The Strongest Upgrade System

#2106 Most Wanted Criminal

Zero Seal of Dark Power

ancient soul o

Combined with the super power of the blade of the Lord God

triple strike o

This is the most powerful force of Long Fei so far.

Don't give the ancient giant god any face as soon as you come up, just get it to death!

Zero seal and move o

The power of the ancient giant god seems to be drained, whether it is the power of the law or his own Cultivation Base, all madly poured into the black hole.

Long Fei one step Lingtian

Falling in front of the ancient giant god, the blade of the Lord God in his hand slashed against the top of his head.

no power o

The release of the power of darkness is to burn all his divine power. He has no divine power at all now, but... the same is true for the ancient giant god.

no power at all

no defense at all

Cut down with a knife


The golden light is scattered, the fire is soaring to the sky o

A powerful halo exploded in the air

The ancient giant god sank, fell from the air, and roared: "I am the main god, you can't kill me!"

"Just a little trash like you, want to kill me too?"

"Even Hongtu couldn't kill me back then, what kind of thing are you?"

Who is Hongtu?

The main god who now controls 100,000 planes

just o

Not many people know this name

Hongtu became the main god, and he also failed to annihilate the soul of the ancient giant god, and could only throw him in the polar regions.

How powerful is the ancient giant?

But o

Long Fei didn't even know who Hong Tu was, and... he was him, Long Fei was Long Fei, and others couldn't kill him, it didn't mean he couldn't kill him.

If it is only the blade of the Lord God and the power of darkness, Long Fei really can't kill the ancient giant god.

But now he has an ancient soul

Not to mention the ancient giant god, even the ancient giant god's ancestor's soul can purify o

The sword just slashed down, and the power of the ancient soul burst out, burning on the ancient giant god.

Long Fei did not stop o

Like a mad butcher, he slashed down fiercely with one knife after another, "Can't kill? Can't kill? What the fuck do you try again?"

"To die or not to die?!"

Strong and unparalleled

One knife at a time, the ancient giant god was cut to pieces.

The long blood tank on the top of the head is falling madly o

on the main temple

The gods were stunned!

Can't say a word

They thought that Long Fei was afraid and fled, but not only did Long Fei not escape, but he also killed all the ancient giants, even the man who used to be the main god was crushed to the ground and unable to move.

How fierce is he?

The fear in their hearts is greater than o

Long Fei, this kid is too scary

If this kid really wants to fight the main temple to the end, it will be a nightmare for them once they enter the battle for hegemony.

now o

The gods only pray for one thing, the Lord God come back soon!

If he doesn't come back, no one will be able to suppress Long Fei. This guy really wants Soaring Dragon to be in the sky, and he will overwhelm everything.

another place o

Tenjin Mountain o

The black-robed Destiny God's face was very ugly, his fists were clenched, and there was a cold and icy aura in his eyes. Looking at the direction of the Jiyuan Mountains, he said gloomily: "Waste thing!"

I don't know when, Zhan Wushuang appeared behind him with a faint smile, and said, "Long Fei doesn't die so easily."

Hei-robed Destiny God's eyes tightened slightly, and he said with some displeasure, "Do you just hope that Long Fei isn't dead?"

Zhan Wushuang said: "He is mine, and only I can reap his life."

"God of Destiny"

"I can understand your desire to kill Long Fei, but..." Zhan Wushuang turned to look at the god of fate in the black robe, and said with a smile, "Those tricks of yours are useless to him."

"The ancient army of giant gods is indeed terrifying, but... they are just a bunch of trash that has lost power. Even if they can suppress Long Fei, they will definitely not hurt him." Zhan Wushuang firmly believes.

because o

Long Fei's life must be his

finish o

Zhan Wushuang walked back to the secret room of cultivation, and was not interested in what happened in the Jiyuan Mountains.

But o

After Zhan Wushuang left, there was a icy cold light in the eyes of the god of fate in the black robe.

What Zhan Wushuang said just now is very clear.

own every move is under his watch o

He even knew about him and the ancient giant god, which made the Hei-robed God of Destiny's heart secretly tight.

Zhan Wushuang's power far exceeded his expectations

and o

The depth of his growth also exceeded his expectations o

no doubt o

Zhan Wushuang is a martial arts genius

The Lord God chose him to be the Son of God, probably because of this.

The one hundred and twenty-three laws of cultivation have already integrated the power of dozens of laws. If you give him some time, I am afraid that he can really integrate all the powers of the one hundred and twenty-three laws and become the king of laws.

Until then...

The black-robed God of Destiny's eyes tightened slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a strange smile.

immediately o

The Hei-robed Destiny God looked at the direction of the Jiyuan Mountains and said coldly, "Long Fei, wait, you won't live long!"


Jiyuan Mountains o

Looking at the last trace of blood on the head of the ancient giant god, Long Fei held the knife in both hands and slashed it down heavily.

The ancient giant roared, "Don't, don't, don't kill me..."

"help me!"

"help me……"

His eyes looked in the direction of Tianshen Mountain, and his voice resounded through the wasteland, but... no one rescued him.

Long Fei cut o with one knife

The power of the soul burns, purifying all the ancient giant gods, not even a bone slag is left.


a loud noise o

The system also sounded a prompt tone, "Ding!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the 'Ancient Giant God' to gain 100 billion experience points, 1 billion divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of Storm Law!'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the power of the 'Frozen Law!'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Supreme Artifact, Ice Profound Sword!'"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the first rank of the god realm!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, getting special rewards, reward items, 'Universe Wheel'!"


The system prompt sound is crazy loud o

This kind of feeling Long Fei never tires of listening to and can't say is so cool.

double rule o

Plus an artifact o

cool as hell

After leveling up again, stepping into the Realm of the Supreme God, the divine power recovered, Long Fei's eyes swept across the void, looking at the eyes that had been staring at the Jiyuan Mountain Range, he roared heavily, "Who else?!"

"Oh shit!"

"Daddy just wanted to ask, who else?!"

The whole void is silent

The main temple is even more silent, as if being crushed by the breath of Long Fei's body, as if he can't breathe.

unspeakable pain

The dignified main temple, the main temple that controls 100,000 planes, was crushed by a person from the upper god Realm, which made their old faces have no place to rest.

At the same time o

It also made them extremely angry.

Long Fei...

Considered the most wanted criminal by the main temple!

and o

Post a bounty!

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