The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2117 The Power Of The Eastern Emperor Bell

The leader of the white ape is not a vegetarian

Seeing several white bear warriors surrounding him, he immediately shouted loudly and said, "I see who dares!"


More than a dozen upgraded white apes uttered a heavy shout.

They took out all their big clubs, just like spears, and their bodies quickly formed a circle to surround Longfei in the middle.

The atmosphere is tense o

The White Bear King's eyes turned fierce, and he said solemnly, "White Ape, you don't really hide human beings among you, do you?"

"You have to know the rules o in the polar regions"

"Break the rules, you know what the consequences will be!"

The White Bear King stared at the leader of the white ape, "Humans don't have a good thing, and any race in the polar region is not allowed to have any involvement with humans. I don't care what happened to you in the Jiyuan Mountains, but this is the polar region. If you are with humans If they are involved, then don't blame me for not thinking about the past!"

The white ape tribe was suppressed everywhere in the polar regions because of their involvement with humans in the Jiyuan Mountains.

The white ape leader's eyes scowled, and he said, "I know the rules of the polar regions, I don't need you to remind me."

"King White Bear, just say let's go today!"

The white ape clan owes Long Fei something

From the moment Long Fei appeared in the polar region, the leader of the white ape made all preparations.

no matter what the cost

They will all do their best to keep Long Fei.

Just like Long Fei fighting desperately for them o

Humans are indeed Damn ito

But not all human beings are insidious and cunning, Damn it is extremely o

The White Bear King's eyes sank, and he shouted, "White Ape, you are playing with fire!"

at this time o


A huge ice python appeared, 100 meters long, with ice horns growing on its head, silver scales all over its body shining with cold light, spitting out a long snake letter, and shouting: "What nonsense are you talking to him? I have long been among them. I sensed the human breath."

At this time o

The ice wolf clan also came out from the other side, and the wolf king shouted: "Since he is obsessed, then we don't need to be polite. This is the polar region, the world we dominate, and no human beings are allowed to set foot in it!"

time to speak

One after another, the polar races appear o

The water that surrounds the white ape and the others is impassable

directly into a dead place

The white bear king said: "White ape, you still have a choice, as long as you hand over that human, there is nothing to do with you here."

"This is your last chance o"

"What chance do you give me, if you want me to say that the relationship between the white ape clan and humans is unclear, I can kill it directly."

"that is!"

"Humans don't have a good thing o"

"kill him!"


The leader of the white ape glanced at the white ape guard behind him. He knew very well that as long as he handed over Long Fei, Long Fei would surely die!

The hatred of the polar upgraded demon clan towards humans is not a little bit o

But there are tens of millions of years of grievances

These races used to be human beasts of war, but... after the end of the war for hegemony, they were abandoned and abandoned in this polar region to let them fend for themselves.

In the cold world, their hearts are also frozen.

The resentment against human beings has never subsided, and it is getting deeper and deeper.

The same is true for the white apes

but o

Long Fei saved them o

and o

To a certain extent, Long Fei got something guarded by the White Ape Clan, and he was a nobleman of the White Ape Clan.

The white ape tightened his eyes and looked at the glacier world not far away: "Sir, the polar ice field is not far ahead, and they dare not enter when they enter the polar ice field."


suddenly o

The leader of the white ape roared and said heavily: "The white ape clan!"

"open circuit!"

As soon as the voice fell, the leader of the white ape rushed out, and the huge force was unscrupulous, o

"court death!"


"Just you still want to turn the sky over?"

At the moment when the leader of White Ape made his move, King White Bear's eyes sank, and he said coldly "Kill!!!"

The surrounding polar upgraded orcs are besieging strongly.

The upgraded white ape beheading also rushed up one by one, "Sir, let's go!"

"Sir, let's go!"

"grown ups……"


they don't hesitate

Their white ape tribe will repay their kindness

Many white ape warriors rushed out, and Long Fei's figure was also exposed.

Ice Bear King's eyes tightened, "It really is human!"

"White Ape!"

"You are obsessed, you are dead today!"

The White Bear King roared and rushed out.

When many polar races saw Long Fei's figure, they also burst into furious hatred, and none of them would let go of them.

Long Fei's eyes tightened

He didn't go out for the first time

Seeing the white ape warrior fighting for himself, there was a faint pain in his heart, and then Long Fei's eyes were fierce, and the power of the five laws was released from his body.






Five violent humming sounds sounded, forming a powerful force of law.

The law of time, the law of killing, the law of the sky, the law of the storm, and the law of ice and cold form an incomparably powerful coercion, which is directly bombarded like Tianwei.


With a loud noise, everything within the first kilometer of the radius was suppressed by the power of Long Fei's five laws.

Can't move!

The White Bear King's face sank, and he shouted with difficulty: "White Ape, look at what kind of humans you brought?"


The white bear king roared, the golden armor on his body was expanding, the sound was like a wave, and the pressure released by Long Fei was shattered.

The body suddenly stands up o

like a building

The bear's paw is like a mountain, and a palm shot down at Longfei, "Go to hell!"

The leader of the white ape jumped heavily and jumped into the air, and his huge body directly blocked the palm of the white bear king.


The body was directly fanned out,

Collapse a huge iceberg

The White Bear King's eyes tightened even more, and he slashed at Long Fei with another palm, this palm was stronger.

Long Fei watched the leader of the white ape being shot, and his heart was full of anger, and he said gloomily, "You are fucking courting death!!!!"

in an instant o

Long Fei flipped o with his right hand


A crimson's bell rises from the palm of the hand

The main artifact, the Eastern Emperor Bell!


With the anger in Long Fei's heart, the Donghuang Bell will appear in different colors o

angry demon o

The devil is red o

A huge bell rose in Long Fei's palm, directly covering the sky and covering all the surrounding polar orcs. At this moment...

These polar orcs are like ants

The light of the Crimson burst out on the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The power of the main artifact, how domineering?

The whole polar glacier trembled o

On Tenjin Mountain o

Zhan Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly, "It really is the main artifact he refined."


"Long Fei, you have become stronger too."


"That's interesting, hahaha..." Zhan Wushuang laughed wildly.


Long Fei stared at the White Bear King, and sighed, "All have to die!!!"

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