The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2093 Ancient Giant God? You Wait!


Long Fei falls from mid-air

because it's too fast

Long Fei couldn't control it and slammed it down heavily, but... it didn't hit the ground, but a soft place.

When he stood up, he saw that he was standing on the back of an upgraded white ape.

These upgraded white apes really ran fast

Long Fei was shocked inwardly, "That white ape saved me just now?"

If the upgraded White Ape King does not block the arrows for Long Fei, Sleeping Beauty will take action, and Long Fei will naturally not die, but... Long Fei does not know that Sleeping Beauty will take action.

so o

The feeling in his heart is that even if the White Ape King does not block the arrow, he is dead now.

maybe o

The Heavenly King Undead Pearl can make him resurrect again, but after resurrection?

he will still die

If he is not killed by those ancient undead legions, he will also freeze to death. In this polar region, Long Fei has absolutely no chance to live.

Long Fei climbed to a high place and looked at the White Ape King in front of him still carrying thousands of arrows, his heart could not help sinking, "I killed your brother, but you saved me, o"

"This kindness!"

"I, Long Fei, keep it in my heart!"

ashamed o

As if feeling Long Fei's mood, the White Ape King turned around and glanced at Long Fei, then continued to attack.

fast run o

like a huge avalanche

The entire north of the Jiyuan Mountains continued to make a loud roar, which made Li Yuanba and the others on the south side uneasy.

"Will something happen to the boss?"

"It's so loud, what happened?"


"I'm going to see it!"

Tianling couldn't sit still, and when he heard the loud noise from the north, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and could not wait to fly to Long Fei's side immediately.

Li Yuanba murmured, "The boss doesn't let us go because he doesn't want us to drag him down. If you go now..."

Ziyue anxiously said: "Let's go and have a look. I have a bad feeling in my heart that something may have happened to Long Fei."

Subduing the dragon said: "The eight of us exist for the boss. If he has an accident and we are not around, then what qualifications do we have to be called the eight Vajra?"

"Go find the boss!"

Tianling got up and went out

Li Yuanba snorted and said, "Tianling, you stay o"

"I go!"

Tianling turned to look at Li Yuan and said: "Why are you going?"

He knows that the north is dangerous

Li Yuanba also knew that they didn't want each other to take risks.

Li Yuanba said: "The tribe is still unstable now, and someone needs to take charge of the overall situation. You have a better brain than me, and it is better for you to stay."

"Besides, I have thick skin and can withstand freezing."

Tianling said: "Big man, do you think I'm stupid? Your brain will be bad? You are in charge of the overall situation, look for me, I have stronger sensing ability than you, and I am the most suitable candidate o"

Li Yuanba refused and said, "I am the big Vajra. If the boss is not with me, it is an order. If you stay, I will go!"

finish o

Li Yuanba walked out of the tent.

Tianling grinned, looking unhappy, and said, "Big Vajra is amazing? Every time I use Big Vajra to press me!"

While complaining o

But... Tianling could only stare blankly, and said loudly in the direction of Li Yuanba's disappearance: "Big man, be careful, don't ask me to collect the corpse at that time."

He is worried about Li Yuanba

Just when he turned around, he found that the subduing dragon in the tent was also gone.

"I rely on!"

"Leave me alone?"

Tianling is very upset

Ziyue said: "Who called you the youngest?"

Eight Vajra, Royal Vajra ranked last! This is where Tianling has always been upset o


"Bang, bang, bang..."

In a valley near the south

The upgraded white ape stopped, and the entire valley was filled with dense mahjongs. At first glance, he thought that the valley was full of snow.

Long Fei also jumped off the white ape and walked to the white ape king.

during this period o

All the white apes in the valley look at Long Fei o

There is hostility in the eyes

Because Long Fei killed their brother o

They didn't understand why the White Ape King wanted to save Long Fei and seriously injured himself, all because of Long Fei.

Long Fei didn't care about their hostile eyes either, walked to the White Ape King, bowed slightly, and said, "Thank you!"

Several white apes really pulled out the ice arrows on the back of the white ape king

Even if these ice arrows meet fire, the sun will not melt o

This ice is as hard as steel

Looking at the ice arrows pulled out from the back, the arms of these ice arrows are so thick, like thick javelins, any one shot on Long Fei's body will penetrate his body and be nailed to the ground. o

Blood gushing on the back of the White Ape King

Under each arrow is a spring like a spring

The White Ape King did not frown. There were many scars on his body. There were many scars on his chest, limbs, even his head and face.

Long Fei was secretly surprised, took out some healing Medicine Pill from the Interspatial Ring, and said, "These will help your injury o"

The moment he took out these Medicine Pills

Several upgraded white apes immediately approached Long Fei, and the hostility in their eyes was even greater.

It's like Long Fei wants to poison the White Ape King

The White Ape King stared, and his huge palm stretched out to Long Fei.

Long Fei put the healing pill on his palm o

Without any hesitation, the White Ape King swallowed a lot of Healing Pills, probably because his body was too large, and the medicinal properties could not spread for a while.

After taking a lot of healing pills, there is no reaction at all.

Long Fei looks a little embarrassed

half an hour later

All the arrows on the White Ape King's back were pulled out, and they looked like hills when they were put together. If they were loaded in a truck, there would be as many as a large trailer.

Long Fei is secretly grateful again in his heart

The medicinal properties were released, the blood from the wound on the White Ape King was blocked, and his complexion recovered.

Long Fei asked, "Why did you save me?"

"I killed your brother, you should have seen o with your own eyes"

The White Ape King looked at Long Fei, opened his mouth and said, "I need your help o"

Open your mouth to speak

Long Fei doesn't find it strange, such a super creature can naturally speak human language.

Long Fei said, "Do you want to deal with those ancient undead legions?"

The White Ape King's eyes were slightly startled, he did not expect that Long Fei already knew that those undead legions were transformed by the ancient giant gods in the 100,000 planes.

immediately o

The White Ape King nodded heavily and said, "Yes, can you help us?!"

Long Fei exhaled and smiled bitterly: "You saw the scene just now, you saved me all, how to deal with those ancient giants?"

Obviously, Long Fei is not the opponent of those ancient giant gods.

Coupled with the icy aura of the polar storm, Long Fei couldn't get close at all!

White Ape King said: "As long as you promise to help, I have a way"

There was a glint in Long Fei's eyes. Those ancient giants, Long Fei, wanted to explode in their dreams. As long as there was a way, how could they not explode?

Looking at the serious appearance of the White Ape King, Long Fei was excited and said, "As long as you have a solution, I can fully cooperate!"

"Ancient Giant God, right?"

"Damn, wait for daddy!"

Thanks for the support!

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