The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2154 Slaying The Soul Demon

Long Fei didn't know what happened in The Underworld

He is even more unaware of the fact that he still has a fiancée in the world of Hongmeng.


Devil Island o

after five days

Long Fei took Qiaoqiao and Tang Renjie back to Devil Island o

In just a few short years, Devil Island has changed a lot.

Also because of breaking through the dome, the cultivation Spiritual Qi here is the same as other places in the ancient battle of gods, and the Practitioner on Devil Island has a super boost.

"Boss, you are back!"


"Hahaha... Boss, you're back!"

people are excited

The Overlord Flower threw itself into Long Fei's arms.

Yan Nantian holds his sword and smiles

Bai Lian also has a smile on his face

Lan Ya, the giant battle group... Many people looked at Long Fei with smiles on their faces.

The return of Long Fei made them extremely excited o

These people are Long Fei's brothers on Devil Island.

It is also the force he established.

In addition to them, the demon clan in the Jiyuan Mountains

The night royal family of the Valley of the Night Kings also all came here o

They are all waiting for Long Fei's return, waiting for Long Fei to lead them into the battle for hegemony.

Long Fei looked at the familiar faces and clenched his fists secretly, "These are my brothers, brothers who have fought with me!"

The scene that appeared in Tianshen Mountain in my mind, all those souls chose to enter The Underworld Samsara one by one, Long Fei's heart ached secretly.

turn o

With a heavy heart, he secretly said: "I will never let them have any trouble, I will definitely lead them to the top o"

at this time o

Qiao Qiao asked, "Master Young, where are Li Yuanba and the others?"


Long Fei was stunned for a moment when he recovered his expression. Qiao Qiao only remembered it when he said it. Looking around, he couldn't find the figure of the Eight Vajra. He couldn't help feeling strange and asked, "Where are Li Yuanba and the others?"

The eyes of the ancestor of the golden robe sank slightly.

The faces of everyone also changed secretly.

I didn't pay attention just now, but now I look closely and find that everyone has some injuries on their bodies, and they look a little tired.

"What happened?" Long Fei asked immediately.

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing

Long Fei shouted and said, "Speak!"

Yan Nantian said slightly: "After you left Devil Island, Devil Island has never been peaceful. The people in the previous temple list kept sending experts to challenge o"

"We resisted again and again, but..."

"When we got to the back, the main temple sent a strong man directly. Our Devil Island suffered heavy losses, but we were barely able to resist o"

"But this time..."

Yan Nantian frowned.

His Kendo Talent Cultivation Base is very strong, and he has never been reconciled to falling behind.

is a militant

But there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

This is not cowardice, but it is not an opponent at all, the difference between heaven and earth is perceived o

Zhang Sanqian continued: "I don't know where the demons came from. These demons are also attracted by those guys in the main temple."

"In just one month, we have suffered heavy losses and countless casualties."

"If the eight Vajra didn't come in time, I'm afraid... you won't see us at all." Zhang Sanqian said lightly, his fists clenched in his sleeves.

He is very unwilling

Long Fei left. He wanted to do everything possible to grow Devil Island, but... that's what happened now.

He hates himself for not doing things well

I feel sorry for Long Fei

Long Fei's heart tightened, "Original soul demon!"

The entire 100,000 planes can have such a powerful strength, I am afraid that it is the soul of the demons that he released after breaking the polar ice field some time ago.

Thinking of Yuanshun Demon Race Long Fei's heart also burst into flames.

"Oh shit!"

"The one who moved the daddy?"

"Want to seize daddy's territory?"

"Fuck you!"

turn o

With a thought of Long Fei, the Divine Sense spread out, covering the entire Devil Island directly.

Also at this moment

on the battlefield

Tianling flicked his body and became excited, "Hahaha... Big Vajra, the boss is here!"

Li Yuanba was startled, he grinned and laughed.

Aoya's expression is filled with longing, and her eyes are looking at the distance.


"Finally I'm going to see the boss." Chen Fatty rolled on the ground like a meat ball, crushing a primordial soul demon.

linyu saint o

Luohan o

Uncle Black Knife is also very excited.

Not only the eight Vajrao

The Great Demon King of the Primordial Soul Demon Clan was also stunned, showing a hint of excitement, "Hahaha... The main temple is right, there is really a super strong man on Devil Island."

"Little ones!"

"Kill me and turn this Devil Island into The Underworldo"


The voice fell o

The primordial soul demon king waved a long soul-killing knife, the blade was burning with purple flames, and with a swipe, those purple flames scattered, and a large wave of primordial soul demons were born out of thin air, like a scatterbrain. Beans become soldiers in general o

The overwhelming primordial soul demons rushed up o

extremely turbulent o

Li Yuanba shook his head gently, "Chuck cluck..."

Knuckle pop o

With a move of his right hand, he directly summoned the dark giant axe. With a move of the battle axe, he pointed at the great primordial soul demon king in the distance, and roared, "Your time of death is here!"

turn o

The sarcophagus on Li Yuanba's back shook


The coffin flew out, and Li Yuanba rushed out after him.

Chen Fatty laughed wildly all the way, his whole person was like a 250 madman, he didn't attack, but... his defense could crush everything.

The figure of Arhat Devil Buddha appeared, blood covered his body o

Uncle Black Sword's big black sword, slashing horizontally, the dark sword strikes like lightning.


Eight Vajra's Power Crazy Outburst o

The primordial soul demon smiled coldly and said, "Just the eight of you?"

"Not enough to see!"

"Not enough to see at all!"

"I am the soul of the demon clan, but the demon clan of the outer realm, all of you scumbags will die for me!"

The voice fell o

The eight generals around the great demon of Yuanhun flew out in unison.

magic flame

In the sky like rolling black clouds rolling over o

Eight Vajra head-on to meet o

For a time, the sky seemed to crack, and the two forces rolled and collided together, forming a long crack.

The primordial soul demon Jie Jie laughed strangely, "Hahaha... all of them have to die."

"If you want to die, you will die first!"

A voice falls o

Void move o

A figure burst out of the sky, and the power of one hundred and twenty-nine laws poured out crazily, forming a sword of laws o:.*=

An angry slash!

The great demon of Yuanhun looked at Long Fei, his eyes were slightly startled, "It's you kid? I can't believe you're not dead yet? Hahaha... It seems that God treats me well, you have to leave your body to me o "

"Then I'll take it!"

talking room o

The Soul Chopping Saber in the big devil's hand moved and blocked it, and the demon flames of the Primordial Soul Demon clan rushed towards Long Fei frantically, "Give me your body!"


"Your body is mine!"

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