
Another master artifact refined

Long Fei smelted all the ore that could be refined.

It took half a month

A pile of main god-level divine pills

A bunch of main artifact weapons o

Long Fei wants to create the strongest army

The moment they walked out of the secret room, everyone was boiling o

Long Fei roared loudly, "Those who obey me will perish, those who go against me will perish, follow me, eat meat and drink, what do you want?"

"The main artifact!"

"One for each hand!"

"The main god-level pill, three per person!"

"Just don't be shy, just do it for me!"

Long Fei is like a lunatic

He took out all his family's assets. It can be said that he didn't keep anything, and he didn't need to keep it. This is the last battle.

Failure... just Death!

The dragon's roar, the dragon's roar o

All the creatures on Devil Island roared o

The sound is shocking o

Long Fei looked at the crowd and said, "This is the last battle, anyone who follows me into the battlefield, you are all heroes after today, and you will get everything, even if you die for this, your family, your family will also get everything o"

"I, Long Fei, swear here!"

"If you don't do anything to turn over the main temple, you will never give up!"


As soon as the voice fell, the power of the law on Long Fei shot into the sky, and it exploded in the sky like a cloud-piercing arrow.

also at this time

The eight Vajra, who were waiting quietly in the void, were slightly shocked.

A ray of light flashed in Li Yuanba's eyes, and he said excitedly, "It's about to start!"

Long Fei flipped his right hand, an ancient entrance door opened, Long Fei raised his arms and shouted: "War!!!"


On Devil Square, the legion rushed into the ancient entrance gate o

Yan Nantian, Bawanghua, Qiaoqiao, Bailian, Sweeping Monk...they took the lead and rushed into the ancient entrance...


at this moment o

In the battle for hegemony

Feeling the fluctuations in the air, the evil spirit's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Hey, it's finally here!"

far away

The Lord God Hongtu looked at the black box in his hand, he could not sense what was in the black box, it was like a bottomless abyss.

At the same time, he couldn't understand what Long Fei's body was hiding.


What Hongtu wanted was very simple, the overlord of the 100,000 planes, the unshakable main god, it was enough to maintain the position of the emperor. After Long Fei was removed, he would not step into the great world of Hongmeng again. It's not a world he can live in. If it wasn't for the protection of the Void God Venerable and the forces behind him, he would have died a long time ago.

Hongtu put away the black box and said slightly: "Long Fei, your death time has come!"

immediately o

His figure moved and disappeared into the void of the battle for hegemony.





The third entrance opens, in the valley, the space is distorted o

in an instant o

The Heretic God drank heavily, "God crossbowmen prepare!"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

On both sides of the valley, tens of thousands of bowmen stretched their bows and arrows, aiming at the entrance.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The door opened, and the people in the first echelon rushed out first. At this moment, the evil god gave an order, "Shoot!"



The sky is raining arrows, covering the sky and the ground, shooting down crazy o

The battle for hegemony is different from the plane world outside, and the bowmen here are also different from those outside. Once you hit a shot, even if you have super defense, you will still be injured. People with weak Cultivation Base will die directly.

This hegemonic space is an independent existence.

In this space, you can only choose a few Cultivation Techniqueo


Qiaoqiao shouted and flew into the sky, and at this moment, a flame spread out in the sky, fire Phoenix...

Forms a shield of fire that blocks most arrows

But o

Many people were shot and fell down quickly.

"Shoot again!"

"Brush Lala..."

Another wave of arrows fell from the sky

Jojo's flame shield blocked it, and the energy was slightly weakened.

and o

Under the dense arrows, the people at the entrance could not get out at all, and they were crowding in frantically in Devil Square. In the end, many people collapsed and the formation was in chaos.

"Boss, you can't go on like this."

"must break his crossbowman o"

"Why doesn't our Cultivation Base feel like it can't be used in actual combat here?"

"what's up?"

"What kind of plane is this battle for hegemony?"

"Boss, Qiao Qiao is about to take it no longer."

"The people behind stop and stop squeezing o"


People are in chaos o

It was tightly blocked at the ancient entrance.

The flame shield quickly weakened, and Jojo's breath was a little chaotic. She would have an accident if this continued.

Long Fei did not expect that the people from the Evil Temple and the Main Temple would block the entrance.

This is his misstep


"Long Fei, are you happy?"

"This is the battleground for hegemony, all you rubbish wastes will die for me."


"This is not the outside world, here we are the boss, you bastard still want to compete with us, and want to overthrow the main temple?"

"You too?"

Many people scolded o

The crossbowman is only the first wave of attacks o

Even stronger attacks are waiting for Long Fei o

They want Long Fei to lose without even standing on his feet!

The Evil God couldn't help laughing proudly, "Long Fei, you are too tender!"

"You can't fight our o at all"


Long Fei will not be able to lose a round before it ends. Even if his legion has more main artifacts, what is the use of high morale?

It can't be used even if it is used, there is a fart!

Long Fei didn't make a sound, his thoughts were madly sensing everything around him.

suddenly o

With a slight movement of the mind, the law of time surges

"Time reset!"


Go back in time and everything is back to three minutes ago o

On Devil Square, when the ancient entrance just opened

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, "It's you, or the daddy who's the best!"

"I'll go in first, and you'll come in later!"

finish o

Long Fei rushed into the ancient entrance instantly.

A moment of time reset o

The Heretic God also sensed the backward flow of time and space, and said heavily: "Long Fei's law of time, be careful..."

"Be careful?"



As soon as the voice fell, Long Fei's eyes were suspended in midair, and he raised the sky with one hand, and roared heavily, "Star Heavenly Book!"

"Death Star bombing!"

"God crossbowmen are powerful?"

"Let you see what is Death bombing o"

When the power of the Titan King moved, the book of heaven was opened, and a huge round meteorite was caught by Long Fei, the darkness Shrouding the Heavenso

Long Fei banged his right hand


Hit hard!

"Give me death!"

"Brothers, rush in for me!"

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