The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2155 Mad Energy

The magic flames rushed towards Long Fei's body like ghosts.

Long Fei didn't hesitate at all.

Blood Essence moves!

"Mark of the Underworld!"

"Power, give it to me!"


Blood Essence fell, the imprint of the underworld on Long Fei's left arm appeared, and a power burst out from the left arm.

Resist all the magic flames

Primordial Soul Demon's eyes sank, "The mark of the Ming clan?"

"This,,, this,, what kind of power is this?"

Even he doesn't know the underworld

The Ming clan is one of the oldest families in the Hongmeng world. He is older than the dragon clan, the overlord hundreds of millions of years ago.

now wither o

No one knew about the existence of the underworld

Although the primordial soul demon is also an alien creature, he doesn't know about the underworld.

But o

He could feel the powerful power that erupted from the imprint of the Ming clan, his eyes sank, and he let out a roar, saying, "It's useless to let you be as strong as you are on the 100,000 planes."

"You have to die for me!"

The magic flame power moves again o

The Soul Chopping Blade in his hand rushed into the sky and slashed down.

black flame burning

very sharp o

Long Fei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Too ignorant."

Long Fei moved his left hand to form a hand knife, which he slashed down with ease.

The Blade of the Lord God and the Eastern Emperor Bell are gone.

Long Fei doesn't have a weapon in his hand right now, but when he looks at the huge soul-killing knife in the hands of the primordial soul, Long Fei becomes interested.

A burst of power!

"Ming Slash!"


"Blast me!!!"

With a slash with the hand knife, the power of the imprint of the Ming clan erupted strongly, directly shattering the magic flame released by the primordial soul demon, and crushing it in an instant, as if it had all evaporated.

The face of the great demon of the soul changed dramatically

Watch this knife fall

He couldn't find a way to resist, and shouted: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible... No one can destroy my power, even the god of laws in your world."

God of Law, he doesn't To put in one's eyeso

But now o

His power was madly crushed, shattered, and completely disappeared one after another.

This is absolutely crushing!

Ming Zhan was getting closer and closer, the body of the primordial soul was shaking, and suddenly o


"Spare my life o"

"I was wrong, spare my life, I don't dare anymore o"

"I, I dare not!"

kneel down and beg for mercy

"Forgive you?" Long Fei said with anger in his eyes, "Then why didn't you spare those civilians on Devil Island?"


"Why did the people of the main temple let you come here, and you come here?"


"Why do they call you to eat shit, why don't you eat shit?"

"The person who hurt me, grabbed my territory, and now ask me to spare you?"

"Do you think this is possible?"

The great demon of the soul said repeatedly: "Spare my life, the soul-killing knife is yours"

"This Soul Chopping Blade is an outer domain weapon, and it is definitely the strongest ice blade in this world..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei shouted: "Just a Soul Chopping Blade like letting me spare you?"

The primordial soul demon immediately said: "Also, also, I also have primordial soul bead, which is the sacred object of our primordial soul world, it can collect all the demon souls for its cultivationo"

I handed over another fist-sized bead.

But o

This bead... how does Long Fei look familiar? It's a bit like... Dragon Pearl in the Seven Dragon Pearls!

Meta soul bead?

"Really Yuan soul bead?" Long Fei asked, this sentence was not for the great devil of Yuan soul, but for own, and he muttered in his heart: "It's really not the Seven Dragon Pearl who summons the dragon to fulfill all wishes. ?"

exactly the same o

The head of the primordial soul nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "It is the primordial soul bead, a sacred object in the primordial soul world, it can absorb all souls and convert the energy in the soul into the power you need, I I didn't lie to you... It was because of this soul bead that I was expelled, and I was sealed here."

"I really didn't lie to you!"

Long Fei took the two things and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The primordial soul demon looked innocent and said, "No, really no more, my primordial soul can't bring more things, so... there is really no o"


"Then how do I know if you are lying to me?" Long Fei asked.

The great demon of the soul said: "Heaven and earth can learn from it, I swear to God, there is nothing else on me."

Long Fei smiled and said, "I have a way to verify it, are you willing to verify it?"

The primordial soul demon immediately said, "Yes!"

talking room o

Long Fei squinted his eyes and shouted, "Cut!"

slash down

The great primordial soul roared angrily and said, "You, you don't keep your word, you, you... ah..."

Primordial Soul Fragmentation

The system beep also sounds


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'The Great Demon of Yuan Soul' to get 1000000000 experience points, 100000000 divine power points, and 1 abnormal energy value o"

just a beep

Didn't reveal anything else

Long Fei grinned and said, "Sure enough, there is nothing else, you really didn't lie to me o"

Long Fei looked at the corpse of the great demon of the soul and smiled.

"The person who killed me, robbed my territory, can you not die?"

"Is my Blood Essence wasted?"

"As soon as Blood Essence comes out, of course it's going to kill people"

at this time o

The Yuan soul bead in Long Fei's hand moved and floated into the air, directly absorbing the soul of the Yuan Soul Demon. At this time, o

The system beeps a beep


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for collecting 100 points of 'Crazy God Energy'!"


"Crazy God energy?"

"What's the meaning?"

Long Fei's heart froze, and he immediately turned on the system to check, "Isn't the soul bead only absorbing souls and transforming them into cultivation power?"

"Why did it become mad god energy again?"

Open the system and study it carefully

Long Fei hadn't even researched a fart, and he didn't know what was going on with this one hundred points of mad energy. He wanted to stimulate it but couldn't.

I don't know if the level is not enough, or the energy value is too low.

"Crazy God energy..."

"Is it possible that when the energy tank in the beads is filled, can I summon the dragon once?" Long Fei thought happily, "Summon the dragon..."

"Then I can revive them all!"


Long Fei is excited

Of course o

What is the use of mad god energy, he doesn't know o

As soon as the great primordial soul dies, the primordial soul demons are defeated and flee.

Eight Vajra chased for a while, but was called down by Long Fei and said, "Stop chasing!"

Eight Vajra fall o

Long Fei looked at the eight people and was very excited.

finally reunited o

The eight Vajra brought out from the Tianwu Continent reunite again o

Long Fei can't express that feeling

immediately o

Long Fei said: "Go back, we have to prepare, to make these 100,000 planes tremble!"

Long Fei said fiercely

Fight with all your might!

Also the last battle! ! !

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