The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2105 Daddy Is Not Easy To Mess With

Ancient giant god's power burst o

Golden Light Sword intento

Contains super power

Everywhere you go is a pile of ashes, you can't resist o

Even the eight Vajra can't resist, let alone the Wan Yao clan?

a time o

More than half of the o in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is missing

The power of the polar storm also became stronger, crushing the plow of the earth, the storm rolled again, and the chilly aura once again covered the entire Jiyuan Mountains.

It's like everything is coming to an end

Vajra loses o

Ten thousand demon tribe lost

The upgraded white ape tribe was defeated

one-sided trend

Inside the main temple

The gods are smiling

"The force built by Long Fei will turn to ashes in the blink of an eye, hahaha... It's really cool o"

"It's more than cool, it's simply too cool. Seeing how arrogant Long Fei is, what qualifications does he have to challenge us?"

"Fighting with our main temple? He is also worthy? He also wants to open up the ancient entrance to enter the battlefield of hegemony, and he doesn't pee to take care of himself!"


"Where did that kid Long Fei hide?"

"His brother, the woman is about to die and hasn't appeared yet? I'm afraid he has escaped long ago."


The gods laughed

Long Fei became the Demon King, and the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe was his power. Seeing his power being crushed, the gods couldn't help but be happy.

this time o

A god asked: "These ancient giants can only be active in the polar regions. They are just some grievances who cannot leave the polar regions, but why can they come to the south of the polar mountains this time?"

"Is this the first time?"

"Will it happen before?"

After all, it is the former main god o

"What can happen?"

"The big deal is to crush them for a while, so why should the defeated generals be afraid?"

"I really want to think about the people who released these ancient legions. It's really heartwarming, hahaha..."

They didn't care what power the ancient giants had to leave the polar regions o

because o

These ancient giants are their defeats o

don't worry about anything at all

another place o

Tenjin Mountain o

Zhan Wushuang glanced slightly, then turned and left.

Not long after he left, the black-robed God of Destiny fell, with a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth, "Hehe... Long Fei, can you survive this time?"


In the silver-gray sky, a fire dragon shoots o

Especially in the sky

A man standing on top of the dragon's head o

White hair like snow

swaying in the wind

His eyes were cold, with a strong killing intent.

Holding a long sword in his hand, the light of the Lord God flashes on the sword.

The most hideous thing is the fire dragon under his feet.

It is not a dragon, but a flame, churning in the silver-white air, completely unafraid of the coldness of the polar storm, without any restrictions o

"what is that?"

"Who is that?"

"Why did a fire dragon appear in the sky?"

"Look, who is standing on the fire dragon?"

Everyone looks up

The ancient giant god also turned his head and sneered, "You escaped last time, and this time I came to die again, hahaha..."

"It's you who's waiting!"

The golden light on the ancient giants' Sword Intent exploded again

Cover half of the sky

also at the same time

Long Fei squinted and snorted, "Kill my clan, hurt my brother, if daddy doesn't kill you, daddy will be your surname!"

"The power of the soul!"

"Blast me!"

The fire dragon under his feet is Yishun.

Originally it was just a small golden dragon with a thin line, but under the stimulation of Long Fei, the soul became furious and formed a huge fire dragon.

With Long Fei's order o

The rage of the soul turned into countless flames that spread wildly.

The ancient giant sneered and said, "Can this kind of flame hurt my hair?"

no fear o

It's just... at the moment when he sneered disdainfully, the flames of the soul scattered.




Those ancient legionnaires will turn into ashes as long as they touch a little, just like the golden light Sword intent released by the ancient giant just now.

The ancient giant god was still the same, dismissed and sneered: "No one can kill them, they are immortal o"

power of the dead

Coupled with the power of fate and the law of the soul, his ancient legion will never die!

However o

Long Fei smiled and said, "You see if they are resurrected?!"

The power of the soul, let alone the undead, even if it is an undead, his ancestors are useless, and it can also be purified and burned.

At the moment when the ancient giants were dismissive o

In Long Fei's mind, the prompt sound o frantically sounded.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Ancient Warrior' to get 100,000,000 experience points, 1,000,000 divine power points, and 1 perverted energy point!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Ancient Warrior' to gain 100,000,000 experience points, 1,000,000 divine power points, and 1 perverted energy value!"


The system rolls like thunder

crazy sound o

The damage of the ancient souls is simply a super-explosive watch.

Tens of thousands of ancient armies were all reduced to ashes in just a few seconds.

none left o

And Long Fei...

Experience hurricane o

His level is also soaring o

In a short period of time, he was promoted to fifth-level and reached the ninth-level status of the median god.

Now the level is very important for Long Fei, his power will increase every time he rises first-level, and more importantly, his divine power is restored to full o

The ninth order of the median god!

full divine power

full life status

At the same time o

The ancient soul was like a small golden dragon entwined between the fingers of his right hand. Long Fei looked at the ancient giant god and said coldly, "Is it still alive?"

In a thought o

There is only one ancient giant left in the ancient army.



The ancient giant god has been thinking about revenge for tens of millions of years, and he is full of murderous intentions. Now he finally found an opportunity but was stopped by five boys.

What is Long Fei?

he never heard

The ancient giant god said heavily: "I want you to die, I want you to die, I must want you to die..."

killing intent

crazy soaring

at the same time o

The law of ice... The power of the law of storm is intertwined and condensed in his body, and the breath of his body has reached an unprecedented peak.

The voice fell o

Step by step!

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, looking at the golden body radiating from the ancient giant god's body, he also roared, "You boss, daddy is sure!"

in an instant o

The blade of the Lord God in Long Fei's hand moves

The ancient souls are wrapped around o

At the same time o

Long Fei's eyebrows locked, his right hand moved, his right arm turned dark, "The power of darkness, zero seal!"

The three strongest forces

Unleash the strongest upgrade system:

Long Fei doesn't want to talk to the ancient giant god

The gods of the main temple are watching him, and the people of Tianshen Mountain are watching him. What he has to do now is to ravage and crush the ancient giant god.

to let them know o

Daddy is not easy to mess with!

"Blast me!!!"

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