only need the power of a law on you."


"I didn't mean to discuss with you, so don't challenge my patience." Zhan Wushuang said lightly.

Long Fei gets a new law o

Zhan Wushuang felt an inexplicable crisis, if he made Long Fei stronger, his Tianshen Mountain would not be able to resist Long Fei, he had to become stronger.

After obtaining the soul of the Sky God, the power of the law of his soul has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has completely mastered the power of the law of the soul not long ago.

New rules!

The Law of Defense, the Law of Destiny, and the Law of Soul that he cultivated, he has now mastered the three laws.

Plus the main artifact, the Aegis o

Who is stronger between him and Long Fei?

Zhan Wushuang is not sure, does Long Fei still have a hole card?

so o

He must become stronger, one hundred times stronger than Long Fei, and kill Long Fei with an absolutely crushing attitude. Under the guidance of the god of fate in the black robe, he needs the power of the law controlled by the hundreds of gods in the main temple o,

He wants to control more law powers, and combine these law powers to cultivate the strongest law power.

The power to control everything


"I give you!"

An old man walked out and said, "Long Fei's rise is too fast. If he doesn't stop him from entering the battle for hegemony, it will be too late."

"Zhan Wushuang, this is the power of my law!"


With a flip of the right hand, a pure force of law poured out.

Zhan Wushuang smiled faintly

immediately o

There are also many law powers under the control of Divine General that are released.

"This is the law of life!"

"This is the law of the earth!"

"This is the law of power!"

"This is the law of growth!"

"This is……"

One after another, the power of the law emerged, and Zhan Wushuang used a special black bottle full of strange rune to collect all the power of the law.

A full 120 laws of power o

Every god in the main temple gave him the power of law o

Zhan Wushuang said: "Today's event..."

The old man said slightly: "The power of a law will not do us any harm, and what happened today will not be discovered by anyone, no one!"

This 'anyone' naturally also includes the main god o

Zhan Wushuang is so powerful that none of the gods present is an opponent.

If anyone does not give the power of the law, it may disappear o

then o

They don't want to see Long Fei become stronger, and they are afraid that Long Fei will enter the battlefield of hegemony. In that case, their god position will not be guaranteed. Instead of making Long Fei stronger, it is better to make God Son Zhan Wushuang stronger. At least he is a person from the main temple. , will not let the main temple be destroyed, their god position will be able to keep o

At this time, the Lord God is not there, they can only do this

After the Lord God returns...

Then say it again!

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said, "Very good!"

"Don't worry o"

"No matter what happens in the future, your god position will not be threatened in any way." After Zhan Wushuang finished speaking, the void moved and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Inside the main temple

The gods looked at each other, and no one mentioned what happened just now.

It's as if nothing ever happened o

"All eighteen divine envoys were killed!"

The eyes of the gods tightened, and their hearts were filled with anger.

"This time..."

"Long Fei, let's see how long you can be arrogant"

"Boy, your life is short!"


Tenjin Mountain o

Everything that happened in the main temple, the god of fate in the black robe has seen o

Hei-robed Destiny God said slightly: "You really won't touch them?"

Zhan Wushuang, who came back from the main temple, had a sneer on his face and said, "What do you think?"

"The only law of this world is The Weak are Prey to the Strong, survival of the fittest, they?"

"A group of old people have long been eliminated by this world. I don't kill them now because they are still useful to me. When I really become the king of laws..."


Zhan Wushuang laughed grimly.

The god of destiny in black robe looked at his gloomy expression and couldn't help but be shocked.

Zhan Wushuang smiled and said: "Don't worry, you have helped me, I will not touch you, I will become the main god, and I will not treat you badly."


"Now I have collected the law power of 120 law gods, what should I do now?" Zhan Wushuang looked at the black robe God of Destiny.

He entered the main shrine and got the power of the law, which is what the black-robed God of Destiny explained.

Hei-robed Destiny God said lightly: "I have seen a kind of secret technique in an ancient book of Outer Territory, that is, it can fuse all the strongest forces of a plane together. Once this kind of power is fused, it will destroy the sky and destroy the earth. "

"The strongest power of one hundred thousand planes is the power of law o"

"One hundred and twenty law power plus the law power under your control, with the soul law as a guide, refining the strongest law power, once it succeeds... I am afraid that the main god will not be able to shake o"

The god of fate in the black robe said excitedly o

This is the reason why he has always wanted to cultivate the law of the soul, even at the expense of harvesting hundreds of millions of souls.

Zhan Wushuang was excited and said, "Then let's start now o"

"Long Fei becomes the demon emperor"

"It will take a long time for him to reach the polar realm. Before that, he should be able to successfully cultivate, right?" Zhan Wushuang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The God of Destiny in the black robe immediately said: "I will try my best!"

"Long Fei?"


Zhan Wushuang sneered o

The God of Destiny in Heipao said slightly: "Is your goal just Long Fei? Actually... the stronger Long Fei is, the more helpful it will be for you. Once he gets through the ancient entrance... Then the third entrance of the Battlefield for Hegemony will be opened, and the pattern of the Battlefield for Hegemony will definitely be established. There will be changes, and the only way to control one hundred thousand planes is to absolutely control the battlefield..."

Zhan Wushuang looked at the God of Destiny in the black robe and said lightly: "With absolute control over the battlefield, I can become the new Lord God... Hahaha...hahaha..."

Zhan Wushuang laughed o


Jiyuan Mountains o

Long Fei comes out of the Sumeru ring o

same as before

Jojo still kept chasing him, but occasionally a sentence came out of her mouth, the name 'Young Master' o

but o

She still wants to kill Long Fei o


"Jojo, I will definitely find a way to restore you." Long Fei exhaled and turned to look at the eighteen artifacts placed on the table.

"The main artifact mission, twenty top artifacts!"

"Two more!"

"Where to get it?"

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