The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2156 Your Extradition

Devil Island Council o

Eight Vajra standing around Long Fei o

in the lobby

The Night King Bai Qi, the leader of the demon clan in the Jiyuan Mountains

The ancestor of the golden robe, Zhang Sanqian, Yan Nantian, Bawanghua... and Tang Renjie standing at the door

at this time o

On his shoulders he was still carrying the 'unacceptable' husky.

People discuss things in the battle for hegemony o

"If you want me to say, don't wait, just start the war, what are you afraid of now, the boss has mastered the power of one hundred and twenty-nine laws, who is the opponent?"

"Just do it!"

"Yes, just do it!"

"But... we don't know what's going on inside."

"Besides, who of us has entered the battlefield for hegemony? What kind of pattern is there?"

"I think it's better to take a long-term view."

"From long-term planning, there will be many dreams in the night. Before they can react, they will take it together with lightning speed, and they will overthrow the main temple in one breath. They will also be taken to an island, and the sky will be established for them to taste. The taste of being imprisoned o”


They all hate the main temple very much.

The people on Devil Island are also good, and the monsters in the Jiyuan Mountains are also good.

They all advocate doing it!

This is also because of Long Fei's style o

Don't be shy, just do it!

Zhang Sanqian looked at Long Fei and said, "Commander, what do you think?"

Long Fei kept stopping and didn't express any opinion o

As soon as Zhang Sanqian's voice fell, the hall became quiet.

Even Tang Renjie looked back at Long Fei on the high seat.

Long Fei said lightly: "You hate the main temple very much?"

Ancestor Jinpao took the lead: "Of course I hate it. If it wasn't for the unfair treatment of the main temple, we would have been exiled one by one, all because of the main temple."

Elder Liehu also said: "If it wasn't for the betrayal by the people of the main temple back then, how could our demon clan wait for thousands of years in the freezing cold of the Jiyuan Mountains? This bad breath must be reported!"

"You hate it!"

"Are there other people who hate the 100,000 planes?" Long Fei asked.

Yan Nan Heavenly Dao: "What do you mean... let the powerhouses of the 100,000 planes join our camp?"


"My idea is to let the people who hate the main temple in one hundred thousand planes join our camp." Long Fei said slowly: "In the battle for hegemony, our forces are not as good as the evil temple, let alone the gods of hundreds of laws. The main temple of the o”

"If you want to win in the battle for hegemony, our strength alone is not enough."

indeed o

Long Fei has entered the battlefield of hegemony, and he knows very well what is going on inside.

Everyone is restricted o

Long Fei is the same

but o

He only roughly knows the situation on the battlefield for hegemony. The main temple has controlled the battlefield for thousands of years, and they understand the rules better.

and o

The main temple and the evil temple alliance o

I am afraid that Long Fei's third-party forces have no chance.

If you lose the battle for hegemony, it will be difficult to overthrow the main temple.

in the hall

Everyone quiet down

"But... each of the 100,000 planes is limited, and there are very few strong people who can enter the ancient battle of gods. Even if they hate it, I am afraid they are not willing to join our camp."

"yes o"

"The Evil Temple and the Main Temple Alliance, who is willing to join us to die?"

Long Fei said lightly: "Indeed, it is really difficult to enter the ancient war plane, but there is a plane with the same level as the ancient war plane."

"God Realm!"

"Upper God Realm is the most ancient plane among the 100,000 planes, and the concentration of powerhouses in the 100,000 planes, if the powerhouses in it can be allowed to join us..." Long Fei said with a faint smile.

Upper God Realm o

The birthplace of the strong among the 100,000 planes

Most of the powerhouses in the ancient battle of gods came from the realm of the gods.

and o

The same is true for the gods in the main temple, and the same is true for those who hate them in the realm of the upper gods.

Besides o

Long Fei's clone, the body of gods and demons, Transcend Tribulation succeeded o

He is now cultivating in the God Realm

And, the speed of cultivation is amazing!

Long Fei's Sumeru ring has the inheritance of the underworld. He wants to pass these inheritances to the clone and let him control the power of the underworld. Once he understands something from it, Long Fei will find a way to imprint the underworld to the clone and let him go to the ancient times. Inheritance, Ming!

"I'll do this!"

The ancestor of the golden robe said slightly: "My family is in the realm of the gods."

"There are many things to prepare for war"

"Medicine Pill, weapons, equipment, none of them can be missing o"

"Either don't fight o"

"If we want to fight, we must let them see our power." Long Fei said in a heavy voice.

He did not choose to enter the battlefield for the first time

The main temple and the evil temple have been fighting for thousands of years on the battlefield, they don't need to prepare anything, but Long Fei needs o

He wants to complete all the tasks that the dragon left him

He's going to be ready for everything!

because o

The catastrophe in the prophecy is still o

Long Fei doesn't know when it will appear, the only thing he can do is prepare everything o

the crowd dispersed

There are only eight Vajrao left in the hall.

Long Fei said: "I'll give you a special task o"

Li Yuan is domineering: "Boss, you say o"

Long Fei said: "Find the location of the main temple. When I enter the battlefield, you will attack the main temple."

The eight people were slightly shocked

Long Fei continued: "No matter what the price is, you must pierce the plane of the main temple for me."

"Once the battle for hegemony begins, Hongtu, all the evil spirits will focus on me. At that time, no one should be able to stop you from attacking the main temple."

Li Yuanba said: "Boss, Hongtu and the evil god are both fighting for hegemony on the battlefield. You are even more dangerous. We should be by your side. Why attack a main temple with no defense?"

indeed o

If there is no defense on the main temple plane, why attack?

The battlefield should be in the battlefield of hegemony, right?

Long Fei said, "Gods have divine roots."

"My divine root is in Devil Island, because the will of hundreds of millions of creatures on Devil Island has made me a god. Those gods of law, even the main god, have their divine roots in the main temple."

"As long as the main temple is blasted through, their divine roots will be affected, and their strength will be greatly reduced. This matter must be foolproof, so I will let the eight of you together."

The eight Vajra are one o

Although o

Long Fei didn't know what the eight pillars in the ancient world meant, but the power fusion of the eight of them was very powerful.

People don't say anything

What Long Fei asked them to do, they will definitely do o

Long Fei said: "Everything is careful!"

The eight people nodded heavily and said, "The boss is also careful!"

immediately o

Eight people leave o

Tang Renjie had been squatting at the door, watching Vajra leave, shaking his head, and smiled bitterly.

Long Fei said, "What are you laughing at?"

Tang Renjie got up and looked at Long Fei, and said, "Boss Long, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you put in, the catastrophe is still there, you can't avoid it."


"This catastrophe will affect everyone around you. If you can resist it, they will live, but if you can't, they will die."

Long Fei looked at Tang Renjie seriously and said, "Who are you?"

Tang Renjie smiled and said, "Your extradite!"

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