The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2160 Playing Games, Can You Play Me?

You can only bring four skills on the battlefield of hegemony

Time reset is Long Fei's first o

the second o

Star Book o

The Death Star bombed down, no extra fancy, just a huge sphere bombed, giving you no chance to explain at all o

sky dark

Shrouding the Heavens

"what is this?"

"What is falling from the sky?"

"Oh my God!"


Everyone was stunned, and the people in ambush around the valley all looked up at the sky, and were stunned by the huge sphere.

also at the same time

Long Fei roared, "Kill me out!"

The Evil God reacted quickly, and said solemnly, "The Primordial Soul Demon General!"

There are also several gods of law flying from the main temple.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

One after another lightning flashed out like a shuttle, and flew out frantically. At the moment when the Death Star bombed down, the Primordial Soul Demon General and several gods of law fought hard.

At this moment, the evil god shouted: "Everyone, don't mess up!"

"God crossbowman!"

"Shoot me!"

"Long Fei, I know that you have the power to reset time with one move, but this is the net of heaven and earth. Today, no matter what means you have, don't even think about stepping out of here."


The evil god shouted o

Long Fei has been preparing for Devil Island for a full month.

the same o

The people from the Evil God Temple and the Main Temple have also been preparing here for a full month, just to let Long Fei die here, and there is no chance to compete with them.


"Boom, boom..."

One after another loud noise exploded o

The Primordial Soul Demon will have a huge body and resist it to the death.

The gods of laws that flew out were all defense-oriented. They released their defenses to the very top. Under dozens of powerful forces, they forcibly blocked the Death Star released by Long Fei.

Although still falling

But the rate of descent is too slow o

Can't do any harm to those in the valley o


The combination of the evil temple and the main temple is really too strong o

Either of these two forces is stronger than Long Fei, and if they join forces, Long Fei will not be an opponent.

Watching Death Star get blocked o

The Evil God laughed proudly, "Hahaha...Long Fei, let's see how long you can be arrogant, hahaha..."

The ancient entrance begins to twist o

The Heretic God glared at him and shouted, "God crossbowman, get ready!"

The ancient entrance gate opens o

Arrows all over the sky

Crazy shot out, overwhelming, dense o

This is to block them all at the entrance, and no one will step into the battle for hegemony.

But o

This time is different from the first time, this time Long Fei made adjustments

Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly and said with a smile, "Daddy can still be arrogant for 10,000 years!"


The entrance of the ancient times opened wide, and one hundred and eight giants rushed out, using their huge body to form a meat shield, and their physique was king.

they are super tanks

Meat Tan!

It's an uphill battle

This is also a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as the exit is guarded, Long Fei's people will not be able to enter at all.

Even if you rush in, you have to pay the price in blood.

If it is an ordinary person, it can be said that you will never want to break into it in this life, but... what is Long Fei?

he's a pro

He has played no less than 100 kinds of games in his previous life, ranging from ancient empire games, bloody legends, Westward Journey, Stone Age, to various powerful Dota games, Demon Domain, Dungeon and Warriors, Magical Beasts world, basically all of them. dabble, and every game is a professional existence o

play games?

in this another world?

He can kill 100 million o's by himself

Such an uphill battle

The meat tank is used as a shield, blocking the attack, opening a bloody path, and the people behind quickly enter, spread out and launch a powerful counterattack.

Giants are the best meat tanks

Their bodies are strong, and even if the arrows shot by these divine crossbowmen hit them, they will receive the least damage.


The most crucial point is that each of them has Long Fei allotted ten extra god-level healing pills.

One hundred and eight giant warriors spread out in a semicircle, advancing frantically, letting the arrows shoot at them, completely ignoring them.

like a stone man

In less than half a minute, their bodies were like hedgehogs, densely packed with arrows and blood gushing, but none of them fell.




One hundred and eight people slashed heavily, forming a huge human wall, protecting the ancient entrance firmly behind them.

Every arrow can fly past o

I can't see what's in the ancient entrance, what's in there.

The evil god's eyes sank, and he said solemnly, "Damn it!"

Although cracking the crossbowmen, but... the evil god is not too worried o

His preparations are not only divine crossbowmen o

"Sword formation!"

As soon as the evil god's voice fell, above the valley, one after another giant swords were placed.

cold light o

Each giant sword is more than ten meters long and extremely sharp, with dark green venom on the blade.

Each sword is placed on a gun mount o

All great swords face the ancient entrance o

The Evil God sneered: "Giants, right? Let's see how capable your giants are."



The giant sword broke through the air and flew out.

Long Fei's eyes tightened

The giants have no problem blocking the arrows of the god crossbowmen, but... such a powerful sword can't resist it, even if there is a god-level treatment Medicine Pill, I am afraid it will not work.


This will kill o with a single sword


Long Fei also drank an o

The colorful dragon soared into the air and flew up from behind the giant warriors.

followed by o

All dragons fly up

The Heretic God sneered and said, "What? Are you changing a race to fight now? Hahaha...Long Fei, it's useless to change anyone else, no one can see the power of this giant sword!"

However o

The colorful dragons did not block the giant sword o

Instead, they fly to various hillsides, that is, above the turret of the great sword.

at the same time o

With a thought of Long Fei, he took the Death Star away, the figure moved, and landed in front of the giant clan, a drop of Blood Essence fell, and the power of the imprint of the underworld clan was activated.



A black 'underworld' power was released from Long Fei's body, and all the giant swords stabbed at him.

The Evil God was overjoyed and said excitedly, "You're really brainless, blocking swords for others, Long Fei, even if your body is strong, but... you can't stop these giant swords!"

"Suffer to death!"

The voice fell o

All the great swords stab at Long Fei alone o

Hundreds of giant swords are like lightning, and the impact is extremely huge.


Flying to Long Fei's side is like being shackled by a force, motionless and difficult to get in.

midair o

Long Fei was surrounded by hundreds of giant swords

The picture is quite sharp

At this moment, Long Fei flipped his right hand, and a thin, small golden flame spread out, entangling all the great swords.

next second!

Long Fei spit out a word, "burn!"

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