The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2133 Boss Double Kill!

Black and white eyes, each has a world!

Long Fei's shattering of black eyes is also an intuitive choice.

black eye shatter o

The golden light burst out, and Long Fei's eyes also flashed a trace of brilliance, and his heart immediately became excited, "Boss!"

suddenly o

Long Fei took a few steps back.

at the moment o

The big aliens around the altar let out a furious roar, staring at Long Fei with killing intent.

Jojo couldn't help but worry.




The roaring sound in the altar is constant, like the explosion sound of energy filling, getting closer and closer, and the altar is shaking more and more.

very strong o

Long Fei's mind was crushed, "**oss, absolutely must be **oss!"


a growl o

As soon as the golden light was collected, a golden figure rushed out of the black eyes, extremely fierce!

directly into the sky

It's just a golden light, there is no substance, and there is no phantom. Long Fei wondered in his heart, "What the hell is this f*ck?"

It is obviously a boss, but... but there is no entity?

How does this kill?

There was an extremely dangerous aura in the golden light, and Long Fei did not dare to take it lightly.

That golden light was also staring at Long Fei.

a moment o


The golden light suddenly fell

Not rushing to Long Fei, but rushing to the alien group o

Directly attached to the body of a big alien, I saw that the big alien body began to twitch and struggle, and the whole body also changed rapidly.




Shattering Void's roar keeps ringing o

Long Fei looked dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a boss before!

"Possessed boss?"

"upgraded boss?"

Although I haven't seen it before, there is such a picture in an arcade game in the previous life.

It is a creature of the opposite sex attached to a dinosaur, and then the dinosaur is upgraded and becomes a boss!

The picture in front of you is almost the same


Long Fei was on the scene, watching the crazy transformation of the big alien, he was horrified, and he couldn't help being shocked, "This guy... Meng O"

"Jojo, be careful!"

The voice has not fallen

The big alien that was possessed by the golden light burst out with a streak of strength, which directly shook all the big aliens that wrinkled me, and his whole body was golden.

Golden armor with golden runeo on the armor

The surface of the armor has a thick defensive air shield.

Defense heaven-defying!

At this moment, the big golden light stared at him, his eyes swept out at the speed of a golden laser, looking at Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao's eyes narrowed, her reaction was fast, and she jumped suddenly.


The place where I stood just now turned into a scorched black.

And with a foul smell o


Long Fei was shocked, "Damn, poisonous gaze attack?"

"This boss is awesome!"


Not afraid, but excited!

because o

The stronger the boss, the higher the explosion rate.

This boss is so cruel, and it is a boss that Long Fei has never encountered before. It is conceivable that he can definitely explode good things.

suddenly o

The dragon leaps, and the law of the sky is released o


Falling next to Qiao Qiao, he said slightly: "I will distract him, you come to sneak attack, You Dou o remember, once you succeed, leave immediately, you can't fight, understand?"

Jojo nodded, "Yeah!"

well-behaved like a child

To her, what Long Fei said was an order.

she never fails to listen

Qiaoqiao whispered: "Young Master, you have to be careful yourself o"

Long Fei rushed out one step, stood in front and snorted, staring at the big golden light and said, "Hey, grandson, come and fuck daddy!"

A cheap, ungrateful expression o

As obscene as it is to be obscene

The golden light on the big alien exploded, obviously provoked by Long Fei, and became angry.


When the body moved, it exploded on the spot, and a white smoke popped out, and the huge body instantly fell in front of Long Fei.

amazingly fast

Even faster than his law of the sky, Long Fei's heart was even more shocked, "It's so fucking fast!"

But o

Long Fei did not leave, but stood in place and continued to provoke, saying, "Come on, come and fuck me!"


When the golden light moved, the forelimbs slapped at Long Fei, and the golden light burst out. It was very powerful. The space behind the giant palm was distorted and shattered.

This power...

I am afraid that one move can take Long Fei's half-life.

Also at this moment

Jojo shot o

The Sword intent is like electricity, and the strong Cultivation Technique stabs it down heavily.


A hundred swords in one second!

It continued to erupt on the body of the Golden Light Alien, but... a series of single-digit damages floated above his head.





This damage... is outrageously low!


The blood trough on the top of his head appeared. Long Fei looked at the long string of numbers and his scalp was going numb.


"More than 10 billion blood volume!"

"It's over now!"

Jojo's Pluto Cultivation Technique deals only single digit damage o

This is not as fast as his blood recovery.

Tens of billions of HP, you can't even explode to death.

Just when Long Fei was thinking about this, Qiao Qiao exclaimed, "Master Young, be careful!!!"

Long Fei's attention just now was on Qiao Qiao's attack. He didn't expect that Jin Guang Da Xing didn't care about Qiao Qiao's attack at all, and slashed towards Long Fei with an unstoppable palm.

Overwhelming golden light

As if the layers of The Underworld were rolled down

Long Fei's pupils shrink

The law of the sky is defense o


The defense of the law shattered instantly, and Long Fei also shot and flew out!

body like lightning

Draw a thunderbolt in the void

It's like the whole body is on fire

The speed of this flight... is astonishingly fast!

Long Fei's whole body also seemed to be cracked. The blood volume on the top of his head dropped madly, and he couldn't support the damage at all.

"It's so uncomfortable!"

He thought he could resist o

At least I can resist one move, but I find that... I can't even hold one move.


At the same time Long Fei was shot, the golden light big alien boss did not stand still, but turned around suddenly and stared at Qiao Qiao.

Qiaoqiao is really worried about Long Fei at this moment

Didn't keep up with the reaction for a while


The Golden Light Alien slashed again with a palm.

Jojo's face changed slightly, the power of Phoenix moved slightly, and above her mind, a white fluorescent light fell on the tear of Phoenix in her heart.


It also exploded like Long Fei!



With two loud noises, Long Fei's body fell into a deep pit, and his blood volume bottomed out and turned to zero.

Qiaoqiao also fell into the deep pit, and the blood volume bottomed out!

Two strokes, kill them both!

A fierce match!

Boss double kill! ! !

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