The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2092 Ancient Undead Legion

dragon mark o

The power of darkness!

According to the dragon, it is a sign of the awakening of the ancient heritage.

Although it is not the power of ancient inheritance o

but o

The power of darkness is very powerful

It has absolute 'zero' power, and this power is called 'Zero Seal'!

Once released o

It can suck all the Cultivation Base, strength, and speed on the opponent into the black hole and completely turn into a Muggle ordinary person. This kind of power is extremely terrifying.

but o

It will also bring great danger to Long Fei.

because o

Its release will absorb all the divine power in Long Fei's body. In that case, he will lose any reliance.

Release before the polar storm, there is no way o

The closer he gets, the more worried Long Fei is in his heart.

The power of this natural disaster is unstoppable by the Wan Yao tribe.

"The power of darkness!"

Long Fei didn't hesitate. With a thought, the dragon-shaped mark on his arm flashed a blackness, and the tens of millions of divine power in his body suddenly disappeared and turned to zero.


like a black fire

A polar storm o


Long Fei's mind was tense, he no longer had any divine power to support his beastization, and he couldn't summon the Golden Lion King. He couldn't do anything now.

The power of darkness...

put all one's eggs in one basket!

If it doesn't work, it is estimated that... he will freeze to death o

The black mass entered the polar storm o

Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, "It must be successful!"

The polar storm suddenly and rapidly rotates from silver-grey to black o

Long Fei's eyes flashed brightly, "Is it done?"

The power of darkness is very powerful

Has a powerful phagocytic power o

Seeing that the vortex turned black and the surrounding temperature was not as cold as before, Long Fei was secretly delighted, this was obviously a sign of success.


The black vortex weakens o

become thinner o

Long Feiyue was even more excited, "Hahaha..."

"A polar storm?"

"so what?"

"It's the same as being fucked by a daddy"

When he was really excited, suddenly... Long Fei's mind sank. This feeling seemed familiar, and the feeling of being stared at by the Lord God for the first time was also the same.

Can't move the whole body up and down

Invisibly, a powerful binding force bound him to the death.


very uncomfortable o

Long Fei felt that his own life was in the hands of others, and only if he moved lightly, he would die.

This feeling makes him mad

very upset o

"The Lord God is back?" Long Fei's heart trembled, and at this time, Long Fei took a closer look, his face suddenly sank, and in the huge vortex, he stood in unison in a large group of people.

All uniform golden armor o

Everyone exudes a breath of suffocating terror

and o

their faces...

All are skull faces

The leader of a general, riding a tall horse is also a skeleton frame, Long Fei is stared at by the empty eyes, making him unable to move.

Long Fei never imagined that there was actually a Death army hidden in the vortex.

Even the lowest-level warriors are the realm of the highest gods, and the generals are the Cultivation Base of the gods who control the laws. What kind of legion is this?

There is such a legion in the 100,000 planes?

Even if there is!

Can the main temple tolerate their existence?

If such a legion appeared in the battle for hegemony, I am afraid... the status of the main temple will not be guaranteed without a month.


Sleeping Beauty woke up suddenly, a force gushing out o

Long Fei's consciousness suddenly moved, and he woke up from his astonishment, his back sweated into ice, his heart pounded, and he almost never woke up.

Sleeping Beauty moved slightly and said, "Master, these guys are very dangerous, hurry up and leave o"

Even Sleeping Beauty says they are dangerous, and the horror level is evident o


"Where did the Death Legion come from?" Long Fei muttered, turned around and fled.

this time o

He can't do anything, if he is looking at the general, I'm afraid he will really die here o

Sleeping Beauty said: "These undead are the ancient legions of the 100,000 planes you are in, and the people who once controlled these 100,000 planes."

"Depend on!"

"No wonder!"

"I'm dead, why are you still scaring people in this world?" Long Fei ran out frantically, he was very contemptuous in his heart, and he hated those things that were still dead after death.

But o

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes sank, his body suddenly stopped, and he murmured, "You said they were the people who once controlled one hundred thousand planes?"



"Then they must have a lot of artifacts on them, right?"

Long Fei is like a lunatic

The idea is completely different from ordinary people

At this time, he should step up the madness of the chrysanthemum to escape, but in his mind he thought that these ancient undead legions had good things and good equipment.

Isn't that what a lunatic is?

At the moment when Long Fei suddenly stopped, the black vortex that had been swirling to the top of the sky suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, a loud bang appeared in the sky again, and a hurricane appeared in the sky again, instantly turning into a silver-grey vortex, attacking frantically. Long Fei o

cold storm


The power of darkness has indeed swallowed the polar storm and sucked in the black hole, Long Fei can clearly sense the o

Its power is unquestionable


The power of darkness can only devour the polar storm once, and he cannot devour the second time, and the polar storm is not a storm at all, but a special force released by these ancient undead legions.

polar storm horror o

But these ancient undead legions are even more terrifying.

Just half a second after Long Fei hesitated to stop, the storm was rapid, and ice arrows like sharp arrows flew out from the vortex.

Instantly swipe Shattering Void

Every Frostbolt has the power of Death o

All arrows are fired, Shrouding the Heavens covers the sun o

Long Fei's eyes flickered, and he shouted in his heart, "f*ck!"

Sleeping Beauty exclaimed, "Master, be careful!"

Long Fei felt like he was urinating in an instant, and he ran away. Without divine power, he couldn't do anything at all.

No matter how fast he is

Still not as fast as those arrows

"Daddy is going to become a sieve" Long Fei cried out secretly

at this time o


With a roar, a golden light shone down on the hillside

There was a huge black shadow in the snow, Long Fei glanced at it, and cried out in his heart, "Oops, this is really over!"

It's a super upgraded white ape

An upgraded white ape with golden hair on its head

Front and rear pinch o

Long Fei has no way out

Sleeping Beauty's brows tightened, and a ray of light emanated from her body.

Just when Long Fei was on guard, the upgraded white ape fell heavily, not to pounce on Long Fei, but to fall behind Long Fei, his huge body showed.

"Boom o"

followed by o

Thousands of ice arrows fall



A strong screeching sound resounded o


A mouthful of blood spurts

Long Fei turned his head and saw that the upgraded white ape with his hairstyle blocked all the arrows for him. He was seriously injured, and he was stunned for a moment, waiting for him to react.

Bai Yuan grabbed Long Fei and threw it abruptly


It's like riding a rocket

Instantly thrown into the forest o

At the same time o

The upgraded White Ape King turned his head to look at the polar storm, his golden pupils stared, he let out a heavy snort, and then he braced his legs, "Boom!"

a loud noise o

Thousands of snowflakes splashed, and the body fell heavily, landing thousands of miles away o


There was a shrill roar in the polar storm, and the storm went faster and raged forward...

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