The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2084 Sister, Please Spare Me

The upper artifact is different from the ordinary artifact o

The word 'up' does not only represent its level, but also has another meaning, the ancient times!

so o

Even if Long Fei can refine the artifact, it is useless to even refine the half-main artifact, because the main artifact mission requires the ancient artifact.

The ancient artifact in one hundred thousand planes

There are not many artifacts in the ancient times. One hundred thousand planes have experienced countless wars and killings. These artifacts have long disappeared.

Not much remains of the main shrine

It's so hard to find one

Looking at these eighteen artifacts, Long Fei sighed in his heart, "The main artifact mission is really not easy."

this time o

Li Yuanba walked into the room and said, "Boss, you've got a good look!"


Long Fei's eyes lit up, and he said, "Come on!"

Li Yuanba said quickly: "I asked the leaders of the three major tribes to know something about the Jiyuan Mountains from them. It is said that this place used to be just a plain, a frozen plain."

"This vast expanse of mountains was moved here by a super strong o"

"In the beginning, the area of ​​the mountain range was small, only tens of thousands of kilometers, but ... with the passage of time, the mountain range has increased rapidly every year, and now it has reached tens of millions of kilometers."

"Legend o"

"Under the Jiyuan Mountains, there is a divine weapon called the Plough of the Earth. It has been working for the Jiyuan Mountains, making the front of the Jiyuan Mountains continue to expand, and it is also to protect the ancient war plane, because only The Jiyuan Mountains can block the polar storms, once there is no Jiyuan Mountains, the ancient gods and wars may enter the dark world o”

Long Fei sighed in his heart and said, "The fearless one!"

"The plow of the earth!"

"Any clues?" Long Fei asked.

Li Yuanba shook his head and said, "Not yet. Subduing the dragon has gone to survey the terrain. In the penance of The Underworld, what he cultivated was to find Lingbao."

Also because of this

Only by subduing the dragon can he stop Luo Li o who escaped from the Valley of the Night Kings

And stopped the main god fragments on his body. Long Fei now has two main god fragments on his body. He wants to blow up the refining task in the dragon coffin cultivation mode, and then start to insert the main god fragments into the King Yama blade. o

It's just that the refining mission has not been exploded, so Long Fei can only put it on hold.

Long Fei asked curiously, "How did you cultivate in The Underworld?"

"And did my father say something to you?"

"There are only three of you eight now, what about five more?" Long Fei was always curious, Li Yuanba and the others never told him about the penance of The Underworld.

Li Yuanba scratched his head, and said naively: "It's like that anyway, everyone is different."

he didn't say o

Li Yuanba was not good at expressing himself, and he would not tell Long Fei about cultivation in The Underworld, because... it was really, really hard, unimaginably hard.

It can be said that no one can bear it

But they endured it and did not regret their original choice o

Seeing that Li Yuanba refused to speak, Long Fei did not ask any further questions. Although he did not know what the penance of The Underworld was, he could see that it must be very hard.

this time o

Subduing Long walked in and said, "Boss, the plow of the earth has come to an end."

Long Fei was shocked

Eight Vajra's efficiency is not ordinary fast o

Long Fei immediately said, "Tell me!"

Subduing the Dragon Road: "I used the Golden Dragon to investigate, and there is indeed a super-strong force under the Jiyuan Mountains supporting the mountain range. This super-strong force should be emanating from the plow of the earth."

"This is……"

"Where to start but haven't found o yet"

Tianling also walked in and said: "I went to the various abyss in the Jiyuan Mountains, and there is no entrance."

Heavenly Spirit is the Royal Spirit Vajrao

His body is even more special among special o

The abyss is like a drizzle to him.

Han Yu and Ziyue also walked in, shook their heads, and said, "I didn't find anything."

Li Yuan tyrannized: "Boss, is it important to you to use an artifact?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter o"

When Li Yuanba heard what Long Fei said, he immediately understood that the plow of the earth was very important to Long Fei. He wiped the bridge of his nose and grinned, "I can't find a way, so I'll dig a way in."

he is stupid

As long as Long Fei wants what he wants, he will not care so much.

Long Fei smiled and said, "One thing, it doesn't matter, I can't get it here, there are other places o"


Long Fei's eyes looked at the eighteen artifacts on the table. He had an intuition in his heart that this main artifact was most likely related to his opening to the ancient entrance.


It may be that this main artifact is needed to get through o

If this world is regarded as a game, and the ancient entrance is regarded as a plot, the appearance of the eighteen artifacts, and the appearance of the main god task, must be related to the ancient entrance!

suddenly o

Tianling's eyebrows moved, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

after a while o

Tianling brought in the elder mother-in-law of the fox clan, and said, "Boss, she seems to be eavesdropping on our conversation."

Long Fei looked at the old woman's scalp a little numb, and said: "Old woman, I really won't have anything to do with you, a fox girl is a fox girl, you are you, I can't accept a fox girl, I also Did the patriarch of your fox clan also accept it?"

"Sister, please forgive me o"

"You, my body really can't take it o"

How to say a word?

Women are like wolves in their thirties, tigers in their forties, suck soil from their crotch at fifty, and suck mice through walls in their eighties... This fox patriarch is over three hundred years old.

Who can bear it?

This is not about sucking mice from the partition wall, this is even a tiger can seconds o

The old woman coughed and said, "I know the secret of the plow of the earth."

The voice fell o

Long Fei's eyes tightened

But... Seeing the old woman's eyes, Long Fei's heart tightened, and he couldn't help shivering slightly, and said, "What conditions do you have?"

"You can drive o on any condition except my body"

anything else can

Can't ** ah!

The old woman said: "The polar storm is coming soon, and the wild beasts from the north of the Jiyuan Mountains came to the south. I'm not for you, I'm for the fate of the creatures in the Jiyuan Mountains."

"I rely on!"

"You are so great?" Long Fei was a little surprised.

The old woman smiled and said, "I don't want you to do anything else, I just want you to watch the sunrise with me once."

"There are still conditions." Long Fei muttered.

The old woman said: "If you agree, I'll tell you, this secret is only known to me. It's a secret that our fox clan guards from generation to generation. If you don't agree, just pretend that I haven't been here."


Long Fei looked bitter, if he didn't agree, the old woman really wouldn't say a word, and said: "I promise you, you can say it o"

The old woman smiled evilly

Long Fei has a feeling of being fooled...

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