The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2118 Getting Closer To Death

Long Fei shouted angrily

The five-star main artifact, the Eastern Emperor Bell, began to make a thunderous roar.

Roaring like a beast

One after another, Crimson's soul flame-like things rushed out, revolving around the Eastern Emperor Bell.

soul flame fire

kill everything

Ice Bear King's eyes sank

The upgraded orcs in the surrounding polar regions were all sweating with fear, and the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell crushed them to death, and their minds were trembling.

Looking at the fire of soul flame, they trembled even more o

Just when Long Fei wanted to release the fire of the soul flame, the leader of the white ape who was blasted by the White Bear King rushed up, knelt directly in front of Long Fei, and said, "Sir, please forgive them."

The words fall o

All the orcs around were shocked.

They still wanted the life of the leader of the white ape just now, but now they are begging for them.

Long Fei was also slightly shocked.

The leader of the white ape continued: "Our polar race was once abandoned by humans, and our resentment against humans has never weakened. Anyone who enters the polar region must die, as was the case with our white ape race."


"Since I saw you, you have saved our white ape clan, let us know that not all human beings are as we imagined, and people are divided into good people and bad people."

"please let them go"

The White Bear King let out a deep sigh and said, "White ape, what kind of soup are humans pouring? What are good people and bad people? Humans don't have good people."

"In those days, we were cows and horses for them, we were born and died for them, and we put down our noble bloodline to become their mounts. What about them?"

"Thinking that we will compete with them for the world, and kill the donkey directly, and abandon us in this polar region, and we will not be able to go out for eternity."

"Humans don't have a good thing o"

"Even if I die today, I don't want him to give in." The White Bear King was extremely irritable. Even if he was crushed by Long Fei's Donghuang Bell, he was not afraid.

His hatred of human beings is the kind of o

Long Fei glanced at the White Bear King, then swept away coldly, and said, "Who else thinks the same as him?"

"Who else wants to die?"

Long Fei's words are also full of killing intent.

suddenly o

"And I!"


"And I!"

"me too!"

talking room o

One by one the orcs said solemnly, they would rather die standing up than live on their knees!

They have been hurt once, and they can be remembered once in their hearts. Even after thousands of years, they have not changed a bit.

Hate is hate!

In the end, most of the extreme orcs basically stood up.

Don't be afraid of everything

Long Fei was slightly shocked, and coldly smiled: "You have the backbone, that's good, then let me die!"

The voice fell silent

The fire of the soul flame on the Eastern Emperor Bell began to shoot frantically, and it fell heavily like a rain of fire in the sky.

this hurt o

This attack is unparalleled

No Orc can resist

King White Bear's eyes were gloomy and his body was as motionless as a mountain.


roar, sound like waves

resounding thousands of miles

When they all thought they were going to die, those soul flames didn't fall o

for a long time

The White Bear King felt a little strange, opened his eyes slightly, looked in the direction of Long Fei, and found that Long Fei had disappeared in place, and the Donghuang Bell that was crushed on top of their heads had also disappeared.

"what's up?"

"Didn't we all die just now?"

"What about the human?"

"what happened?"

...In the moment just now, they all closed their eyes and waited for the arrival of Death, that kind of power they couldn't bear, but they didn't think that Long Fei didn't intend to kill them.

The leader of the white ape said heavily: "Thank you sir!"

The White Bear King looked at the leader of the white ape, frowning, and said, "Why didn't he do anything to us?"

"He can obviously kill us o"

he doesn't understand

The leader of the white ape said: "He is the human who killed the ancient army and killed the ancient giant. He is also the only human in the 100,000 planes who dares to compete with the main temple and challenge it."

"He wants to overthrow the main temple!"

He's said it before

But o

No one believed what he said o

Looking in the direction of the polar ice plain, the Ice Bear King murmured, "Does anyone really dare to fight against the main temple?"

All the orcs are looking in the direction of the polar ice sheet o

The leader of the white ape said slightly: "I really hope he can open the entrance to the ancient times. In that case, I would like to be the first pioneer!"

"Is it your turn?"

"I, the White Bear King, will be the first pioneer, and I will make those hypocrites who once abandoned our main temple tremble." The golden armor on the White Bear King shook heavily, making a loud humming sound.


Can the ancient entrance be opened?

Nobody can do it!


polar ice sheet

Long Fei's current level has not reached the peak of the upper god Realmo

He also needs experience o

Those orcs were a lot of experience for him just now, but Long Fei didn't kill them, not because of the plea of ​​the leader of the white ape, but because these orcs were very tough.

very strong

No matter what, there should be more people like this in this world o



polar ice sheet

Like a huge mirror, you can't see your head at a glance.

According to the leader of the white ape, as long as you pass through the polar ice sheet, you can enter the polar terminal, which is the dark area.

The ancient entrance is in the center of the Dark Zone o


Long Fei exhaled a breath of hot air and thought, "Wings of the sky!"


The law of the sky is released o

in this moment o

The power of the law of the sky is like a swaying candle flame, slowly weakening, and finally extinguished o


"Can't the power of the law be released here?" Long Fei gave a slight sigh, and then released the power of the law of ice and the law of storm, and the power of the law of the sky was slowly weakening, and finally disappeared.

Why is this?

Can't use the power of law here?

Long Fei didn't bother to think about it. He has more power. Since he can't use the power of the law, he can use other powers.

"Devil's Wings!"


Long Fei's back grows a pair of fleshy wings, which is what he got in the Holy Buddha Realm because he doesn't use it much when there are people who are too ferocious.

Now that there is no one around, Long Fei summoned Devil's wings and flicked a few times.

feel good o

At least faster than walking

Long Fei fluttered his wings and walked towards the depths of the polar ice sheet.


O-the strongest upgrade system on Tianshen Mountain

Heipao Fate Shenhui reports: "He has entered the polar ice field o"

"We are getting closer o"

Zhan Wushuang's whole body is surrounded by the power of laws, the whole person is wrapped by the power of laws, and the power of one hundred and twenty-three laws is forcibly fused together by him.


He can be said to be a veritable king of laws!

powerful presence o

Zhan Wushuang looked into the distance and laughed grimly, "Long Fei, you are getting closer and closer to Death!"

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