The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2097 This Power Suddenly Compares!

The pioneering power of ancient inheritance, extraordinary

The flame that even Akainu can evaporate, how powerful is this flame?

unimaginable o

but o

In the face of the power of darkness, you can only submit obediently

Dark Power's 'Zero Seal' is quite awesome, and Long Fei once again realized his awesomeness.

The system prompt sound fell, and Long Fei couldn't wait to open the system to check the so-called 'Ancient Yisoul', to see why the Jialuo Realm in the great world of Hongmeng put such a flame here.

Item: Ancient Soul

Attributes: Fire, Soul

attack:? ? ?

harm:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

describe:? ? ?

Everything is a question mark except its name and properties, totally unclear o

Long Fei was a little puzzled, "Damn, isn't this fooling people?"

"I don't know how to use the damage daddy? What if throwing it out is a miss? Isn't that a big hole?" Long Fei said unhappily.

Although it is seven or eight million, or even tens of millions of years, guarded by the upgraded white ape clan.

There is also the mysterious energy rune formation of the Jialuojie to provide energy, but... what is it?

What is the use?

What's the harm?

Long Fei doesn't know at all

The White Ape King said that it can be used to deal with the ancient giant gods, but how can a thing that does not even know how to use it compete with the ancient giants?

Long Fei feels cheated

"girl o"

"do you know?"

The system doesn't know... Long Fei can only ask Sleeping Beauty o

she is omnipotent

If the system does not know, it may be beyond the control of the system in the 100,000 planes. If the system is upgraded to the Hongmeng version, it may be able to know o

It is also not possible to upgrade o now

Sleeping Beauty pondered for a long time, just when Long Fei thought she was asleep, she said slowly: "Ancient Yisoul, this is the first time I heard about o"

"If it really came from the Gala world, then..."


she's a little excited

Some dare not say it

Long Fei couldn't wait to say: "Sister, you have to say everything, what is it?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "Then it may also be the forerunner of ancient inheritance, and it may be an inheritance force bred in the ancient world of Hongmeng."

"Jia Luojie is one of the mysterious planes in the great world of Hongmeng, and it is also the most ancient plane. This ancient soul is very likely to be an ancient power of inheritance."

Hearing this, Long Fei felt a little confused.

I got excited all of a sudden

The strength of the dark power makes Long Fei extremely excited, knowing that the power of ancient inheritance is very powerful, and this power is quite awesome. If there is another ancient inheritance power, then...


Long Fei laughed in his heart, "Daddy is going to send o"


One ancient inheritance is an unreachable existence in the great world of Hongmeng, and two inheritance powers, this is simply a heifer standing upside down, so powerful.

An ancient inheritance on Long Fei has attracted the pursuit of countless ancient families, and the Longfu and the Mu family are in crisis.

If there is another ancient inheritance...

I am afraid that the entire Hongmeng world will tremble for it!

Sleeping Beauty said slightly: "This is just my guess. I can't confirm whether it is the power of the ancient inheritance. Don't be too happy."

Long Fei grinned and said, "No need to guess, it must be, my character, Long Fei, has always been rude, and I can't go wrong."

Long Fei firmly believes in o

Sleeping Beauty smiled lightly and said, "Have you ever thought that if it is an ancient inheritance, why don't people in the Gala Realm cultivate? Why seal it in this lower plane?"

"Don't you think it makes no sense here?"

indeed o

In the great world of Hongmeng, an ancient inheritance can make a plane prosper, why put it in another world?

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, he was too lazy to care so much, now the ancient soul is in his body, and now it is his o

Sleeping Beauty is also a person who doesn't want to think too much about problems. When she thinks about something she can't figure out, her mind becomes a little manic, and she says, "I don't want to, I'll go to bed."

Stretching out a lazy waist while speaking

Instead, he fell asleep o

Long Fei did not disturb her, but sat at Lotus Position and said to himself, "Ancient Yisoul, how do you want to use it?"


Four fires form o

Its power is probably the pinnacle of fire elements, even Xiao Yan's strange fire can't compare to it.

Coupled with its other attribute power, soul!

Fire soul?

Or... in the ancient inheritance, the inheritance of fire?

I am afraid that these problems can only be understood when Long Fei enters the ancient world in the great world of Hongmeng.

Long Fei's thoughts move

The ancient soul rushed out from Long Fei's palm, like a thin flaming golden dragon, swimming between his fingers, very soft, without the fiery feeling that could evaporate the red dog just now.

Long Fei looked at the soul that seemed to be alive and said, "How to use it?"

"Put it out and see..."

Long Fei pushes o with his right palm

It was as if the ancient soul didn't feel it, and it was still entangled between Long Fei's fingers. There was no sign of going out, and it didn't cause any damage.

Long Fei repeated the test several times, no matter the palm, the fist, the knife and the sword are all the same, he can't release it at all, and he can't release its incomparably hot arrogance.

That's a little embarrassing o

I have an ancient inheritance in my hand, but I don't know how to use it?

Is there anything more tragic than this?

It's like cooking with a cook in the kitchen every day, but finally starved to death in the kitchen!

"Your sister's!"

"How can I release it?"

Long Fei was still thinking of using it to deal with the ancient giant gods, to explode the upper artifact, and to complete the mission of the main artifact, but now... he is at a loss.

Think of the ancient giant

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "How long have I been in?"

Although not long o

but o

This is an energy formation space, he has been here for ten days o

These he doesn't know

As soon as the thought was collected, the ancient soul was put into the body, Long Fei said: "Go out first, then think of a way, maybe the White Ape King knows how to use o"

Long Fei turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.


When he stepped out of the hole, there was darkness

no light o

Long Fei gently touched his right hand, "Snow? Thick snow?"

"I rely on!"

"Why did you fill up the hole all of a sudden?"

"How long have I been in there?"

Just when Long Fei wanted to dig a snow hole, just where his right hand touched, a red light suddenly appeared like a laser aurora.


a loud noise o

The power to destroy the world is generally o

A straight passage of several thousand meters, directly outside the valley, the thick blood on both sides merged instantly, and with this loud noise, the ice and snow within a radius of one kilometer completely disappeared in just a few seconds.

This power...

A fierce match!

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