The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2096 The Ancient Soul!

After the summoning system was activated, Long Fei didn't use o much

Only used a specific summon o twice

Once was summoning Heavenly Emperor to kill the phantom of the main god, and then used it to resurrect the Golden Lion King, the demon king, and never used it again for the rest of the time.

Random summons, too many unstable factors

then o

Now Long Fei has too much power, and he has not reached the kind of dangerous place where he is desperate.

so o

The summoning system has been 'abandoned'. This time, he just wanted to summon a ghost for the dead. Anyway, these summoned people, gods, ghosts, etc. will disappear by themselves at a certain time, and it is not true that they died in front of Long Fei. Die, their lives don't need to be too concerned o


Long Fei never thought of summoning the Admiral of the Navy, now the head of state Akainu.

a bit fierce

Long Fei once had magma power o

But that is what he owns, and with Akainu's proficiency in rock berries, what Long Fei has mastered is only fur.

see Akainu fall o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he secretly said in his heart, "Akainu, you are unlucky today."

"Who told your sister to kill my favorite brother Ace?"

"Come and be the scapegoat o"

Long Fei muttered for a while, then he didn't care so much, and ordered: "Go, run around this disk o"

The summoned person completely obeys Long Fei's orders.

Even if he was allowed to eat shit, he would not resist. Thinking of this, Long Fei became a little evil, "The summoning system needs to be used a few more times, maybe one day the retired teacher Cang will be summoned, hahaha..."

"Let her teach me the harem o"

"Wow, isn't that all the poses unlocked?"


The more you think, the more evil

Long Fei seems to have developed a big treasure. When he was thinking about this evilly, Akainu had already run a circle around the disc, and nothing dangerous happened.

"It doesn't seem to be dangerous." Long Fei didn't let go of his guard and ordered, "Go forward."

Long Fei followed Akainu and walked towards the groove in the center of the disc.

When there was still three meters away from the groove, Akainu's eyebrows trembled, and he snorted slightly, saying, "Lord, be careful!"

in an instant o

His body turned into lava o

Hot and hot flames came out o

Long Fei was shocked inwardly, "Let Akainu unleash the power of Devil Fruit from three meters away, what exactly is in this groove?"

Re-enter Half stepo

Akainu unleashed a domineering o

The hot magma on his body was bubbling and rolling, and he seemed a little bit unbearable.

But o

He didn't dare to step back, and he didn't dare to escape, because Long Fei was right behind him.


With a low cry, the red light in the groove shook again.

Akainu's half step body turned into magma, his expression looked extremely ferocious, and he was also extremely angry. When his fist moved, the magma flame slammed down into the groove.


Magma fist shadow falls o

Suspended above the groove, in an instant, evaporated o

No lava flame left at all

Absolutely not!

Akainu's complexion changed, and Long Fei was even more shocked. Akainu's power can be said to be a top-level power in One Piece.

The control of the fire element is absolutely strong.

Even the flame fruit Ace can be killed. It can be seen that the fire of magma is much more powerful than ordinary flames, but...Jang's power is like a small ant in front of the red light of the groove.

Weak burst o

Akainu was unconvinced and bombarded with several punches in a row.


As at the beginning, the magma was instantly evaporated. As he got closer and closer, not only the magma fist he released evaporated, but even his body began to evaporate slowly.


In front of this group of grooved red light, there is a slag-like existence.

Long Fei was a little worried in his heart.

Akainu can't bear it anymore. He is a real person who can't bear this kind of flame life. If he falls, won't he evaporate instantly?

How to resist?

Long Fei's mind is flying

Akainu said: "My lord, I'm about to lose my grip."

Long Fei said angrily: "If you can't hold on, you have to persevere and move on."

Akainu is a ghost anyway.

Long Fei didn't care about his life or death. Even if he died here, it wasn't a real death. He didn't need to protect the summoned characters.

then o

Summoned to protect Long Fei, not Long Fei to protect their o

Akainu couldn't disobey Long Fei's orders, so he could only move forward with all his might, even if his body was madly evaporated, he could only keep moving forward.

Two meters!

1.8 meters!

1.5 meters!


getting closer to o

Long Fei's body also began to feel the power that burns everything, his skin began to burn, his clothes ignited spontaneously, and Akainu only had one-third of his body left.

can't stand o


With a muffled sound, Akainu made a sound, "I can't bear it anymore, Lord, be careful!"

Although I can't bear it

His body collapsed, but at the last moment, Akainu turned all his strength into a mass of magma and rushed towards the red light in the groove, giving Long Fei time to escape.

The red light in the groove slammed violently

Evaporate the last third of Akainu's body

dignified navy

The master of rockberry real, was evaporated by a fire like this o

The power of this fire...

Explosive watch!

Akainu is indeed dead a bit cupped o

But o

However, Long Fei didn't care so much, and he didn't run away when Akainu pounced. Instead, he took a big step in an instant, stood on the edge of the groove, and looked down.

eyes sank

Suddenly my heart was shocked, "It really is a flame o"

The flame is a bit special

The inside of the groove is like a tiny golden dragon.

non-stop swimming

The flame is what is released from it

what is it?

Long Fei has never seen this kind of flame before, I am afraid that even the strongest flame of Xiao Yan's cultivation can't compare to it.

Magma evaporates o

The next second is to evaporate Long Fei's body.


One second is enough time for Long Fei. With a thought, the dark dragon-shaped mark on his right arm suddenly moved, "The power of darkness..."

Long Fei was taking drugs along the way.

It is just to fill up the divine power. Although it is not full, it has reached 10 million divine power. It should be able to hold on for a while.


The burst of dark power instantly devoured the fiery heat.

Long Fei also took the opportunity to jump into the groove and shouted, "Daddy, no matter what kind of Galo energy rune formation you have, no matter what kind of flame power you have, you have to be controlled by me o"

The moment you jump

Long Fei grabbed the flame as thin as a small golden dragon and shouted, "Be honest with me!"

speed of lightning

very fast o

The strong suppression of dark power, absorb and swallow o - the strongest upgrade system

No matter how strong this flame is, it is useless, how strong is the power of darkness inherited from the ancient world?

Struggling in the hands of Long Fei

The system beeps a beep


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