The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2132 The Big Boss Is About To Appear

half a month

Long Fei sits and doesn't move

The constant evolution in the mind, the deduction o

Keep thinking about how this altar works o

At the same time o

He was also waiting for Jojo to come out of the Sumeru ring, instead of urging him, he waited quietly.

He didn't know that Zhan Wushuang was staring at him all the time.

don't know o


Tianshen Mountain is not far from him

In addition to Zhan Wushuang, the evil god is also difficult to sleep and eat for half a month.

He also saw everything that Long Fei had experienced during this period of time on the black box. He was worried that Long Fei would really be able to get through the entrance. In that case...

The battle for hegemony, the three-legged confrontation o

worse for him


The ancient battle of gods, Yuncheng!

Aoya falls down o

Li Yuanba said excitedly: "Vajra, the sword power, return to your place!"

"Now there is only Vajra Lin Yousheng in Tianshui!"

seven people stand together

Seven Vajra gathered together, only Tianshui Vajra left, all eight Vajra gathered o

Aoya said: "You don't need to go to him. He should be on Devil Island now. I contacted him. This guy knew that the boss had been to Devil Island and immediately went there."


"Devil Island is surrounded by sea water, he can better protect it on Devil Island"

Aoya looked at Li Yuanba and said, "Where is the boss now? Where are we going to find him?"

Li Yuanba Dao: "Go to Devil Island o"

"Wait for the boss!"

Aoya froze for a moment and murmured, "I miss him so much!"

Aoya is the only woman in the Eight Vajra and also the woman of Long Fei, she is the one who misses Long Fei the most.

Li Yuanba said naively: "Don't worry, the boss will be back soon."

"Before he comes back, the eight of us should improve again, and... I will teach you the body of Vajra, and the power of the Tianzhu element should also make you go further."

"The battle is about to begin!"

Li Yuanba looked at the sky o

For the entire time, the primordial soul demons disrupted the ancient battles, there were fights everywhere, corpses were everywhere, corpses were everywhere, and the blood flowed into rivers.

100,000 planes are full of slaughter

However o

The main temple, which controls one hundred thousand planes, is indifferent, and has no intention of stopping it at all.

This makes the creatures of the 100,000 planes hate it so much.

There is hatred, there is hatred

Where there is hatred, there is fire

When there is fire, there will always be an explosion

It's just that the time hasn't come yet

And what Li Yuanba and the others have to do is to become stronger, make all preparations for Long Fei's return, and make all preparations for Long Fei.

The war is about to begin...

Tianling's eyebrows tightened slightly, and suddenly said: "We must rush to Devil Island immediately."

"what happened?"

"The Primordial Soul Demon Race is going to Devil Island!"

Li Yuanba's brows trembled, and said, "Okay, then they will practice their hands and start the first battle of our eight Vajra in the ancient battle of gods!"


"Go to Devil Island!"


A lot has happened in the ancient gods war o

The Primordial Soul Demons put everyone in danger in the ancient war of gods

It also makes people complain

Complain about the inaction of the main temple o

The main temple doesn't care. Human beings are like ants. If tens of millions die, what does hundreds of millions count?

they don't care


"The Primordial Soul Demons have gone to Devil Island!"

"it is good!"

"Devil Island is the place where Long Fei became a god, and it is also the base camp of Long Fei. As long as you kill all the creatures on Devil Island, even if you can't hurt Long Fei, you can still defeat his divine root."

"Without the billions of creatures on Devil Island, what kind of god is Long Fei?"


"Without the base camp of Devil Island, what if he gets through the ancient entrance? Who wants to enter the battlefield with him?"



There were bursts of laughter in the main temple.

This is the time of the month o

They have been doing one thing, that is, how to lead the soul demons to Devil Island, and now they have succeeded o

With the power of the soul demons, Devil Island will soon become a dead island o

In this way, Long Fei's foundation will be messed up!

Long Fei will definitely hurt his vitality



The Sumeru ring moves slightly

A beautiful shadow flew out

The breath all over the body changed again o

Compared with a month ago, Qiao Qiao's Cultivation Base has skyrocketed again, and the sword in his hand is also different, but a colorful sword like the tail of the Phoenix.

"Master Young, I'm ready!" Jojo fell down o

Long Fei opened his eyes and said, "Okay, then open up this ancient entrance and make this world tremble."

talking room o

Long Fei stepped into the altar formation

Jojo followed closely behind o

in an instant o

At the altar, a big alien hits out.

Qiao Qiao raised her eyes slightly, and stabbed the colorful phoenix tail sword in her hand, the figure disappeared, broke through the air continuously, and finally landed behind the big alien.


The body of the big alien bursts directly o

One-shot kill!

Long Fei excitedly said: "What a strong Sword Techniqueo"

Qiaoqiao smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to cultivate such an advanced Sword Technique at all. The sword skills in your Tibetan martial arts pavilion are too profound. The higher the Cultivation Technique, the more difficult it is to cultivate. I can't even read it, only Cultivation Techniqueo on the first floor of cultivation," Qiao Qiao said, a little discouraged.

she wants to be stronger

Share more for Long Fei

But... the Cultivation Technique of Zangwu Pavilion is too esoteric o

Long Fei wanted to cry, not because he was moved, but because he couldn't even cultivate a copy of Cultivation Techniqueo


Another big alien roared out, Long Fei wanted to go up and slash it, but... even if he slashed a hundred times, it would still be a miss.

Still no experience at all

Jojo keep on driving o

Long Fei looked at the Eight Trigrams on the ground and kept thinking.

"The center of the Eight Trigrams is Tai Chi o"

"Black and white two o'clock!"

"Also on the altar, the black and white two o'clock are very likely to be the entrance." This is just Long Fei's speculation, and he can't guarantee it.




Just when Long Fei and Qiao Qiao were only ten meters away from the altar, more and more big aliens rushed out from the altar.

Fortunately, JoJo raised Cultivation Base within a month, and cultivated a variety of Cultivation Techniqueo

Wander through the big alien swarm and kill o

Ease of use o

Long Fei looked at the height of the altar, and suddenly, with a thought, "Wings of the sky!"


The whole person falls directly on the altar o

Looking at that dark point, he moved his fists and roared, "Break it for me!"


With a loud bang, the entire Eight Trigrams graph is shaking o

Also at this moment

A dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from the crack in the black far point!




There is a constant roar in the altar

The black far point is constantly cracking, and the golden light is constantly bursting out, just like the light falling from the sky.

extremely strong

However o

Long Fei knew that this light was not the light of the sky, but... the golden light on the boss!

**oss is coming!

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